EPA’s next wave of job-killing CO2 regulations

Posted by ShrugInArgentina 10 years, 7 months ago to Government
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This article was published a month ago and contains some great information that Gulchers can use to debunk man caused climate change due to CO2 emissions when discussing the issue with "true" believers.

Here's one example from the article:

"The terrible disasters that the President and other climate alarmists attribute to fossil fuels, carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are creatures of computer models that have gotten virtually no predictions correct. That should hardly be surprising. The models are based on faulty assumptions of every size and description, and are fed a steady diet of junk science and distorted data."

Well informed Gultchers will already be aware of the fact that although the article noted that the "US economy...shrank by 1% during the first quarter of 2014," the figure was recently revised to 2.9%, an ominous figure that was ignored by the "mainstream" media.
SOURCE URL: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2014/06/05/epas-next-wave-of-job-killing-co2-regulations/

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