Atlas Shrugged at work...

Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 7 months ago to Business
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Most folks here know that I sometimes listen to AS while at work (oh, btw, Lindsey Stirling > Richard Halley. Just sayin'...)

Well, it's obviously affected my mindset.

Last night, a couple co-workers were talking about some former managers who'd moved to another Wal-mart. I interjected, "yeah, I hear their floors are yellow, too". (a sort-of in-joke regarding my obsession with our floors...)

One petulantly replied, "That's cause your hero's there" (referring to the man who trained me on floor care). I good-naturedly replied, "f* you"... then he went on to push the matter, saying that the floors were yellow from buffing before scrubbing (thus revealing his ignorance), something that irritated him, since I'm unwilling to wait til almost quitting time for him to get around to scrubbing the floor, so I grab a bottle of cleaner and scrub as I buff.

Nettled, I said to him, "Okay... I'll sit my ass on a scrubber all night and YOU take care of the floors".

The next time we were alone, he said, "For the record, I've been here 4 years longer than you; I've earned the right to sit my lazy ass on that scrubber".

That's when AS kicked in.

First I said, "I never said, 'lazy'."
Then I added, my temper flashing, "You don't have a right to take the unearned just because you've been here awhile. You earn your pay every night."

I mentioned the conversation to my boss, in case he went whining to her, I wanted a pre-emptive strike. She got this surprised look in her eyes and then smiled.

As I've said to her in the past, we have 3 kinds of employees at Wal-mart... those who earn their pay, those who collect their pay, and those who collect the money they think they deserve.

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