Is the universe essentially deterministic or probabilistic?

Posted by Lucky 10 years, 5 months ago to Science
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This could appear to be a question still belonging to philosophy rather than science. It has surfaced on this site in the interminable atheism v. religion slanging matches. Personally, without evidence, I like to think in favor of knowledge being based on probability not certainty since as I do not know everything therefore others likewise should not be so sure of themselves. At least one person on this site thinks differently- no names but his initials are dbh. I have just come across a recent article suggesting the Copenhagen Interpretation is flawed, and interesting that criticisms made of it date back over 50 years still stand. Well it does not happen often so I can say it looks like I could be wrong.

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  • Posted by j_IR1776wg 10 years, 5 months ago
    Thanks Lucky, a fascinating article on a fascinating subject. A couple of random thoughts; "The experiments began a decade ago, when Yves Couder and colleagues at Paris Diderot University discovered that vibrating a silicon oil bath up and down at a particular frequency can induce a droplet to bounce along the surface. The droplet’s path, they found, was guided by the slanted contours of the liquid’s surface generated from the droplet’s own bounces — a mutual particle-wave interaction analogous to de Broglie’s pilot-wave concept."

    If the droplets create the waves, does this imply that the wave is propagating faster than the droplet is moving? It seems the only way for the slant of the pilot wave to be waiting for the droplet so as to influence its path.

    Didn't Einstein write that matter bends space and space tells matter where to go? If so, could these results be handled using relativistic mechanics?
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 10 years, 5 months ago
    Deterministic kinetics are a special limiting case of probabilistic (stochastic) kinetics averaged over > 10000 occurrences and that has a relatively small standard deviation. The problem is that most people never learn stochastic kinetics.
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