The Democrats' own Civil War Begins

Posted by $ CBJ 8 years, 1 month ago to Politics
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"Seething liberals vow revolution in Democratic Party"

“This has been a huge refutation of establishment politics and the political organization has got to be changed...if the Democratic Party can’t do it, we’ll do it through a third party.” -- Robert Reich, former Labor Secretary

If the liberals have their way, Hillary and her most fervent supporters will no longer be welcome in any political party. Couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch.

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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 1 month ago
    I predicted something like this months ago. Democrats are a loose coalition of people who like the idea of gov't control and gov't handouts and people who can't tolerate rednecks. It's very easy for me to see a scenario where Republicans who wanted gov't to bring back post-WWII-era jobs to abandon Republicans when they fail to deliver and then join forces with Bernie Sanders supporters who similarly want gov't to fix their problems. It would take the right politician to sell it in a way that lets listeners insert "foreigners" or "billionaires" as the scapegoat for their problems. At that point, people who are Democrats because they can't tolerate rednecks have a strong reason to be Republicans.

    I'm not sure what the party names will be, who will get which group, but I think Trump supporters and Sanders supporters have a secret crush on one another--- or an unlikely romance they haven't realized yet.
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