More a Rearden than a Galt
Posted by CapitalistFred 12 years, 5 months ago to Philosophy
I have read and re-read Atlas Shrugged many times, and consider myself a student of Objectivism.
I am also a successful, self made businessman.
Although I admire the principled stand of a John Galt, I must admit that I am more of a Hank Rearden than a true John Galt.
As the political powers continue to make it harder for me to grow my business and employ more people.... as they tax away much of the reward that I earn for growing my company... I still cannot make myself consider even slowing down the growth of my business, much less leaving it all and going on strike.
While I understand the morality of such a strike, were a real Gulch and a real JG to appear, it would feel like surrender or defeat to quit the fight.
I am proud of all that I have built and of every single dollar that I have earned, and I cannot imagine leaving it all.
Am I alone in this feeling?
I am also a successful, self made businessman.
Although I admire the principled stand of a John Galt, I must admit that I am more of a Hank Rearden than a true John Galt.
As the political powers continue to make it harder for me to grow my business and employ more people.... as they tax away much of the reward that I earn for growing my company... I still cannot make myself consider even slowing down the growth of my business, much less leaving it all and going on strike.
While I understand the morality of such a strike, were a real Gulch and a real JG to appear, it would feel like surrender or defeat to quit the fight.
I am proud of all that I have built and of every single dollar that I have earned, and I cannot imagine leaving it all.
Am I alone in this feeling?
Sounds like you enjoy travel a lot, while I dont really even like vacations.
Bottom line though is that I dont need to do what makes you happy, nor you do what makes me happy... the goal of my life is my happiness, and the goal of yours is presumably your happiness, and we will have our own things that give us that happiness.
I also "get" that AS is a work of fiction, and that Ayn Rand herself never went on strike in the USA, but rather worked productively and made quite a bit of money doing so.
If there were an actual "Gulch" and a Galt with technology to protect the inhabitants thereof from the tyrants in "Mordor on the Potomac", THEN I would accept the invitation, if it were extended to me.
As it is, there is no Gulch to which one can run, and no Galt to invite me if I should be found worthy.
I will, therefore, do as Rand did, and continue to work productively and reap the rewards for as long as I can.... partly because I believe it is the right thing to do, but mostly because I enjoy the hell out of it.
There is coming the true Gov't of our creator and that format is use what you make and grow yourself.
However accepting him now has even greater benefits.
Yahwah (the Father) Jesus our Messiah (Savior). John 3