Capitalist games.

Posted by Eudaimonia 10 years, 7 months ago to Entertainment
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While sorting my things into "toss" and "pack" categories, I ran across a game I hadn't played in ages - a Parker Brother's card game called Pit.

Pit is, by far, the rowdiest game I know of.
When played right, you are guaranteed to be hoarse at the end of the night.

It is a "commodity" trading game, "pit" = trading pit.

Here's a youtube link to people playing:

I think, even more than Monopoly, it is a capitalist game.

So, this got me thinking, what other capitalist/objectivist/liberty-oriented games do my fellow gulchers play?

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  • Posted by khalling 10 years, 7 months ago
    I wish I was hanging around with an adult beverage giving commentary on toss or pack. :) been there. You already know this but the toss pile should be really large and you have a garage sale. I am amazed at what people will pay to remove the toss pile from your driveway
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  • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 10 years, 7 months ago
    I've never played that game. I have of course played Monopoly and the Rich Dad Poor Dad game. I don't know if you'd consider Craps and Blackjack capitalist, but you do make an investment and use your best judgement.
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    • Posted by $ blarman 10 years, 7 months ago
      Both of those rely too heavily on chance, methinks. Not that there isn't an element of chance in the market, but you are betting on entirely random chance.
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      • Posted by XenokRoy 10 years, 7 months ago
        I have a couple that lives about two miles north of me that drives out to Nevada every weekend and plays blackjack. They make money on it every week end. They are older, have raised there kids and the 21 tables are their source of income.

        The have some simple rules.
        1. Hit on anything 11 or lower
        2. never hit on anything above 11
        3. Never double down or split.
        4. Whatever your bet is have 200 times that amount in reserves to cover the down streaks.
        5. Bet the exact same amount on every hand.
        6. (hardest one) after you have a long bad streak followed by a long good streak this is the time to walk away. Do not quit otherwise.
        7. Do not drink and do not take the free alcohol they will offer you.

        I think that's it, but may be something else I am not thinking of. I tried it once and I made money consistently per hour over about 4 hours. It was probably one of the most boring block of 4 hours of my life, but it did make money.

        This system does not make you big money, just little money. My neighbors get all kinds of invites to casinos from all along the Nevada Utah boarder. They invite them in, give them a room and usually include the buffet. That seamed really weird to me, until they explained that when people see someone winning they play more, and longer. Most of those people will take long shots or be inconsistent in play and therefor loose money. So the casino comes out way ahead by having them there because their system wins consistently but wins small.

        Its an example of blackjack being capitalistic.
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  • Posted by bassboat 10 years, 7 months ago
    The American Dream game created by Joe Jelly in the 1970's was a game that had huge companies on the board. Companies like Coke, Ford, Hershey's, Holiday Inn, Exxon to name a few. The object of the game was to make a Million dollars. It was a lot of fun but never caught on since he had the misfortune for the game to come our when the electronic games first appeared. Today with the retro attitude it would be a success.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 10 years, 7 months ago
    Is the Rich Dad Poor Dad game any good? I've read a bit from that author. Not a big fan of his writing but I think he's an interesting guy and love his info, of all things, about education and his own father.
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    • Posted by khalling 10 years, 7 months ago
      I think it's a fun game. There are at least two levels. It's been awhile since I've played it, but before buying the physical board, you can play it online. Tehy may or may not have made some changes since 2008, ahem, but there was definite bias to investing in properties. The unique aspect to the game was the second phase. Instead of "winner" takes all, there is a level at which you can decide to get out "retire" and pursue some dreams, including philanthropy. I often imagined that a similar game could be set up where the second phase was the Gulch and you had the ability to influence play going on in the first phase. We looked at that pretty seriously in here a year ago. We included the idea that you could play the game as a looter/moocher as well. great way to introduce kids to Atlas Shrugged concepts before they're ready to read the book.
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