The Call (2014/2016 campaign commercial)

Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 7 months ago to Politics
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I have been trying since 2012 to figure out how to turn this into a conservative campaign commercial.
I think it would be killer if someone who knew what he was doing produced it. (sigh)

As the song starts, vignettes and cameos of past conservatives (or near conservatives) and libertarians, beginning with the War of Independence, scenes of various crises in our history that are repeating (like the hostage crisis, gas shortage, leftist destructive protests, etc), then modern crises like the border crisis, Benghazi, the mess in the middle east...

Near the part about it being just a feeling, show Tea Party rallies, the Bundy ranch gathering, town halls, that sort of thing, then as it talks about knowing who your friends are, show cameos of Michelle Malkin, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, etc fading in and out.

Then at the end, in silence, something simple in text, like:

"Help save the republic. Again."


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