Billionaires Demand Action from Congress on Immigration Reform
Posted by overmanwarrior 10 years, 8 months ago to News
This is so funny, I forgot to laugh. Obviously this is to support the push for open boarders if you follow the money. Hilarious really--from the audacity of their proposal.
If there was less demand for higher education the prices would fall and more citizens could afford the education foreigners that are subsequently deported are now getting. Are they saying there aren't enough American citizens smart enough to get those badly needed degrees in science, technology, engineering or mathematics?
“For the future, the United States should take all steps to ensure that every prospective immigrant follows all rules and that people breaking these rules, including any facilitators, are severely punished.”
What about the present and what kind of message does lack of enforcement send? Why should congress do anything when the executive refuses to enforce current law? What assurance with that track record could they have for the future?
I agree with them regarding the problems with fraud, but that is what you get when you ask the government to handle things for you. Statists never learn that basic truth. Sometimes I wonder how they got to be billionaires, and then I see it might be because some of them like to create and exploit cheap labor markets.
As long as the welfare state exists and the borders are sieves there will be no good resolution.
Gov, Perry should meet with other state governor’s and see about raising the funds on his own to protect the border. The Republicans can always say they have had enough, they will try to get reimbursed with the next president. In fact, include Hillary in an appeal to see if she would consider reimbursing the states that are willing to help. Obama can’t manage the country. It’s obvious. Start working without him. Ignore Obama.
Realistically, how about pilots? Could pilots be persuaded to walk away and not fly the flights moving the immigrants around?
I think if you follow the donar lists, you will see those same names support that organization--directly or indirectly.