The Ayers/Obama connection

Posted by Non_mooching_artist 10 years, 8 months ago to Government
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Sounds like a spy novel. The more info that gets revealed, the more rotten the the foundation becomes. The laundry list of shady people and deals associated with the so-called president of the country grows like the nose of Pinocchio. The danger it puts the entirety of the United States into is tantamount to treason. As a matter of fact, it is. The election was rigged and this presidency has been a sham since the polls closed in November of 2008. What happens next is up to the free, (for moment), people of this once fine nation.
SOURCE URL: http://freedomoutpost.com/2014/06/foreigner-named-barack-obama-put-harvard-bill-ayers-parents/

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  • Posted by johnpe1 10 years, 8 months ago
    I have been watching Megyn Kelly's interview of
    Bill Ayers this week on fox. the man is totally defiant
    and reeks of the anti-U.S. sentiment which we hear
    from BHO as he apologizes for our history, with
    the resolve of a revolutionary.

    these guys deny their interconnection as a part
    of their professional tactics as proscribed by Saul
    Alinsky. if we could trust either one, they would
    not be who they are.

    as a self-aware organism, I am astonished that
    so many in our country take our freedoms, and
    our extraordinary good fortune to be here,
    for granted..... appalling!

    we must fight to keep the U.S. alive. please. -- j

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  • Posted by Herb7734 10 years, 8 months ago
    Yes, it does read like a spy novel, a thriller. The surprising thing is the guilt of the American people. They were so afraid to be called racist, that they were willing to elect a well-spoken black man with no executive experience and a background that fairly reeks with anti-Americanism. Many were able to find the same info. as is in this article back in 2008, but the fear and guilt of not being PC and being called racist prevented them from giving it voice. Even though hardly a word was spoken of his race, opponents were called racists incessantly. His election was as well planned and staged as a Hitchcock film. What's funny is that after being sold the Brooklyn bridge, there are still people who believe, even in the face of all evidence, that they still own it.
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