Signs of strain in Trump-Obama truce

Posted by $ Your_Name_Goes_Here 8 years, 1 month ago to Politics
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Huh? Who really thought that there was a truce? That would imply that Our Dear Leader wanted the best for President-Elect Trump, which is laughable.

Obama put on his best public face possible, but you can be certain that he was sharpening the knives in the back room...

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  • Posted by coaldigger 8 years, 1 month ago
    Obama hates everything that America has ever stood for and has done his best to do the country as much harm as possible without being so obvious that he would be driven out of office even by the liberals that he duped into supporting him. He is busy as we speak dropping little piles of dog poop everywhere he can to cause as much disruption to the next administration as possible. He will continue to hover in DC creating all the trouble he can. I do not think he is Moslem but he sees them as a disruptive force to America and has encouraged their efforts while hindering the West and Israel at every turn. He views them as a change agent that can be used to break the European and Asian races historical positions of power. His father was African and his mother American but that does not make him a descendent of slaves brought to America in the past and he has duped them into supporting him while he did nothing but harm for them. From my observations, I can come to no other conclusion.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 8 years, 1 month ago
      Happy New Year to you and family Coaldigger,
      Who cares if he is Muslim or a not he has embraced the Palestinians Hamas who have stated that the elimination of Israel is their goal and embraces Sharia law , he was with the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt , Hamas funders in Iran
      He screwed Libya got rid of Gadaffi to open the way for the Ayatollah types to put their horrible sharia law in practice. When the real truth comes out about Libya we will just have more evidence of the fraud being pulled on US.
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