The impact of Atlas Shrugged on myself.
Posted by t2ghost 12 years, 6 months ago to The Gulch: General
After reading Atlas Shrugged I was baffled that Ayn Rand could stand up against the masses and express her philosophy and individualism. Before reading Atlas Shrugged my mother did my laundry and made my food. Because I am 14 I thought this was acceptable but after reading Atlas Shrugged I felt awful for becoming a moocher and making my mother work for my life. Since reading the book I've become extremely independent in doing everything on my own; laundry, preparing food, school work, etc. I thank Ayn Rand for helping me see my true potential.
As a parent, this is my goal for our child.
Secondly, what difference does that make. One absolute in life is that parents are to teach their children to be self-sustaining...some succeed, other don't, but that doesn't remove the responsibility; however, if you subscribe to evolution, then the idea of moral absolutes doesn't apply does it.
Now, I do WANT parents to teach their kids, but unfortunately, you make a valid point that most are not qualified and it has a lot to do with our evolutionary teaching in schools since early 1900s which pretty much has removed from a couple of generations the need for absolute morals and not just luckily derive them because one a particular day of the week the chemicals bounced in a particular manner.
Concerning "trust but verify" do you really think that was the purpose of this young man's picking up the book? I think we need more background intel to see whether he picked it up on a whim, by recommendation (and by whom), or from some other impetus.