"This is how the future voted."

Posted by bsmith51 8 years, 3 months ago to Education
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Will we soon witness how capitalist experience Trumps public school Marxist indoctrination? My guess: Yes. Just as the hippies of my generation moved off the streets and went to work, so will these angry snowflakes.
SOURCE URL: http://coed.com/2016/11/09/how-the-electoral-map-would-have-looked-if-only-voters-aged-18-25-counted-photo/

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  • Posted by mminnick 8 years, 3 months ago
    There is an old say:"If you are under 30 and not a liberal, you have no heart. If you are over 30 and not conservative, you have no brain"
    I know when I was younger (much, much younger) I supported liberal causes. When I became a father my views started to change. When my second child came, I fully changed.Loberal to conservative.
    As you grow you realized others cannot make every decision for you, tell you how to spend your money etc. etc. etc. The liberal spend it on "social justice" conservatives on making more opportunities to grow and wxpand so that others (and themselves) can make more money.

    At least that is my view. I've got my helmet and dlack jacket on so fire away.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 3 months ago
      Nothing to fire at. It's just interesting to me how every generation ignores history and must reinvent its own wheel. As I've said before: the singular lesson of history is that people are not interested in the lessons of history.

      That said, the big picture is that for 25 or 30 years (while parents were "sleeping"), our kids have been schooled according to leftist theories. Now it's time for reality to school these kids.

      The teacher is now "in" and school is in session.
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      • Posted by mminnick 8 years, 3 months ago
        "Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it" Can'r remember who said it, but it is very true.
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        • Posted by ewv 8 years, 3 months ago
          Harvard Pragmatist George Santayana: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." But those who do remember it are often just as condemned to repeat it as those who don't because they are driven by more fundamental philosophical premises than knowledge of history. It's not that they don't know the history, they don't care. Those who think altruism and collectivism are a moral ideal are always looking for another experiment to try with other people's lives and will continue to impose it despite past recognized failures.
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    • Posted by Temlakos 8 years, 3 months ago
      Or where I went to school and trained:

      When you are in medical school, if you are not a liberal, you have no heart. But on the day you become an interne, if you do not on that same day become a conservative, you have no brain."
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    • Posted by ewv 8 years, 3 months ago
      Liberal versus conservative is a false alternative. It leaves out radical, individualist capitalism and its moral basis of rationality and egoism. That the 'old saying' you cited is so often repeated is a symptom of the problem: it concedes moral idealism to the false premises of sacrifice as the essence of morality and the 'heart' as the source of moral knowledge. The American sense of life as independence and the right to one's own life, liberty, property and pursuit of one's own happiness in one's own life cannot stand up forever against the explicitly accepted false moral premises of sacrifice and feelings constantly promoted throughout the culture.
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  • Posted by GaryL 8 years, 3 months ago
    When we allow our educators to be overrun by liberal assholes we have to expect the children will be indoctrinated to their beliefs. I don't blame the Millennials but I do blame my own generation for having our eyes shut.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 8 years, 3 months ago
    Even though my son is a little older than the millennials he is on the left political spectrum and he has been bashing me on Facebook during this election cycle. I'm on the far-right politically speaking, and I did vote for Trump. I don't understand the motivation of these young people. It seems like they have been brain-washed by the leftist media and colleges they have been attending. It seems like they haven't learned any Civics or American History. It is sad that our education system has become "deplorable". I just hope that the Trump administration will be able to start turning the American educational system around.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 3 months ago
    First of all, had any Objectivist, or Constitutionalist, debated with the author of this squb, he would have left him talking to himself. The future? Hell, they are for the most part, not even fully engaged in life yet. Only 50% of them have any idea about what romantic love is. Those are the ones that usually stay with a woman or man. With that love usually comes children. With those children comes the desire to protect them, and your mate, and yourself. Pretty much in that order. So, as we get older and take on the responsibilities of life, do we want to be scruffy, bearded, doped poets with a hard edge, or if a woman, also scruffy, unkempt screamer.

    I hope that under Trump, schools will once again tell the truth about history and the foundation of America and how it changed the world, not through giving everyone a slice of the pie, but the opportunity to earn their own pie.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 3 months ago
    If we are to survive, I think this Must be a time of "revelation". As we here, learn what we were not taught, the lies we were taught; which is nothing compared to what is done today...it would seem that it is Our Job; along with reality, to school them in economics and the truths of history.

    I think it will be hopeless if we don't...
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  • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 3 months ago
    Funny how the author feels that the leaches will do just fine if they could just keep those pesky producers from creating complications with realistic budgets. Another page out of Atlas Shrugged.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 3 months ago
    My only hope is that it isn't the capitalism of force Trump has used in the past: that of using eminent domain to take others' property and bankruptcy to defraud them. If he sticks to rolling back the bureaucratic state, I'll be pleased.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 3 months ago
    There's something more here than a demographic trend. In 2008 people voted for someone with little Washington experience promoting change. That did not bring back post-WWII prosperity and "income equality". So in 2016 although Clinton got the plurality of votes, almost as many people voted for someone with even less experience promoting more radical change than President Obama. President Elect Trump will not bring back post-WWII conditions, so they may vote for someone even more radical in the near future. It could be a libertarian (I hope) or it could be a communist.

    I don't have a policy recommendation regarding this other than to somehow show people that leaving people alone is better and income inequality is the difference between the rich minus the poor, not one number, not like wealth coming out of a faucet and landing in some distribution.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 3 months ago
      "promoting more radical change than President Obama"
      Its only radical to irrational socialists who feel that government makes better decisions than they can.
      Obviously they have a serious problem making decisions, and they are completely wrong about government but they will never admit their mistake.
      The election is a repudiation of everything that Obama did by a majority of voters in 30 individual states, and by a majority of voters in 49 of 50 states combined. The election is 60% of the states telling NY, Chicago, DC, and California that their pet socialist politicians have wrecked the economy for the majority of the American people.

      If Obama had run instead of Hitlery, the margin would likely have been even greater against his asinine, divisive, racist, statist, unethical, traitorous actions. The Democrats have even done a worse job than Bush did driving the economy off the road, through the guardrail, and over the cliff, and Obama has done everything he could to destroy 40 years of progress and relatively peaceful relations between people of varying skin color in the USA.
      None of the above addresses the real problems underlying all the crap coming from politicians. They are corrupt and they help those who corrupt them. Both the Dems and the GOP are guilty, (although there are a few relatively powerless exceptions in each party.) As long as the people let government decide what is best for them and allow government to steal scarce production from the people and use that to buy the peoples' consent for the government con game, individual liberty and free markets will languish.
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 3 months ago
        What you say is not at all what I sense, but I could be wrong. I sense you're deeply immersed in this, and most voters would hardly understand what you're talking about because they're not into it enough.

        My claim is people are voting for whatever sounds radical. I want to go back to limited gov't where there's no expectation the president can solve your problems. My fear is the next "whatever sounds radical" will not be in the direction of limited gov't.

        "the margin would likely have been even greater"
        Since half million people more voted for Clinton than Trump, I think you mean the margin would have been smaller or even turned in Trump's favor if he were running against Obama. I don't know. I think people see Clinton as being associated with more scandals. I really have no idea how it would have gone.
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        • Posted by 8 years, 3 months ago
          Not sure your age, but I remember when I was young, the press seemed honest and what little happened in DC was largely irrelevant to our lives.
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          • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 3 months ago
            I am 41. I definitely remember it seeming more in that direction. I remember the notion ideological tests for Supreme Court justices being controversial. Now it's a fact of life.

            I also remember a debate about how much the gov't should do to help the poor. Now it seems like it's about what kind of handouts the gov't have for the middle class. This is concerning because the middle class pays most of the taxes. They can carry on about "billionaires" but all the billionaires in the world don't have enough to pay for even a significant chunk of middle-class healthcare, education, retirement, daycare, paid leave, etc. In short, the ratio of people wanting a handout to those wanting to give a handout is way too high.
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        • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 3 months ago
          You voted for Obama twice and for Hitlery. You have no rational sense. You feel Trump's voters voted for something radical. They didn't. They voted for what they think is a return to more conservative smaller government and rationally controlled immigration that IS THE LAW already in effect. That law has been ignored by recent socialist administrations. That is not radical except perhaps to those so irrational that they vote for Hitlery and Obama before her.
          Radicals? Look in the mirror.
          The electoral voting system and the makeup of the US Senate were designed to prevent people in large cities (in the Northeast) from taking political control away from the rest of the people and concentrating it where there would be little understanding of the rights of people outside the cities. Hitlery ignored the people outside the cities and pandered to those in the cities who loot from producers. She knew how the system worked, but she ignored it as she consistently does. She always feels she is above the law that applies to others. She lost.She is scum. She is a lying traitor. The only way she stays out of jail will be a pardon from the racist in chief.
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          • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 3 months ago
            This is all pretty much the opposite of my opinion except for a) controlled immigration is a law we've been ignoring and b) Clinton lost the election.
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            • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 3 months ago
              What part is the opposite?
              What is the radical thing that you feel people voted for?
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              • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 3 months ago
                "What is the radical thing"
                President Elect Trump is completely different from the mainstream bipartisan consensus. I don't think swing voters support or reject that consensus, they just what big Change, whatever it takes to bring post-WWII jobs back.

                President Elect Trump will not bring back post-WWII-era conditions,and people will vote for something else that sounds radical, different, maverick, outsider, etc. President Obama filled that role last time, failed to bring back the good old days, and now we're on to the next radical hope for change.

                All of this is of course IMHO.
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