Good to be back... & a new tune.
Posted by JossAmbrose 11 years, 6 months ago to The Gulch: General
I lost my producer status for a while there. Some freeloading thief decided to use my credit card to purchase plane tickets to the tune of £619. I had to cancel my card & the looting is now under investigation.
Have new card, money reimbursed, & despite my recent absence, it's good to be back in the Gulch.
Work has calmed down a bit now. I have to admit I'm not sorry about it. Having worked six days a week - plus working at night on the album release, I reached burnout about a month ago.
Business is still ticking over & the music is doing fairly well. We (Meander Lane) plan to release another album later in the year - called Lovers & Thinkers. We've been busy working on new songs with a different feel. We're supposed to be meeting a promoter who's worked with some very big names in the near future & just today I've been discussing video production with someone in the business - who seems very keen on us.
See the link for our latest tune from the forthcoming album Lovers & Thinkers.
Have new card, money reimbursed, & despite my recent absence, it's good to be back in the Gulch.
Work has calmed down a bit now. I have to admit I'm not sorry about it. Having worked six days a week - plus working at night on the album release, I reached burnout about a month ago.
Business is still ticking over & the music is doing fairly well. We (Meander Lane) plan to release another album later in the year - called Lovers & Thinkers. We've been busy working on new songs with a different feel. We're supposed to be meeting a promoter who's worked with some very big names in the near future & just today I've been discussing video production with someone in the business - who seems very keen on us.
See the link for our latest tune from the forthcoming album Lovers & Thinkers.
Soo sorry to read of your credit card misfortune. The same thing had happened to me a few years ago, and it was quite irritating!
Thanks again to sharing your music with us! I really enjoy it, and this particular song really sets a mood. Enjoying it immensely! Keep us posted on future developments.
The credit card thing - although no longer my problem, sucks. & I can't for the life of me think how anyone got hold of my info. I barely use the thing... In fact, paying for my subscription to the Gulch & buying fat cigars from Holland is about all I've used it for, in a while.
Here's another noob... ;]