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  • Posted by Snoogoo 10 years, 8 months ago
    ..So you expect people to believe that the IRS does not use an email server and that it does not backup its email accounts on a central server which also has a backup which is a typical network setup utilized in any small to large sized organization??? The idea that a computer crashing can somehow delete your entire email history is a bunch of BS.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 8 months ago
    This smells so bad. Of all the things that President Obama's critics try to turn into a scandal, this is the only one I can think of that sounds like a real scandal.

    The administration had the motive and means, and it's something very bad for democratic gov't. The computer crash thing makes no sense to me at all. It's way more suspicious than even if they disgorged a string of e-mails saying things like "I can't stand those tea party people; let's get them." That would be bad, but the computer-crashed excuse makes me wonder if there were e-mails from political experts or large contributors asking for favors.

    I real commentary in the NYT that the only scandal is how bad they are at backing up e-mails. That's laughable.

    99% of things people say about the president sound like either paranoid nonsense or a pathetic attempt to look for any scandal when there isn't one, but this has all the earmarkings of a real scandal.
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