I live in a country that its okay to...

Posted by IIGeo2 10 years, 8 months ago to Culture
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I live in country…
That suspends a kid for having a finger gun but its okay for a kid to sell his grandmothers “stash”
Medical marijuana is being legalized but I have to wait for a Supreme Court decision on a 20 ounce Soda in NYC?
That suspends a kid for reciting the pledge of allegiance buts okay to sing “fukc the police” at the prom?
We have copies of text messages from German Chancellor Merkel to her granddaughter but can’t find emails from IRS employees using a government closed and secure network who are suspected or criminal behavior and abuse of authority,
I live in a country where prayer groups are prohibited in school, but the American Taliban John Walker Lynn received is indoctrination in Militant Islam in a public school?
I live in a country that is gutting its military of well trained and highly qualified volunteer citizen soldier in force reductions but just introduced a bill to allow “undocumented aliens” to join the military? I guess MS-13 needs better trained people? We didn’t learn a lesson from the Mexican “Zetas”?
I live in a country whose border is breached on a daily basis by members of the Mexican military who have repeatedly engaged our border patrol to include automatic weapons fire from armored vehicles we gave them by the way; it’s okay because they said they are sorry. And what do we do? We take away our officers rifles to replace it with bean bag guns and pepper ball pistols
I live in a country that if a natural born male US Citizen fails to register for the draft at the age of 18 they are by law not eligible for federal or state educational grants, loans or programs but an illegal alien gets it all without presenting a recognized form of ID
That keeps its veterans waiting for healthcare decisions and nickel and dimes them on compensation but Russian diplomats can have children on our Medicare and immediately qualify for public assistance and yes they are receiving benefits.
(It should be pointed out that under the INA that children born to persons under a diplomatic status who enjoy immunity, their children assume same status and they are not considered US Citizens at birth)
That trades five high profile Taliban commanders for a suspected deserter, but let four of our diplomatic corps be slaughter on 911 of all days and in public hearing the then Secretary of State, has the audacity to scream out “What does it matter?”
I can go on and on.
I will add other thoughts of the irony as they pop in my head.

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  • Posted by 10 years, 8 months ago
    I live in a country where we call the French because we are afraid of a terrorist attack because of thousands of Jihadist with European passports promise to bring the fight to our streets. And what do we do? We add automated kiosks where they can self inspect themselves to make it easier for them to enter. Really?
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