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  • Posted by mminnick 8 years, 1 month ago
    If Obama had had a little more time he would have completed his "Fundamental Change" of America from a world power to a third rate power. Our military is now at levels not seen since prior to WW II. Our space program depends upon the Russians to launch and return our astronauts to the International Space Station and we have had almost stagnant economic growth for the last 8 or 9 years.
    The era of "Pen and Phone" almost destroyed the concert of the constitution original intent or otherwise.
    Other presidents have been called Imperial, he truly acted the part with all of his exevutive orders, a characteristic continuing even as the end of his reign approached.
    Going forward We shoud see a huge moderation in the use of EOs and Constitutional disregard. We should see more bipartisan efforts to solve the problems of the country.
    I anticipate a resurgence in or world standing and a decrease in world instability.
    Of course I could be wrong but I know it won't be the same as under HRH Obama.
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