By placing sanctions on Russia did Obama admit a major foreign policy failure?
Posted by richrobinson 8 years, 1 month ago to Politics
In 2009 incoming President Barack Obama said that he and his Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, would hit the "reset" button with Russia. Obama claimed that the Bush administration had strained Russian relations and he wanted to reach out to Vladimir Putin as a friend and ally. Now, in 2016, President Obama is leveling serious diplomatic sanctions on Russia claiming their cyber attacks affected the recent Presidential election. Is he admitting one of his major foreign policy goals was a miserable failure?
Specifically in the case of the DNC mail leaks, I applaud the hackers for letting us see exactly what these politicians tried to hide from us. They deserve to have people know what they did. Wikileaks, Snowden, Manning, and even Russia didnt DO anything but tell us what was going on. Whats wrong with that??
If the NSA is to perform a service, it should be making our communications secure, not spying on us.
I think we are entering the age where the internet lets us figure out for ourselves more and more what is really going on. The media tried to trash Trump big time, and it simply didnt work for them. Thats an example of their loss of power today. Same with Brexit. They thought they were masters of manipulation, but no so much as they thought
"Obama's next autobiography will set the gold standard for narcissistic whinefests."--Lyman Perl
"Dr. Lawrence Peter was generally right in that people rise to their level of incompetence. However, Obama's career demonstrates that in politics one level of incompetence can serve as a stepping stone to another."--Fivedollargold
'08 election....."A few years ago he would have been
serving us coffee".....
Oh, my! Lookit that kissy kiss-upping with that Russian PM! Pat his hand, Comrade Barry!. Pat his hand!
Of course, the watchdog--ha! ha! just kidding! ha-ha!--of course, the lapdog media played this incident down~
OK, let's turn this around.
Can anyone point to just ONE of Obama's foreign policy successes?
I don't know whether Putin will ever show the world why he feared that Hillary Clinton, did she become President, would go to war with him. But that such a fear would be at all reasonable speaks volumes.
That was Obama's failure--totally misreading Putin.
Garry's foreign policy did exactly what it was designed to do. Weaken the US in the eyes of the world and more importantly, Weaken the US in real world terms. Look at the expansion of the PRC in influence and military power over the last 8 years. Look at the resurgence of the Russian Federation .Look at the weakening of the NATO block. All according to the plan of Barry Obama and the progressives.
So His Foreign Policy was not mistaken, it did exactly what the President wanted.
Who is Garry, and what is the PRC?