Obama did us a favor...

Posted by strugatsky 8 years, 2 months ago to Politics
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Is it possible that Obama, inadvertently, did us a favor with his back-stabbing vote against Israel in the UN? Of course, we all know why he did it and what motivated him – his Muslim background and perhaps faith, his hatred for anything civilized, Western and democratic, his personal hatred of Israel and Netanyahu and, in no small measure, a parting "gift" to Trump and to America. In doing so, just as an out of control spoiled teenager, what he did was hurt himself in the long run, but more importantly he has provided Trump with an excuse (and the public opinion to go with it) to withhold funding from the UN, to finally humiliate the UN and the monkey circus that it consists of and to possibly (hopefully) withdraw from the UN altogether. I personally can't think of a single action that the UN has done since the Korean War that was of any benefit whatsoever.

We can hope that the UN will collapse without the US funding and participation, but Obama's antics will have even more benefits – he had literally trust a dagger into the heart of the Democratic Party! There are three pillars to the DP that provide it with philosophical direction – the Progressive Bernie Sanders Left, consisting of adulting useful idiots that forever want free tuition, free education, free healthcare, free housing, free ... The second pillar, fast growing but still vulnerable, is the Muslim component. It cannot be open about its goals or the game's up. The third and perhaps the most powerful pillar consists of American Jews. I am saying "most powerful" because the Sander's Idiots have the majority of the bodies, but no money and no brains, while the Muslim pillar has to hide its true intentions. The American Jews, on the other hand, have always been very vocal about their positions, have provided funding and have control of the media. They are not religious for the most part, but supporting Israel has been part of their fabric. Or, at least believing that they were supporting Israel, since the Democratic Party has generally not been a good friend to Israel at all, but they've always refused to accept the facts. They managed to reconcile a growing Muslim agenda within their party by closing themselves to facts. Likewise, American Jews have had a long love affair with Blacks, refusing to see the one-sidedness of it, for there are very few Blacks in America who do not hate Jews. And now Obama has explicitly shown his hatred for the Jews, for Israel and for Western values and for the 50-year old platform of the Democratic Party.

If this action manages to make a split in the DP, it may prove to be very significant, since a chunk of the media may come with it. I understand that the brainwashing it deep (maybe part of the DNA by now...), but this is the most direct and significant damage to the DP in years. Something to look forward to!

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  • Posted by LarryHeart 8 years, 1 month ago
    IT IS NOT THE WEST BANK! It is and always has been Judea and Samaria. There is no such country as Jordan for it to be a west bank of..

    Trans-Jordan (the east side of the river) was set aside, by the UN partitioning, for the Arabs (all religions. But the Muslims were the troublemakers). Israel including Judea and Samaria was set aside for the Jewish people.

    Less territory than original Israel and Judea and less than the Balfour Declaration but at least something.

    In the war of 1948, Trans-Jordan stole Judea and Samaria from Israel and parked the Arabs (now falsely called Palestinians) there and did not let them into Trans-Jordan. Trans-Jordan now took the name Jordan since it captured both sides of the Jordan river.

    In 1967 Israel took back Judea and Samaria and freed the Arabs there from their Cruel (in one incident the king massacred 10,00 people to quell a revolt) oppression and poverty.

    After that, Jordan ceeded the title to Judea and Samaria back to Israel but the Islamic Terrorists still dispute that. E.g. it is disputed territory not occupied territory as it was under Jordan.

    For the true history see:

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    • Posted by 8 years, 1 month ago
      You are correct. I called it, incorrectly, the West Bank, for simplicity's sake and also because under international law, Israel is completely within her rights to annex it. It was captured (or re-captured) from an attacker. Should have been a done deal.
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  • Posted by Temlakos 8 years, 2 months ago
    Too many American Jews do something called "burning incense on the high places"--that is, substituting faith in bad ideas for reasoned trust in good ones. I imagine the typical American Jew grows up grateful to Democrat Harry S. Truman for recognizing Israel in 1948, suspicious of anyone to the Democrats' right because "Hitler was on the right," and maybe resentful of American Gentile voters who broke some of their parents' and grandparents' house windows in the Thirties and Forties. But what they don't realize is that today's Democratic Party is not the Democratic Party of Harry S. Truman. Nor has the Democratic Party produced anyone whom one could call a statesman, since Harry S. Truman. (I will hear argument about Kennedy, if anyone wants to present one.)

    I also believe those Jews who really care the most deeply about Israel, have already back-migrated to Israel, beginning after the Six-day War.
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    • Posted by evlwhtguy 8 years, 2 months ago
      Did not realize Democrat Harry S. Truman recognized Israel in 1948.....so that is perhaps the basis of the American Jewish love of the Democrats. I thought surely that when Hillary kissed Yasser Arafat's wife, the Irony of being "betrayed by a kiss" would forever separate them from the Democrats. I guess many are just too far down the Rabbit hole!....or maybe they have never read the New Testament and don't understand the significance!
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      • Posted by 8 years, 2 months ago
        The irony of 1948 is that it was Stalin who made Israel possible and viable. His votes (3) in the UN in 1947 created Israel and with his approval, Czechoslovakia channeled weapons, including aircraft (ME-109!) to Israel. In the War of Independence in 1948 those German fighters were the key to destroying Arab air forces flying YAKs supplied to them by the British. Of course, Stalin did this not out of love for the Jews, but because he thought that socialist inclined Israel will be in his camp (Ben Gurion and most of the early leaders were socialists). However, Israel, while remaining socialist, switched to the Western camp.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 2 months ago
      Ben Shapiro explains the American Jews' commitment to the Progressive side by noting that these Jews have very little in common with Jewishness except for their traditions. They are primarily city-dwelling socialists, far removed from religion and far removed from real America (NY and LA are not America). I can follow his reasoning and I can see how the urban culture can channel one's outlook. What I do fail to understand, however, is how a multimillion person community can voluntarily put on blinders and march on toward their own destruction, once again. They are giving their all to a Party consisting entirely of groups and individuals that absolutely hate every Jew alive. Whether they are hoping that appeasement will bring different results that it always had, or they are just blindly stupid, is the question.
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  • Posted by NealS 8 years, 1 month ago
    Fantastic post, I love your positive outlook on the recent news. We need to learn to do this more often, take it and turn it around in a positive manner, unlike Romney shutting down because of his wealth. He could have used that as an extreme benefit.

    Perhaps now the UN will lose the US funding of it's prejudiced policies, and even move someplace where they are more appreciated.

    I'm just curious what the "January Surprise" is going to be. I think it will be something extremely self destructive (backfiring) for O and his party.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 8 years, 2 months ago
    Personally, I think Israel should just annex the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. Israel's borders are ridiculous.
    Offer transportation and some remuneration, or citizenship to who ever is in the West Bank (the Gaza Strip should never have gone back to Egypt). Send those that don't want to be Israelis to country of their choice (Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, et al).
    The people of the West Bank are simply instituting a slum and causing trouble for a place that is creating wealth and technology.
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    • Posted by evlwhtguy 8 years, 2 months ago
      No other Arab country will accept Palestinians. They cant get work visas anywhere in the Arab world. They are the new "Lost Tribe"! All the Arabs talk a good game about supporting them but they aren't going to do a thing for them....what do you think they are in the Arab world....Christians???!!!
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      • Posted by 8 years, 1 month ago
        You've hit the nail right on the head - no Arab nation will allow Palestinians in. They are trouble, by design. They have been fed propaganda for decades, given money for "martyrdom" and in every way supported to breed more trouble, but not from within other Arab nations. The Arabs need the Palestinian troublemakers; they also need to make sure that peace with Israel never happens. Israel is an incredibly convenient way to lay the blame for all internal Arab issues onto someone else. In the Al Jazeera film "Control Room," taking place in Saddam's Baghdad, even Al Jazeera reporters were fed up with blaming Israel for Baghdad's city water problems. We should remember where the most notorious Arab terrorist group, the Black September, who did the Munich massacre, got it's name from - from the massacre in September of 1970 of some 30,000 Palestinians my the Jordanian Army in response to their multiple attempts to take over Jordan.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 2 months ago
      It has been an accepted practice by all nations at all times to annex the land captured from an aggressor. There is no logical reason for Israel not to annex the West Bank. Gaza is more of issue, as it is highly populated, mostly by criminals and terrorists. But moving the stench out is a good idea.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 2 months ago
    When me dino saw the anti-Jew signs held by protestors of the Soros-backed Occupy Movement, I was hoping that would cause many Jews from supporting the Democratic Party.
    Maybe some did wise up.
    If that made no difference to many, maybe Obama's back-stabbing did.
    One can only hope.,
    +1 on a 0 courtesy of yours truly.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 2 months ago
      Completely defying logic, most American Jews fervently support the Democratic Party. So fervently, that any facts showing that they are screwing themselves simply bounce off a wall. The foaming at the mouth begins at a mere mention of Trump. However, in the past, an untouchable axiom has been the pretense of the DP's support for Israel. This axiom, this pillar of their love and devotion to the Party, has now been shattered. If this doesn't stir their DNA, nothing will. Just watched a video Alan Dershowitz where he proclaims to be surprised that Obama would stab Israeli in the back. Surprised?!?

      As to the zero, I suppose we have people here that have a problem with logic.
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  • Posted by walkabout 8 years, 1 month ago
    As in so many matters "historical," the left has re-written history. Hitler was not on the right, he was a socialist! (Fascism is a flavor of socialism.) Just as some may became other than Democrats, I think it is unlikely Truman would be a Dem today (as Reagan said, "I didn't leave the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party left me"). Maybe the new sheriff in town (DJT), who has reached out to inner city poor and "persons of color" who have been misused by Democrats for decades -- after being freed from slavery by Republicans -- will reach out to Israel and American Jews and write a true history and a forward looking -- as you say, civilized -- future.
    It is essential DJT continue to tweet and present to the public the truth about various and sundry things -- historical and current -- to educate the American people as to the truth about how the world got to be how it is. BO seems to think if he says it, it is the truth -- as do the holocaust deniers and those who believe there is something called historical Palestine (previous to the Effort in the last century to create some kind of order in the Middle East).
    If it is important to the various Middle Eastern Powers that be that "the Palestinians" have their own state why don't we (the USA) sell them a piece of land at the same relative latitude (It would be in Texas and Texas is big enough not to really miss it (it would only be 2400 square miles) -- of course, as the Israelites have found, we would have to build a wall to keep them in (but that is one of the things DJT is good at). Those same powers could spend the next 10 years of so transporting the "Palestinians" across the Atlantic Ocean.
    As far as the actions BO has taken, when did we start to give back land won fair and square in war -- especially defensive war. While I am not an historian, this idea seems to be quite new (Some here in the USA seem to think we should give much of the West "back" to Mexico. Of course, should Mexico cease to exist and become New Spain Again? Or maybe break up the area and recreate the Aztec Empire or the land of the Pueblo people. Where does it end -- oh, maybe when Homo Sapiens resurrect the Neanderthal and give back much of Euro-Asia.....
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    • Posted by 8 years, 1 month ago
      The movements that propose "returning" lands are not motivated by history or by "fairness" or by "peace" - they are motivated by loathing of civilization itself. They welcome any regression.
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    • Posted by coaldigger 8 years, 1 month ago
      The last two companies I worked for in my 45 year career were Jewish. One sold the company so he could spend more time studying Objectivism and donating his time and money to the Ayn Rand Institute. Unfortunately, he recently passed away from cancer. The last is as far from a liberal as you can be. Had a suggestion similar to yours, to buy the Baja Peninsula and move Israel there. His reasoning was that it would be very similar, they would only border with the US, which would be good since we are the only country that they have ever gotten along with.
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      • Posted by walkabout 8 years, 1 month ago
        My first rendition of the plan was to sell a commensurate area (at commensurate latitude) to Israel to move the country. I figured that would be rejected because it is tough to compete with the land promised by God; then we could offer the land to the Palestinians. I'm pretty sure they would not accept the suggestion/offer. After all (or before all) there is no desire to solve the problem.
        I do like the idea of Baja!
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years, 1 month ago
    Truman may have encouraged recognition of Israel, but he failed to get Congress to agree to supply needed weapons to the Jews. That doesn't exactly draw Jewish support, since their democratic state could have been stillborn at the start.

    When Egyptian President Nasser tried to nationalize the Suez canal, the U.S. sided with the USSR in demanding the withdrawal of British, French, and Israeli troops from the canal. Again, not exactly supportive of Israeli goals.

    During the 1967 war waged against Israel by combined Arab forces, the U.S. parked a spy ship, the USS Liberty, in the middle of the conflict without contacting the Israelis. Since the ship wasn't talking to the Israelis, they assumed it was supplying the Egyptians with intelligence, and attacked it. Israel has been demonized by the U.S. for that attack, but it was a stupid, bonehead move on our part.

    President Nixon, who supplied the Israelis with desperately needed munitions during the Yom Kippur conflict in 1973 was the first U.S. leader to stand by Israel in time of conflict.

    During the first Gulf war, we aggressively defended our Muslim allies, and warned the Israelis not to fight back when the Iraqis fired Scud missiles into Israel. We did try to stop the missile bombardment with Patriot ABMs, but those were nothing but a fireworks display, failing to stop even one Scud.

    Out of a delusional idea of evenhandedness, we provide financial support to Muslims like the Palestinians, who won't even accept the right of the Jewish state to exist. Virulent antisemitism that matches the worst of Nazi Germany is spouted at all levels of Muslim society, even here in the U.S., but we lecture the American people that we mustn't practice Islamophobia.

    Anti-Jewish hate crimes here in the U.S. occur at five times the rate of anti-Muslim hate crimes, yet it's the anti-Muslim incidents that get reported. I have wondered in amazement at the unwarranted degree of support for the Democratic party by Jews, and can only attribute it to the same kind of delusion that led Jews in Nazi Germany to deny they, as "good Germans" were in any danger until it was too late.
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    • Posted by LibertyBelle 8 years, 1 month ago
      I am glad to have finally read an explanation for
      that 1967 incident.
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      • Posted by 8 years, 1 month ago
        The incident is interesting and even today nothing of value has been declassified. It is unlikely that the Israelis were concerned about a direct transfer of information to Egypt, but knowing how porous the US was (and is) at the highest levels, it is probable that they viewed Liberty as if it was flying a Soviet flag. Precisely at that time the IDF was switching gears to repulse Syria and having its troop movements advertised would not have been a good idea. Still, that does not provide a complete explanation. Requesting the US government to withdraw the ship seems to have been a better choice than trying to sink it, and then failing to sink it.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 1 month ago
      Almost all that belong to the DP have a disconnect with reality, but the delusion of the American Jews is nothing short of amazing. Unwaveringly, they march on to their own destruction. And just as unwaveringly they support policies that have been instrumental in their previous destruction - civilian disarmament, big and all powerful state, the ends justifying the means... This is a separate and a fascinating topic, worthy of Freud himself, for no doubt there will be prescriptions written. In fairness, I should mention that there are notable exceptions to this Mad Jewish Decease - The Second Amendment Foundation and several other groups, but they are a minority.
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  • Posted by term2 8 years, 2 months ago
    Obama is a muslim and sticks up for muslim ideals to the detriment of our country. I am happy to see him GONE. I would like him to move OUT of the USA back to Kenya and try and use his ideas there to make Kenya great for the first time.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 2 months ago
      Kenya does not want him back. Even his Kenyan half-brother wants nothing to do with him.
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      • Posted by term2 8 years, 2 months ago
        He is an arrogant racist muslim who will go down in history as the worst president we have had. Failed Obamacare, terrible foreign relations, increased racist policies, terrible FBI and AG, increased violence against police, terribly anti-american illegal immigration
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        • Posted by IndianaGary 8 years, 2 months ago
          Obama is a practicing socialist which provides the reason for his failed policies as well as his mindset. He could be Muslim but that would only strengthen his socialist agenda.
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          • Posted by term2 8 years, 1 month ago
            I am seeing the evil nature more and more of socialists when they dont get their way. I think there isnt much difference between Obama and Hitler in philosophy. Just what they are allowed to get away with is what keeps them in check.
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            • Posted by 8 years, 1 month ago
              Of course there isn't any difference - they're both avowed socialists, with the same foundation - the ends justify the means and certain noticeable tendencies towards a personality cult...
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            • Posted by walkabout 8 years, 1 month ago
              That is pretty much true of any "top down" leader. Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Wilson, FDR, Mugabe, Puttin, etc. etc. As long as no body pushes back they are easy to get along with. Had Federalist types fought FDR the depression would have lasted a few months. it is time to implement policies to return to a Republic. Repeal the 16th and 17th Amendments, pass the FairTax Act, pass a new amendment that makes all laws -- present and future -- null and void after a brief set period of time (maybe 10 years). Take the vote away from kids (allowing anyone in the military to vote -- if they also happen to be 21 they get two votes), impose term limits and cut pay to elected officials to match the median income of their constituents (or some multiple of that). Raise the age requirements of all Constitutional offices by at least 10 years.
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              • Posted by term2 8 years, 1 month ago
                Add obama to the list of top down "leaders". The vote for trump represented a popular revolution. The problem is that half of the country seems to want another top down crooked Hillary type. Trump is not philosophically consistent either so I wonder how much swamp draining he will actually get done. I think he will curtail immigration, reduce taxes on business, fix up foreign relations and get rid of obama's exec orders. I think he will appoint constitutionalist to the Supreme Court. The rest of what you suggest will take fed and state congress approvals- all of whom are alligators in the swamp today. Add an amendment to stop special interests from using government to enrich themselves at the expense of the rest of it- so that the Hillary people can't purchase government favors we have to pay for.
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                • Posted by walkabout 8 years, 1 month ago
                  I would only note that businesses don't actually "pay" taxes. They only collect taxes. That is why repealing the 16th Amendment and passing the FairTax Act is so important.
                  The 13th and 14th Amendments ended legal slavery in the USA; the 16th Amendment reinstated slavery on a much broader population.
                  "Progressives" always want to limit people; Conservatives always want to limit government.
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                  • Posted by term2 8 years, 1 month ago
                    The problem I see with business income taxes is that no one knows how to charge the customers since the tax is on profits which isn't known until the end of the year. So it's really a tax businesses pay for turning a profit. No wonder apple hides its profits overseas only to have 35% stolen from it by USA tax
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                    • Posted by walkabout 8 years, 1 month ago
                      Any time one entity has the RIGHT to the value of another (whether that is 100 per cent or a lesser per cent) that is Slavery. If the government, who has the exclusive right to use force to take any and everything you or I have that is slavery just as sure as if "Mazer" owns me and puts me to work in his cotton field. Income Taxation is morally reprehensible!!
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                      • Posted by term2 8 years, 1 month ago
                        Yes !! and I feel like a slave. I resent greatly paying taxes for things i dont want. If Hillary had been elected, I was seriously thinking about just not paying more income taxes, shrinking down my housing expense to reduce property taxes, and seriously slowing down purchases of non essential items to slow down sales tax payments, and just making my car last a LONG time.
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                        • Posted by walkabout 8 years, 1 month ago
                          And that is one of the benefits of the FairTax; it is voluntary. When YOU decide the tax is excessive you can just decline to buy things (that is NEW things, as the FairTax does not apply to used items. If food becomes too expensive you can grow your own, drive a used car (or ride a bicycle so you don't have fuel use taxes either). Hope you are supporting Americans for Fair Taxation (AFFT) and the Article V movemen (COS.org)t. Repealing the 16th is crucial!!
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          • Posted by 8 years, 1 month ago
            In his book, Obama makes his views very clear - the problems in the world are mostly due to the colonizing white man. Any action to damage, humiliate and put down the white man is good for the world. Obama has been open about his beliefs, he published them, but few paid attention or believed it. I think something similar happened back in the 1930's...
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            • Posted by walkabout 8 years, 1 month ago
              I guess you are referring to Mein Kampf!?
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              • Posted by 8 years, 1 month ago
                Of course. Many were surprised when Herr Hitler did not turn out to be a gentleman. But Hitler wrote openly about his agenda; he spoke openly about it, no one was hiding it. Yet, no one was listening. Likewise with Obama. In his book, he openly declared that the "white man" is the problem. I heard his speech at a college in 2007; it was like listening to Lenin, only in English. The information was there, in the open.
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  • Posted by fivedollargold 8 years, 1 month ago
    Obama offended many American Jews with his actions, but on January 20, he becomes irrelevant to the Dem Party. Nearly all will stay in the donkey corral, unless they were already Republicans.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 1 month ago
      I am afraid that you are correct - most will stay in what you appropriately called the donkey corral. They'll survive that stabbing, but the wound will take a long time to heal. Maybe the Terrorist in Chief will do another antic in the next few weeks and twist the knife? Will that do it or is it too much change to hope for?
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  • Posted by $ jdg 8 years, 1 month ago
    I seem to recall that the UN did go without US funding in the '70s and '80s. Still, it is time to get us out of that organization.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 1 month ago
      Because it was a tool and a puppet of the Soviet Union, which, for political reasons, would support it monetarily. As it stands now, the three Soviet votes belong to Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Putin is unlikely to support the lavish lifestyle that the UN monkeys have gotten accustomed to, while Ukraine and Belarus can't even support their own monkeys. Who's going to pay for their global warming jihad?
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