Why does HANK drive a CAMARY?
Posted by ANTImongrelPhilosophy 12 years, 6 months ago to Movies
The movie (p1) was a good attempt to entice the typical movie going audience into the concept of NON-CONTRADICTION. But a Camary? I would have rather seen a Ford Mustang SHELBY/Saleen convertible. But I dont write for a living.
If you think you see a contradiction in Hank's choice of car, here are some of the assumptions you might want to check:
1) The assumption that as a wealthy CEO, Hank "should" drive a high-end sports car.
2) The assumption that a Mustang is "better" than a Camry, and the assumptions behind your assignment of relative values to the two cars.
3) The assumption that Hank calculates the value of a car the same way you do.
RAND chose the correct vehicle. You rant like a single read shallow individual. I never said it was a contradiction, just a poor choice in casting a car. And sorry for the Camry spelling issue. I failed the 3rd grade import car spelling unit. I was in Disney driving in my families CHEVY. And one more thing, Dont tell me what to do as I have NEVER told you what to DO think or SAY. If I want to post my disappointment in the car choice, Dont tell me to check my assumptions. I will do what I want. I drive a 91 crown vic with 170,000 miles paid for 10 years ago cash for $2200 and can buy any car I want. You know me as well as you know yourself. ANY MIRRORS IN YOUR HUT? Juss sayin
You DID say the Camry was a contradiction when you wrote "..the concept of NON-CONTRADICTION. But a Camary?"
If you'd rather see a Mustang - what's stopping you? I'm sure I can find one pictured in a back issue of Road & Track or Car & Driver... would you like me to send it (the magazine, not the car) to you?
As for the rest of your reply - what are you trying to say? I don't see how your own car (or mine) are relevant to this discussion, but OK, sure... mine's a '95 Ford Windstar with 218,000 miles. So what?