Don't Let The Government Get Its Hands On Obamacare! -
Posted by shultquist 11 years, 5 months ago to Government
Once again, Krugman demonstrates his disdain for self-direction and his moral failings, outlining how dishonesty for the sake of entrapping millions is justified by the clear superiority of government care.
The secret of all good magic, and sleight of hand.
This oped in any other publication, would answer the definition of "propaganda". But, in the NYT, it is their interpretation of objective 'reporting'.
The Republican "counter arguments" have no charges to answer to, since the Republicans were shut out of the political negotiating process that resulted in the Affordable Health Care Act. The Democrats crafted it all by themselves, and 'own' it in total. They will also 'own' the chaos that we are starting to witness on a daily basis.
Not a single Republican voted for this, and the 2010 mid-term elections prove that, as far as the voting public was concerned, they were on the right side of history.
The counter-arguments Republicans offer are incredibly lame, though, are incredibly lame. PPACA appears to be here to stay. It's not nearly as bad as critics say, so it's here to stay.
This is not a good thing, though, because a more open system, without limits on the types of insurance contracts people may enter, would be even better.
As gov't legislation goes, though, PPACA will do way more good than harm.