Never Trump? Your gawd-damned right.

Posted by Zero 8 years, 2 months ago to Politics
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I'm all about voting for the lesser evil. I've made that argument myself in these very halls.
But I am not at all certain that Trump is the lesser evil.

I know well who and what Hillary is. I know what she means for America at this juncture.

We live in the last years of the American experiment.
As I've said before, right here, we need to seek the phoenix' rebirth - for this land is lost.

But how will we go down?
With Trump I see blood and fire.

He is the charismatic strong man, rising on virulent speeches, appealing to our bases impulses.
I haven't heard him say a gawd damn thing that didn't fill me with revulsion.

He IS a racist. He IS a misogynist.
His ecomonic theories are primitive and just f_'ing wrong.

He is not a rational man.
And a life surrounded by sycophants and reality-TV has dangerously inflated his ego.

He is not a successful businessman. He's a hack wheeler-dealer who's lost time and again.
In Atlas Shrugged he'd be a villain not a hero.
You know that's true.

He admires Putin and he's good friends with Bill and Hill.
Before this election he was just another New York Democrat.

Luckily I live in a Blue State so I won't have to suffer the indignity of voting for Hillary - they'll do it for me,
but I'll burn in hell before I vote for a Great Destructor.

People are so used to damning the opposition they will support a a pile of human sh!t before they'll vote for a Democrat.

And frankly I am disgusted that THIS forum so openly favors such a revolting human being.
Say what you will. Convince yourself of whatever you require.

To see my comrades embrace this end just goes to show only the smartest people can be so incredibly stupid.

Yeah, I know your offended.
So f_'ing what. So am I.

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