"___ism": Philosophical Tool to Differentiate Groups vs. Cultural Tool to Press an Agenda

Posted by Wonky 11 years, 6 months ago to Philosophy
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I gather that quite a few folks here consider most (if not all) "isms" to be useless cultural weapons to be wielded by victims and victimizers.

Isn't an "ism" devoid of the cultural connotations of specific "isms" simply a concept used to differentiate groups of people?

Buddhism, Catholicism, Objectivism, capitalism

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  • Posted by richrobinson 11 years, 6 months ago
    I think the problem is when groups get some unhealthy pride attached to their ism. Once many people admit to being part of an ism they feel they have to defend it and be offended anytime someone says something they disagree with. The world needs fewer isms.
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    • Posted by 11 years, 6 months ago
      [Once many people admit to being part of an ism they feel that they have to defend it and be offended...] Point for this fragment. Thanks.

      Admittedly, I feel this way about Objectivism despite the fact that it needs no defense.
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  • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 11 years, 6 months ago
    Isms are currently being used to divide and conquer. Put people in small little categories and tell them they are victims of xy or z and tell another group their guilty of xy or z.

    From Wikipedia:
    Divide and conquer (derived from the Latin saying Divide et impera) may refer to:

    Divide and rule, in politics, sociology and economics, a strategy to gain or maintain power
    Defeat in detail, in warfare, a tactical maneuver to efficiently deal with a numerous opponent.
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    • Posted by 11 years, 6 months ago
      [Isms are currently being used to divide and conquer.]
      By whom? Politicians, social leaders, everyday Joe's, etc.? Is this a recent phenomenon only?

      I can see that "some" are using them to divide, but who is conquering and who is being conquered?

      [a strategy to gain or maintain power]
      If the "they" gain or maintain power, does that make the "us" victims of all "isms" - ismism?

      Point for high degree of relevance (to this post and some others). Thanks! I'd like to see your viewpoint with more detail.
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      • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 11 years, 6 months ago
        By whom? All those you listed. Racism has become and industry, as is the various sexism's from womens rights, to gay this or that.

        Isms are constantly being used by politicians to create bad guys of the opposition and gain favor by the supporters of the politician. Example: the progressives have to try and paint the Tea Party as racist so there's a knee jerk reaction to not even look at their point of view lest you also be racist.

        Is this a recent phenomenon? Not hardly.

        The conqueror and conquered vary with the agenda being pushed and the end goal.

        'They' can gain and maintain power by keeping everyone divided which removes power from those divided.

        Good question about does that make us all victims of the 'isms'. As a group I think yes it can, but as the individual I don't think so.
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        • Posted by 11 years, 6 months ago
          I wont ask you to read my word salad post on "Master Addiction", but I'm giving you a point for...

          [Good question about does that make us all victims of the 'isms'. As a group I think yes it can, but as the individual I don't think so.]

          ...in both contexts.
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