Ability to see the next movie?
Posted by JQuinn97516 11 years, 6 months ago to Movies
The last two movies only showed in one or two locations in Tennessee as far as I know. There was one movie place in Nashville and I think one in Chattanooga. Are the only ones I heard of and only after the movie had passed through.Please advertise more! Maybe even a day to show all three back to back like they did for Star Wars.
In every state around the country, we need to spread the word about the movies. So many of us already are familiar with Ayn Rand's philosophy, so many of us live the philosophy and have not yet discovered Atlas Shrugged. Welcome, and looking forward to your posts!
Now why didn't I think of passing out Proud Producers stickers? At least there will be a 3 at which to do so!
"Select", comes to mind.
Sounds almost 'snobbish'...but should make people wondering what they are missing out on.
Kind of like 'crashing' a private party....