Russia Intervened to Help Trump
You can find this all over the interwebs. Just put the sentence in your search engine.
Foreign intervention in our elections goes back at least to the XYZ Affair. Probably still stinging from the Zimmerman Telegram, the German government of 1940 openly distanced itself from the American nazi party ("German American Bund"). During the Cold War, the Communist Party of the USA had zero status in the public eye. "Fair Play for Cuba" and other front groups were known, of course.
Allow me to deflect those here who would disparage the CIA and other intelligence agencies by saying that they serve the Democratic administration in opposition to President-elect Trump. Such ad hominem arguments do not address the facts... if facts there be.
President Obama tasked the entire intelligence bureaucracy to investigate those findings from the CIA. Whether induction will validate the hypothesis remains to be seen.
The deeper question is about Donald Trump, a man who is famous for deal making and infamous for his lack of principles. He is a range-of-the-moment pragmatist for whom even America's Constitution is on the table for a price.
Foreign intervention in our elections goes back at least to the XYZ Affair. Probably still stinging from the Zimmerman Telegram, the German government of 1940 openly distanced itself from the American nazi party ("German American Bund"). During the Cold War, the Communist Party of the USA had zero status in the public eye. "Fair Play for Cuba" and other front groups were known, of course.
Allow me to deflect those here who would disparage the CIA and other intelligence agencies by saying that they serve the Democratic administration in opposition to President-elect Trump. Such ad hominem arguments do not address the facts... if facts there be.
President Obama tasked the entire intelligence bureaucracy to investigate those findings from the CIA. Whether induction will validate the hypothesis remains to be seen.
The deeper question is about Donald Trump, a man who is famous for deal making and infamous for his lack of principles. He is a range-of-the-moment pragmatist for whom even America's Constitution is on the table for a price.
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