Can God Create a Rock He Can't Lift?

Posted by TheChristianEgoist 11 years, 6 months ago to Philosophy
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The idea that God should be 'able' to contradict Himself is a ridiculous notion.

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  • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 11 years, 6 months ago
    Sorry not to have the references here, but I have published on Medieval Astronomy. Mostly, they did NOT take their learning from Ptolemy's Almagest. That was brought in later. They inherited a crude system directly from the Romans. They then built upon that from EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE in order to solve the most important problem in their worship: the timing of Easter: the first Sunday after the first full moon after the first day of Spring. They had to reconcile the solar and lunar calendars. Expecting centuries and millennia ahead, as they had experienced since the Time of Christ, they projected their arithmetic. Over the decades and centuries, errors were revealed and new models and new calculations followed. The Church that persecuted Galileo would have been a stranger to the medieval church that founded observatories in the 9th century. In those same centuries, certain saints and other teachers published what can only be called mystical tracts, asserting all kinds of nonsense about the heavens, stars, and planets. So, it is easy to grab the works of some saint and say that the medieval church was ignorant of astronomy. That would be one of your strawmen.

    >>Omnipotence is the power of God to effect whatever is not intrinsically impossible. These last words of the definition do not imply any imperfection, since a power that extends to every possibility must be perfect. The universality of the object of the Divine power is not merely relative but absolute, so that the true nature of omnipotence is not clearly expressed by saying that God can do all things that are possible to Him; it requires the further statement that all things are possible to God. The intrinsically impossible is the self-contradictory, and its mutually exclusive elements could result only in nothingness. "Hence," says Thomas (Summa I, Q. xxv, a. 3), "it is more exact to say that the intrinsically impossible is incapable of production, than to say that God cannot produce it." To include the contradictory within the range of omnipotence, as does the Calvinist Vorstius, is to acknowledge the absurd as an object of the Divine intellect, and nothingness as an object of the Divine will and power. "God can do all things the accomplishment of which is a manifestation of power," says Hugh of St. Victor, "and He is almighty because He cannot be powerless" (De sacram., I, ii, 22).
    That and very much more about the nature of God from New Advent, the Catholic Encyclopedia

    Nature and Attributes of God
    The Existence of God
    Relation of God to the Universe

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