It is an Honor and it is Humbling
Posted by mminnick 8 years, 3 months ago to The Gulch: General
President-elect Trump made the comment that it was an Honnor to lead the Armed Forces and it is also humbling. I could not agree more. The men and women of the armed forces are willing to put their life on the line to serve the wishes of the President of the United States. To realize that these same men ad women expect you to send them into harms way only in a just cause, one that is in the direct interest of the country and to keep the citizens of this great nation safe and free is humbling. They place great trust in the decisions of the President being correct and just. They do not expect to be court martialed for carrying out lawful orders of the Command structure acting on the order of the President. They expect for him to have their back just as any truly honest leader would.
That is humbling to any right thinking individual
That is humbling to any right thinking individual
I don't see that with Mr. Trump Perhaps it is there and I willfully turn a blind eye, but I just don't see it.
Another Marine said to me more bluntly, around the same time, to the same question, "I'm in uniform."
This is a perfect example of this behavior. I hope it continues.
I am as certain now as I have ever been that whoever won between Trump and Hillary in November, the American people ultimately lose big time. I knew my vote would carry no weight, but I was happy to write in Ted Cruz's name, because I couldn't look myself in the mirror if I had voted for Mr. Bad or Mrs. Worse.
This business about a sexual predator is overstated. Clinton was a sexual predator. Trump is an adolescent. Like I tell my daughter, "All men are pigs, and I'm the nicest guy I know."
In fact, essentially, civilization - literally urbanization; "citi-fication" - brought an interesting lack of aggression. Cities bring strangers, even nominal enemies, together. Cities develop new cultures and new languages. The patois or creole that we call English pretty much was invented in London.
I would have stayed in under Ronald Reagan.
Bush, Sr. pissed me off, with the Iraq war and I voted for Clinton...OOPS!!!
Bush, Jr. would have been better than Clinton, but I would not have had my dog serve under Obama.
Serving under Trump remains to be seen, but his actions, so far, are eminently promising.
Truman understood that 10,000s of G.I.s in the Pacific theater would die trying to take Japan and choose instead to drop the bomb and end the war with Japan quickly at the cost of Japanese lives...not G.I.s....he understood how to respect our fighting men and women...
will Trump have the same resolve and respect...????
i flew next to Kissinger in the 80"s on a DC10 flight from the west coast to NYC while i was deadheading (i was a pilot for American Air after Vietnam) in first class...he is a very short dude...we had a conversation about the change in international use of American military after the end of WWII...he said they would never use the Nuclear bomb to stop conflicts around the world and would sacrifice as many American G.I.s as necessary to "diplomaticlly" solve "problems" with conflicts...
i disagree with that American G.I. is worth more than any communist or islamic fanatic...overwhelming force stops conflicts quickly and saves the valuable lives of our fighting men and women...
I have 4 nephews that came of military age since 2008 and I advised each of them to avoid the military while Obama was in office. Two listened and two did not but wish they had.
But I doubt that that will make you a fan of the President.