The so-called "innocence" of the "Cental Park Five" is about on the moral level of funding David Duke

Posted by WDonway 8 years, 2 months ago to Politics
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On CNN, I just heard another commentator, an African-American, demand that Donald Trump apologize to the "Central Park Five." Nothing is more infuriating than the spread of the myth that there were five poor innocent black boys railroaded in jail for a crime they didn't commit. All that is true is that through some of the dirtiest politics in New York City, at a trial where the chief witness was a murderer-rapist convicted for life, and while police officers and prosecutors involved in the early case looked on in helpful fury, the case against the five was vacated. Pure politics. And...they received $43 million in compensation from the City. Ann Coulter in a brilliant article shows how it happened and leaves no doubt, in my mind, that these five who nearly beat the slight female jogger's brains out, raped her in every way, left her naked to bleed to death--have been released through sheer politics. And THAT is why Donald Trump, to the horror of commentators like Charles Blow and our young black man this evening--utterly blinded by racial bias--will not apologize but keeps on saying, "Guilty." Please, for the sake of the girl raped and bludgeoned, for justice turned inside out, and even for Donald Trump, share this if you agree.

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