Million Muslim March and 9/11 to share space??!?!?

Posted by Non_mooching_artist 11 years, 5 months ago to News
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The outrage I'm feeling over this cannot be expressed in mere words. But it does make it easy to just strafe the mall and be done with these vermin.

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  • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 11 years, 5 months ago
    ....but we as Muslims continue 12 years later to be victimized by being made the villains. To this day every media outlet and anti Islamic organization has committed slanderous and libel statements against us as Muslims and our religion of Islam.

    They 'demand' that the government enact laws to protect their 1st Amendment rights by curtailing the 1st Amendment rights of others. There already is a law....the 1st Amendment.

    Since when is A is A slanderous and libelous?
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    • Posted by $ Tap2Golf 11 years, 5 months ago
      Because Islam is a *theocracy* muslims ignore the radical political component and only whine and lie about their religious freedom being tramped on. So here they go throwing rock salt on our deep wounds of 9/11 under the guise of religious freedom and we are not able to stop them. There are 364 other days they could have chosen for their march if they had any tolerance whatsoever for others. Every year since 9/11 they have become bolder. I am disgusted, outraged and fearful!
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    • Posted by 11 years, 5 months ago
      They need to say those same comments to the people who lost their spouses, children parents on those planes and in the Trade Center and Pentagon. There would no longer be any Muslims left to march. Cowardly inhuman thugs.
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  • Posted by Rozar 11 years, 5 months ago
    The best thing to do here is ignore it and remember we have freedom of speech even for assholes.
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    • Posted by UncommonSense 11 years, 5 months ago
      Negative. That's exactly what they want~ignore them, until, just like the Coptic Christians in Egypt, you can't ignore them because they are killing you & your family.
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      • Posted by Rozar 11 years, 5 months ago
        If they haven't threatened or started any violence you have to let them voice their opinion. Trying to suppress their voice makes you a statist. Set a good example. If they do anything forceful then you can feel free to open the full retaliatory force. I'm not saying you can't protest, but I don't know what you'd be protesting.
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        • Posted by Eudaimonia 11 years, 5 months ago
          The problem is that Islam is *not* a religion.
          Islam is a *theocracy*: a political system with a religious component.
          By tolerating the religious component, you endorse the political system.

          It is a theocracy which, by their own terms, (Daar Al Islam (World of Peace, i.e.: Islam dominated territories) and Daar Al Harb (World of War, i.e.: everywhere else)), is bent on a manifest destiny.
          And to achieve that manifest destiny, Islam openly encourages it its followers to use taqiyya, a policy of deception, not just with governments, but with any non-believers it encounters

          It radicalizes its followers to commit acts of terror around the world.
          It enforces codes of behavior and assimilation which any Objectivist would readily call anti-life.

          In WW2, America knew what to do when a virulent, anti-life theocracy decided to flex some manifest destiny muscles: fight them.
          It is the reason why Japanese State Shinto is not here with us today.

          So, IMHO, to objectively observe the way in which Islam, a virulent, anti-life theocracy bent on manifest destiny, has behaved around the world, and to dismiss as paranoia or bigotry any misgivings about it, that is to commit a grave, grave mistake.
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          • Posted by $ Tap2Golf 11 years, 5 months ago
            A theocracy......and Americans are foolishly separating and tolerating the religious component-- which is what we do---however that, in fact, is an endorsement of the radical political system component. Because of our general ignorance on Islam, muslim followers simply lie and throw us right back to the religious side of the issue which shuts everyone up. tolerance... But there are some knowledgable "experts" on Islam surely advising our govt.... why haven't I heard this explaination before? I understand your first Para is a simplified statement about a highly complicated issue. Thank you.
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        • Posted by UncommonSense 11 years, 5 months ago
          Rozar, do you know who the perfect muslim is? It's Mohammed. Do you know Mohammed? Are you familiar with his orders? Have you taken the time to read about his life, his sayings and traditions? If you answered 'no' to any of those questions, I strongly recommend you take the time to get to know Mohammed, stomach as much as you can, accept the TRUTH (that will be the hardest part) & THEN let's speak on this matter.

          I understand where you are coming from and I once thought as you did ~ back in early 1996. I'm afraid you don't know what you're talking about because you don't know Mohammed. That's why Islam is taking over everywhere.
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          • Posted by Rozar 11 years, 5 months ago
            Do you know who the old testament god is? Or what the Bible says? I don't because it isn't important. But I hear he told Christians to do a lot of fucked up things. Religion follwed to the T is bad. Just because we have watered Christianity down doesn't mean it has moral roots. If some psycho tries to start a jihad we will shut him down, and make no mistake the same thing will happen for anyone starting a crusade. Let the islamists water them selves down like the Christians.
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            • Posted by UncommonSense 11 years, 5 months ago
              You certainly have opened up many cans of worms in your last comment. I'll try to touch on most of them, lightly...this could go on for awhile...
              Rozar, by declaring to muslims that you are a total (italics here) non-believer, they would kill you before they would me~a Christian.

              Touching on the watering down of Christianity, that is another subject, not worth going in depth here, but here's a few spoilers:

              Communists knew they'd have to wear down religion if they were to ever take over the U.S. Thus they started attacking it, with much success since the 1950's. Also, waaay back in the day, King Henry VIII who split from the Catholic church and created his own church~ The Church of England did not faithfully follow the Christian doctrine (The Catholics did not quite exactly follow it either, but I digress)

              The muslims will NEVER, "water-down" Islam. Why? It is haram (forbidden). You cannot win against your enemy (Islam, not the muslims) if you do not understand what motivates them, and also it's creator, Mohammed. If you haven't read it already, read Sun Tzu "The Art of War."

              If you fail to understand Mohammed and his cult of followers, you will lose. Islam has a documented 1400 year history of conquest. England is falling today and will cease to be "England" as we have known it, and it's because their "leaders" have the exact same view of them as you.

              I appreciate your wishful thinking on the shutting down the jihadists, but you have to consider today's political climate. This country is in deeper trouble than you realize. We are in serious trouble and have been for many years. You are only now witnessing, what I believe, may be the climax of 100 years of constant attacks by the left and with the alliance of muslims.

              One last thought; many leftists have perverted Jesus by preaching the lie "Jesus was a pacifist." Anyone who's actually read the New Testament and understand Jesus Christ KNOW that couldn't be further from the truth.

              Jesus Christ BOLDLY challenged the top Jewish leaders of the day, EVERYTIME. He admonished them for following the traditions of men, versus God's traditions. Does a pacifist do something like that? I don't think so. Thus, the reason why the Jews had Jesus crucified~they didn't like being shown they were wrong.

              Go back and check out my posts on Islam and get yourself educated. Ever heard of "Stealth" Jihad? Or Civilization Jihad? It's already happening.
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              • Posted by Rozar 11 years, 5 months ago
                Don't try and school me on your religion. They have every right to try and spread their religion peacefully. Your trying to fight them by initiating force against them when they haven't threatened anything but a protest. It makes you look like an intolerant barbarian and it makes them look like the peaceful ones. I'm telling you to take the moral hough ground and stand on your laurels of freedom. If you can't convince people that their religion is a blemish to mankind you don't deserve to win the nations heart. If you believe in a free market you have to accept that people are going to sell snake oil. You're trying to fight this battle on their terms. Don't. You don't have to.
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                • Posted by UncommonSense 11 years, 5 months ago
                  I won't correct your false understanding of Christianty as long as you bring it up. If you say something that is false, I will correct it.

                  Your perception that they spread their ideology "peacefully" is amusing. Here are some facts to chew on: In the first 12 years of Islam, Mohammed converted about 120 people, mostly friends and family. However, after he got his arse kicked out of Mecca, he changed his methods from persuasion, to threats of violence & force (via the sword). And over the next 23 years or so, he converted 100,000 people. Thumbs up if you like that. This method hasn't changed. Why? Because you can't change Mohammed. Islam today, is exactly what it was 1400 years ago. You fail to understand what Mohammed instructed his followers concerning the spread of Islam. Stop buying into their propaganda. Also, you're confusing religion for some sort of product that you go and buy at some store. This is an Eastern ideology.

                  Islam is a culture that is not compatible with Western Culture. Get it? The Koran seeks to impose itself over ALL governments, across the entire world. Islam is seditious by it's nature. It is in direct opposition to Article 6 of our Constitution.

                  With your vigorous defense of Islam, I'm begging to wonder if you're unwittingly falling into being a dhymmi. And in case you didn't know, it has been historically shown that Dhmmi's have vigorously defended their muslim masters.

                  Stop supporting an ideology that supports: slavery (look up the 42-yr old Saudi princess who kept a slave in her place in L.A., this story is less than 90 days old), pedophilia, child marriage, clitorectomy's and necrophilia. They do not have the right to peacefully spread such filth. They can keep it in their own borders, not in my country.

                  Now, I challenge you to have the courage to read "Reliance of The Traveller." ~ It is THE authority of Sharia Law and it is what they are seeking to impose on you & your family. If you're truly curious as to what that truly means, I encourage you to MOVE to Saudi Arabia, as a Christian, or worse, as a "non-believer" and see for yourself how those wonderful, "tolerant" and "peaceful" muslims will treat you.
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                  • Posted by Rozar 11 years, 5 months ago
                    So what do you suppose we do?
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                    • Posted by UncommonSense 11 years, 5 months ago
                      There are a number of things we can do.

                      1) Educate yourself on Islam. Use the exact same materials muslims themselves use. Here are some recommendations: The Generous Qu'ran ~ by Usama Dakdok The Reliance of The Traveller, and (Dr. Bill Warner's excellent examination into Islam, from a scientific view, not religious) The Sura (capitalized means Mohammed's life specifically) and The Hadith's.

                      2) Read/Listen to Bridgett Gabriels "They must be stopped."

                      3) Click on my profile and go way back to my earlier posts in which I list other websites for further education.

                      4) Listen to former muslims about the truth of Islam. Walid Shoebat is one great example. He is a former PLO terrorist and has an incredible story on how he left Islam. I was fortunate to have met him and attend one of his speeches. He and others like him are undisputed experts since they were "from inside" and are the most courageous people for leaving Islam since the penalty is death.

                      5) Learn what "Al-Taqqiya" is and the law of abbrogation.

                      6) Inform your local politicians on what Islam really is, versus hearing it from a muslim. Muslims are obligated to lie to any non-muslim. That's why it's better if you tell them the truth about Islam and the civilization jihad they have been waging on us.

                      7) Obviously, if your life is in imminent danger, you have to take the appropriate action to protect yourself & family. Self-preservation is a powerful instinct that no Leftist can legislate out of existence.
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                      • Posted by Rozar 11 years, 5 months ago
                        So uh..... What are we going to do after we all become experts in Islam?
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                        • Posted by UncommonSense 11 years, 5 months ago
                          This is where things get complicated. Many muslims thirst for the truth. This is a religious thing for them. If you don't believe in an afterlife, you're only reinforcing their belief in Islam.

                          Islam (Mohammed's dim understanding) completely distorts what Jesus said and did. Almost every one I met, asked me some very interesting questions about JC and it forced me to take a different look at my Savior and also dive deeper into His life.

                          But, you can inform your friend & family on the deceitful ways that they portray Islam by telling them what you have learned.
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  • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years, 5 months ago
    LOL stop mincing words NM. I'd like to know where the photo came from....and if there will be cameras at the one they're planning... I half think our dear leader will show up wearing a long shirt with matching pants and a prayer rug.
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    • Posted by $ Tap2Golf 11 years, 5 months ago
      well, you can be sure he will defend their right to march and gather instead of saying it is tasteless to choose that day. there will be no reprimand to the muslims from the white house.
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  • Posted by Lucky 11 years, 5 months ago
    It has not been for 25 years or more but I studied and worked with Muslims and all of them I knew were ok. Today it seems a newer type has emerged.
    I fully support their political and civil rights, they can pray, march, condemn, and dress how they wish. I am uneasy about the walking around covered in black tents, not sure about that.
    The rights such as freedom of speech of others must of course be upheld. In the event of incompatibility only those individuals who act against the rights of others need to be constrained.
    Barry Goldwater quote?- can a tolerant society tolerate/survive an organized non-tolerant activist group?
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