(Almost) All of Ayn Rand's writings

Posted by deleted 8 years ago
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Might there be anyone in this group that would be interested in acquiring additional works by and/or about Ayn Rand? I am getting old and have read all these and do not expect to read them again so someone else might enjoy owning/reading them.

Beginning in the 1960’s I started buying copies of everything she wrote. For example my hard cover copy of Atlas Shrugged is the 15th printing and is dedicated to both Frank O’Connor and Nathaniel Branden. Cost new was $8.95 so you know it is old. Likewise I have a paperback copy (26th printing) dedicated to both that cost $1.50 and a newer (36th printing) dedicated only to O’Connor that cost $3.50. (I‘m only quoting the prices to indicate how old these are.)

Here is the rest of the listing:
- Index to AS compiled by Diana Avery Amsden, Ph.D. © 1983
- We The Living, 17th printing © 1936, 1959
- The Fountainhead, 27th printing, © 1943
- Night of January, 16th © 1963 & 1961, 1968
- Anthem, HC, © 1946 7th printing
- Capitalism, The Unknown Ideal, 1st printing multiple ©
- Capitalism, The Unknown Ideal, 11th printing multiple ©
- The Virtue of Selfishness, ©s 1961, 1964, etc. 18th printing
- For The New Intellectual, © 1961, 18th printing
- Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology, © 1966, 1967 4th printing
- The New Left: The Anti-Industrial Revolution, revised edition, © 1970, 1971 6th printing
- The Romantic Manifesto, Signet 1st printing 1971, © 1962-1969

Newsletters bound volumes: reprints from Palo Alto Book Service
- The Objectivist Newsletter vol 1-4, 1962-1965
- The Objectivist vol 5-10, 1966-1971
- The Ayn Rand Letter, vol I-IV 1971-1976

Some book about Ayn Rand:
- Who Is Any Rand, Nathaniel and Barbara Branden, © 1962, 5th printing
- It Usually begins with Ayn Rand, Jerome Tuccille, © 1971
- CD recording of NBI - The Basic Principles of Objectivism AND The Vision Of Ayn Rand, transcripts of the NBI recordings of BPoO, © 2009
- Letters of Ayn Rand, HC, © 1995, 1st printing
- The Voice of Reason, Essays in Objectivist Thought, HC, © 1988
- The Early Ayn Rand, HC, © 1983, 1984
- Ayn Rand and the World She Made, by Anne C. Heller, HC, © 2009
- Ayn Rand, by James T. Baker, HC, © 1987
- Ayn Rand for Beginners, by Andrew Bernstein, © 2009
- The Passion of Ayn Rand, by Barbara Branden, HC, © 1986
- Judgment Day, by Nathaniel Branden, HC, © 1989

Note: HC=hardcover

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  • Posted by $ 5 years, 7 months ago
    Apparently no one is interested in purchasing these works of Rand but maybe someone would like them for the cost of shipping?? We are moving to a retirement home where we will not have room for all the books we have so IF anyone wants these you can have them for the cost of packing and shipping. Shipping cost will vary according to how far away you are from Fairview Heights IL - if anyone wants to know I'll get an estimate on packing cost as well. We will welcome anyone to come by and pick them up in person of course.
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    • Posted by qhrjk 5 years, 6 months ago
      I live near there... sort of! Are the books still available? I might be able to come pick them up in 2 or 3 weeks at the absolute soonest. Or I can pay for packing and shipping?
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      • Posted by $ 5 years, 6 months ago
        We are moving NLT June 7 as we have to be out of the house by that date. Unless someone else claims them before that they will be available until then. Send me a mailing address if you want me to check on shipping cost.
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  • Posted by DominiqueLehman 6 years, 10 months ago
    Good day every one.... Do you still have the entire collection TomB666 ? Cost? etc? thank you
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    • Posted by $ 5 years, 7 months ago
      Apparently no one is interested in purchasing these works of Rand but maybe someone would like them for the cost of shipping?? We are moving to a retirement home where we will not have room for all the books we have so IF anyone wants these you can have them for the cost of packing and shipping. Shipping cost will vary according to how far away you are from Fairview Heights IL - if anyone wants to know I'll get an estimate on packing cost as well. We will welcome anyone to come by and pick them up in person of course.
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  • Posted by PURB 7 years, 7 months ago
    Pen Ultimate Rare Books sells the world's largest privately owned collections of Rand's manuscripts, signed first editions and rare first printings. Contact :
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  • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 9 months ago
    I suggest that you do comparisons to like items sold recently on Ebay.
    I bought most of my collection there (EBay), and resold some extra copies on EBay (including a copy of Mises' Human Action signed by the author) to pay for the rest of my collection that I retain.
    You may be able to auction your collection there, too.
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  • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 8 years ago
    Pretty interesting. I, too, am getting rid of books, but not my Ayn Rand library yet. The Newsletters, Objectivist, and AR Letter should all sell well. They are hard to come by, and not usually found in public or universities libraries. In addition to many minor essays by Rand, the Newsletters published other essays by other members of the so-called "inner circle."

    The same interest applies to the Basic Principles lectures by Nathaniel Branden. Those presentations were endorsed by Ayn Rand as the best exposition of the philosophy of Objectivism. Almost everything that came later was a re-hash.
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    • Posted by ewv 8 years ago
      Ayn Rand's periodicals all available at the ARI bookstore in bound volumes.

      Objectivist Newsletter 1962-65 https://estore.aynrand.org/p/210/the-...

      The Objectivist 1966-1971 https://estore.aynrand.org/p/212/the-...

      The Ayn Rand Letter 1071-1976 https://estore.aynrand.org/p/213/the-...

      The NBI Basic Principles lectures were at the time the only lectures on Ayn Rand's philosophy. She did not say that they remained "the best exposition" for all time. They were helpful at the time but left a lot of details unanswered and were soon superseded by Leonard Peikoff's more comprehensive and detailed philosophy lectures and his later book Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn. These were not "rehashes".



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      • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 8 years ago
        I know some of Dr. Peikoff's elucidations. I believe that it is in Understanding Objectivism that there is a Q&A, and one student asked why Dr. Peikoff did not derive epistemology from metaphysics. He replied that it does not work that way. You have to go back and forth between them, integrating knowledge.

        He also said in the same vein that many students of Objectivism fall into a kind of monism attempting to rationally derive everything from "A is A." You cannot do that.

        Also, if asked "What are the three axioms of Objectivism?" most self-defined Objectivists would say A is A, Either-Or, and Non-Contradiction (or Identity, the Excluded Middle, and Non-Contradiction). But that is not correct. The three axioms are Existence, Identity, and Consciousness.

        Leonard Peikoff is an intelligent philosopher who has dedicated his life to explaining Ayn Rand's philosophy of Objectivism. He is not alone

        Edwin W. Locke and Thomas E. Becker have published on Objectivism as applied to ethics in business for the The Academy of Management Review.

        Here in Austin, UT professor Tara Smith has published Viable Values: A Study of Life as the Root and Reward of Morality, Moral Rights and Political Freedom, and Ayn Rand's Normative Ethics: The Virtuous Egoist.

        Few people know of What is Art? The Esthetic Theory of Ayn Rand by Louis Torres and Michelle Marder Kamhi. (I found it at Half Price Books. I have not read it yet. But the point is that I never heard of it, either, until I found it.)

        So, there's a lot out there. But it all comes back to Ayn Rand. What is an "explanation" and what is an "interpretation" is the subject of much discussion.

        David Harriman's The Logical Leap (written with Dr. Leonard Peikoff) is interesting and intriguing, but, to me, not completely convincing. I do accept his basic teaching: a generalization must be a statement of causality. Furthermore, Harriman says, we have progressed because of the insightful discoveries of a handful of geniuses who formulated those generalizations, but did not do so by the classical method of so-called "induction" i.e., piling up instances of observations to build a general law. For an excellent review published in Physics Today see here: https://people.math.osu.edu/gerlach.1...
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    • Posted by lrshultis 7 years ago
      I am nearing 80 with a bad heart. Any good ideas on giving away most of my library of 1500+ books. I have been little by little donating them to the village library for the free book area. I may call the near by branch of University of WI or the local high school as to whether there are some math of physics persons who might want some of them. Or maybe try to get by without a permit to place tables of free books in my front yard.
      I do not like the idea that whoever cleans out my house will just order a dumpster for the landfill or the paper recyclers.
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      • Posted by ewv 7 years ago
        First, put your efforts into helping your heart.

        As for the books, someone you know may be willing to help sell them on amazon. A library, ARI, or a friend with your interests are all potentials for donation. Not all the books need go to the same place, and qualifying for a tax deduction may be a consideration. Or sell some of them on this forum.

        What are the math and physics books?
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        • Posted by lrshultis 7 years ago
          I finally found your post again. I had tried replying but it disappeared in cyberspace.
          What branches of math and physics might you be interested in up to around master degree level as well as more layman stuff?
          Any chance to connect up on Skype? If so, I am Chemguy8. Let me know with reply to this post.
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          • Posted by ewv 7 years ago
            For 'spare time' projects I'm currently interested in history of the development of math and physics (and sometime chemistry) from the perspective of how the theories and concepts evolved cognitively in order to get more insights into the epistemology (right or wrong). Sometimes older classical textbooks sometimes provide insights into how the subject matter has been conceived and presented. More advanced books, other than explicit history or psychology, tend to be more technical in nature with little said directly about the formation of the concepts. Older advanced books going back to the early 20th century are sometimes more conceptual. I have about 2,000 books, mostly on math, computers, physics, engineering, and philosophy, but am always open to new finds even though I can't read all of them in their entirety.

            I don't use Skype.
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            • Posted by lrshultis 6 years, 11 months ago
              A couple of books dealing with taking a simple idea and running with it are: The Laws of Form by G. Spencer Brown which takes the idea of making a distinction, which is part of the process of concept formation, and showing how a powerful calculus, which can be interpreted in various ways, can make propositional logic trivial. Louis Carrol's sorites become trivial. Also the idea of a form being infinite in a recursive way with logic circuits which have imaginary gates. I extended the cross symbol for indexing of variables in 'for every' and 'there exists' .

              Serial Numbers by D.E. Knuth which places J. H. Conway's serial numbers in to a story of a vacationing young couple on deserted island where they find a stone with markings which give a way of bifurcating the set of numbers in a way that results in a hierarchy of infinite cardinal numbers.
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              • Posted by lrshultis 6 years, 11 months ago
                For development of mathematics and physics through history, the four volume 'The World of Mathematics' and the three volume 'The World of Physics' give good accounts of how ideas form and become accepted as knowledge.
                Epistemologically, Concepts and ideas should never be reified and should be considered as descriptions of reality. They exist only as mental processes due to chemical and electrical processes in the brain and have no reality other than describing similar processes in other brains, e.g., the concept of 'dog' identifies a particular type of entity in objective reality and not some entity 'concept dog' as some kind of stuff existing in real world. Time is ofter reified as something that exists with writers looking for little time things in reality rather than just considering it as a measurement of motion or change which is all that it is.
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