I think you should vote. To me, this election is not Trump v Hillary. There are too many other things at stake.
The Supreme Court, for a major example, Hillary regards Ruth Bader Ginsburg as her model Supreme Court justice, and I think Ginsburg is one of the worst judges ever appointed. Trump's potential nominees — he named 20 and 11 are approved by the Cato Institute, a think tank to which I give high respect. The poorest nominee by Trump would be better than any nominee by the Queen of Corruption.
This same thing will happen down the line of regulatory agencies such as the EPA, Labor Board, etc., all of which have been strangling business even more than taxes have.
As for the defense of the United States, Peace through Strength, the Eisenhower policy, will be the Trump policy. I expect Trump will negotiate with potential enemies and adversaries from a position of strength. But negotiate. Hopefully Trump will make Russia an ally to go after ISIS and America's endless wars will come to an end.
Where Clinton will continue and expand all of the policies that produced the unacceptable present, Trump will get rid of as much of the Establishment (Dems and GOP) as possible and change Washington as it has not been changed since Ronald Reagan rode in from the West. I love his expression of “Drain the Swamp.” This is a tremendous threat to those in power and they will lie, cheat, and steal to keep their power.
For these, and other, reasons I think we need to rally around Trump.
I will enthusiastically vote for Donald Trump. I find most of the arguments against him to be regarding his, shall we say "bombastic" style. They never mention anything regarding what he has been saying on the campaign trail. Do they even listen to him? The people who continue to blast him never mention how he's grown and learned this past year. And, it is obvious that he has. The idea FOR ONCE in our lifetimes to have a true CITIZEN legislator president is very appealing to me. The fact that he has proven that he is a fighter, fiscally responsible, and makes the case day in and day out that he actually does care about America and the American people is compelling, too. I think he's kind of a verbal bumbler and he's certainly not perfect. However, he speaks from the heart and that heart appears to be a bit pugnacious but an actual AMERICAN heart. My two cents.
You must do as your conscience dictates. If the consequences of this election were not so serious not voting might be an option. But Mrs. Clinton and her partner in crime are so very evil that having her as president would truly be a disaster, not only for America, but for the world. Her administration would not merely be something that could rectified in four years, but the start of anything goes in the sense that the winner will be whoever is the most conniving , backstabbing, murderous, scoundrel.
Heading that way pretty fast. As of now, I don't think it can be turned around, only slowed down. But then, who could have predicted this insane election 4 years ago?
Do as you wish as a free person... BUT don't lie to yourself about "following your conscience".
If you want Hillary to win you must any of the following: Vote for Hillary Vote for anybody but Trump Don't vote at all.
Any of those actions are either a direct vote for Hillary, or passively voting for Hillary while trying to hide your passive acquiescence of her rise to power in some warm cloak of excuses.
Otherwise Vote Trump!
If you look at it rationally, you have 2 binary choices... Either you actively or passively help Hillary win. Or you actively help Trump win.
You can lie to yourself all you want but those are the choices. Accept Hillary's rule or Vote Trump.
This analysis ignores the whole electoral process. The US popular vote means nothing for the office of president. Only is close "swing" states does this analysis come even close to applying.
You should do what is in your own ethical self interest. Not voting , may allow you to not sanction the winner , but it won't help our country stop the leftist statist collectivists that currently have a strangle hold on our rights.
I will vote for Trump and it is for my families best interest and I would love to hear him saying to a Conflagration of corrupt bureaucraps "your fired"
Yes, I too will hold my nose and vote for Donald. As an avid shooter and defender of the Second Amendment, I must vote for someone who promises to defend my right to keep and bear arms.
He has looked so much more palettable as the campaign has reach its eclipse Clinton emails have shown her and her ilk to be corrupt and deceitful , pay for play , constant lies, attacking the truth seekers and victims of their dispicable actions. FOF
Legitimate self-preservation from things Shillary may bring is why I've stocked up on guns and ammo. A vote for The Donald is to protect the Constitution from the fascist hag's Supreme Court appointees, from a make Merkel blush flood of unvetted Muslim refugees, to protect my coal miner stepson (also his wife and 3 kids) and to keep his employer from laying off more workers and all of the USA and its battered economy from the best corrupt president money can bribe via the Clinton Crime Cartel Foundation.
Old dino looks like an easy mark in a big Walmart parking lot. Before I was concealed carry, such was where I was during the 90s when this dude approached talking crazy stuff. Then he spotted my officially deemed illegal since the 80s big oak prison baton in the trunk still kept there for emergencies.. He visibly started to shake and walked away. Maybe he thought I was a loan shark for the Sopranos.
Here, Here! And just think what day to day living will be like under a Hilldebeast administration. Your diet will be scrutinized...fat and sugar intake, if you exercise or not, and whether you belong to a Tea Party. If you're a Rush Limbaugh fan, forget it, he will probably be off the air.
I'm not a fan of reality TV, so I tend to ignore the character assassination element of politicking. I'd rather focus on the policy issues. Simply put, when I say to a liberal audience, "The government is captive and obedient to a wealthy elite, neglectful of its duties, crushing the middle class and trapping the poor into subsistence servitude," I get lots of vigorous positive head nodding. When I follow up with "Then why would making this corrupt, incompetent government even bigger and giving it more power to abuse be the solution?" I see gaping mouths, shocked stares, and silence. Clinton favors the bigger government solution, which means more destruction of our individual liberty, so I'm voting against her.
To an extent, I agree, however, simply not voting does nothing to advance your self-preservation and could be argued to operate against it. I'm not a big fan of Trump, but, on balance, his policies are far more life-affirming than that of Clinton. I also really don't want to go through any more years of Clinton drama. She is highly blackmail-able and would sell us all down the river for more power.
The Clintons and their Weiner friends Blomenthal , Soros, will be exposed for their corrupt evil behavior sooner or later. The truth ultimately will prevail. Vote no to the Kakistocrats yes for Trump. The only choice vote the best and ---- the rest.
When the choice is "Who will do the least harm?" The decision is unpleasant but unavoidable. Trump is right about one thing, the system is rigged against honest politicians (that may be an oxymoron), the fix is in and has been for years. We have the illusion of democracy and, unfortunately, that is good enough for some people.
Your choice, maybe justified is not the correct word, however. Are you justified in allowing Hillary to dismantle the Constitution and sell access to the Presidency. Actually, i guess justified, is right, IF you have done all the homework and find that letting Hillary win is okay with you based on research. Just don't feel justified to complain if your lack or research end up not allowing you to own property, as is coming with Agenda 21. Your choice, your responsibility to suck it up.
Please watch "The Enemies Within." If you don't vote for Trump this election, you might not ever have an opportunity to vote for a Rand Paul, Gary Johnson, etc. The Dems (Socialist and Communist) are going to be registering refugees and illegals in great numbers. 75% of them vote Dem.
No. The self-made business emperor will not arrest you for criticizing him. The seller of offices and policies will. She once did it, too. Witness the arrest of a videographer on a trumped-up charge.
Not voting at all changes nothing in the electoral process while voting for some lunatic third party candidate does. If you can't bring yourself to vote for Clinton this is completely understandable. If you can't bring yourself to then vote for Trump then do us a favor and just stay home.
Trump is closer to correct than Clinton and I have no fundamental issue with his policies. Not only that, but Trump has more to lose if this country loses. I believe that despite his lack of decorum or consistent philosophical principles, I can count on his own self-interest to do the job.
The reason not to vote for Trump vanishes under scrutiny. Though I dislike certain behaviors exhibited by Trump, I cannot thereby justify a refusal to act. The reason is that by not voting I give license to an altruist, moocher, or looter to vote more taxes, regulation, and chaos into the body politic. Knowing this is the outcome, not voting makes me an altruist. Enlightened self-interest dictates I vote for Trump. This is not about a conservative bandwagon, or an anti-liberal bandwagon, or even an anti-Hillary bandwagon. This is a vote to slow the tide of cultural self-destruction. This is a vote to apply the tourniquet, however painful, and stop the hemorrhaging of the past eight years.
Ayn Rand has a vivid example of the mystical mental construct where an individual confronted with a river of molten lava chants prayers to the supernatural to assuage the flow. To refuse to vote for Trump in this instance would amount to the same. Thank you all for your feedback. My vote is now cast.
It isnt often that we get a clear cut choice in the presidential election. Hillary will advance us towards socialism and government control and cronyism. Trump will put the brakes on all those things, at least somewhat. He will buy the country time to let the freedom lovers and libertarians to educate the populace to not WANT socialism.
If you dont vote or vote third party this time, you will essentially let Hillary take over, since Trump is in the #2 spot in the election. Its your decision.
My grandfather told me many years ago that if you don't vote, you have no right to complain. It was obvious he voted in every election because he complained all the time...
I've long been a quiet supported of Galt's Gluch however this is my first post; here goes...
I've been watching Trump for decades now but only in this campaign season grown to support him as Commander in Chief. I've told many skeptics since early in the primary that while I don't imagine him as a particularly savvy or bright leader, perhaps more "street smart" than anything else, I do think he is courageous enough to hire the best and brightest to advise him. IMHO, he does not have what it would take to build the commercial "empire" he leads. Perhaps there was some luck in addition to financial support from his family, already successful but far from empire status.
What I like about Trump is that he will (IMO) go out and find the "best and brightest" ultimately building a team that will provide the best council and advice. I can't deny that I do hold some concern regarding his use of that advice.
I do not believe, in fact past performance indicates clearly to me, that the HRC leadership team would be made up of the same advisors. In fact, preference would more likely not be "courageous" in nature; more likely, to use an honorable word in a dishonorable context, preference would be for "loyalists" more trusted to protect the emperor and foundation.
I find myself confident that Trump will have the courage to bring into his administration folks smarter than himself and that he will listen to their advice. I can't ask for more than that.
Not criticizing, just pointing out...........the President is Chief Executive, not Commander-in-Chief......he is that only to our military forces (which is subsumed under Chief Executive).
Thanks, the term CinC is thrown about so much it does seem that I use it loosely. My thoughts apply as well, perhaps more so to Trump as Chief Executive. Thanks again for the correction.
You're welcome. Sadly, I believe some people want a "Commander-in-Chief" rather than Chief Executive (executing/administering the Constitution and congressional legislation) thus, probably, meaning Dictator (the sneaky type).
jhannen, thank you for putting into words what has been rattling around my old brain for quite a while in regards to Trump and Clinton both. Plus, I keep hearing the song from a movie about Eva Peron each time I see a picture of HRC. Her evil self-interest shines through each time I see her.
I think this point had been made. There are two contexts: 1) If not in a swing state, your vote will not effect. the electorial process. Then voting for Johnson or McMullen will reduce the visible support for the two parties that need a strong 2x4 to the head. This helps communicate to their party leadership and the public at large that we consider them unfit for our needs. 2) If in a swing state, vote for Trump for at least the Supreme Court consequences. And then there's dealing with federal power abuse in every realm: healthcare, energy, drugs, education, wages, marriage, what bathroom to use, who has to make a cake for whom.
You will help Hillary run our lives. If thats what you want, they you got it. Unfortunately the rest of us will have to live with the results of Hillary. Two of my employees (out of 10) will be out of work if she takes over and can get the $15/hr wage and higher taxes through. Plus, there will be no incentive to make my business larger, because the unbelievable taxes when I would sell it would take away the reason for having it.
I will not feel guilty about voting for myself. Hillary will not run my life. I can always shrug completely. Don't try to lay the Dagny Taggart guilt trip on me. I do not respond to others' needs.
Not voting doesnt make you responsible for what she does. You do have a chance to throw a monkey wrench into her plans if you vote for Trump this time. She will affect your life too, given that she has the power of government at least partially in her hands if elected. Forcing you to shrug is not a very appealing thing really.
Read the last article from the edition of Reason Magazine that came out a couple of days ago. You will quickly see that the probability of any one single voter's effect on the presidential election is zero.
The probability of ME having ANY effect on the country, the government, the economy, the banking system, or anything else here is essentially zero. I toss my hat in the ring to hopefully add with other hats and make some effect. There are a lot of hats in the Trump ring now, and he just might get elected and keep the Hildebeast OUT for good.
The country is controlled by two major corporations. No not Wal-Mart and Exxon. The country is under the rule of the Democrat and Republican parties which are private corporations.
The only way to fight this rule is to eliminate the party system and their hand in your pocket called the income tax. The only fair tax is one of consumption with receipts going to the States, not the Federal government. Until such time, the Trump corporation is strong enough to compete with the Corrupt party corporations and perhaps start the ball rolling towards our original system That would indeed make America great again.
In love, it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. It's similar in voting, specially when you have the Supreme Court at stake.
If one is not a consenting citizen, and thus a non-voter, the question is moot. If one is a consenting citizen, and does not exercise the franchise (political liberty), the loss of endowed rights is for naught.
Most libertarians strongly favor things like the following: - massive tax reduction (and simplification) - cancel all unconstitutional executive actions - impose term limits on Congress (via Amendment) - a hiring freeze on federal employees (to reduce it by attrition) - ban bureaucrats and congressional staffers from lobbying (for 5 years) -reduce the number of federal regulations by at least half.
also: - lift restrictions on energy production and infrastructure (e.g. pipelines) - cancel payments to U. N. “climate change” funds, and use the money ofr clean water and environmental cleanup - renegotiate NAFTA and TPP to insure free trade (both ways) - end Federal involvement in education - protect Second Amendment rights of the individual -bring American troops home from places like Belgium, Japan, and Baghdad.
and: - repeal the “Affordable Care Act” (Obamacare) - allow citizens to purchase insurance across state lines -allow tax-deductible Health Savings accounts - cut red tape at FDA (especially for approval of life-saving drugs) -allow veterans to receive private treatment when VA fails to provide it
Most libertarians favor all or most of the above. Gary Johnson proposes many of the above. Hillary Clinton opposes ALL of the above. Donald Trump has proposed and promised ALL of the above. (Yes, this list was compiled from Trump’s “contract” in Gettysburg, but a lot of it sounds like Johnson.)
Unfortunately, there are some whose thought processes are so prejudiced by their visceral dislike for the man, that they refuse to even consider what a Trump Presidency would actually be like! Comparisons with Hitler and Brownshirts are utterly ludicrous — except that Hillary Clinton's White House would be far more fascist(and far more dangerous) than Donald Trump's could ever be. Furthermore, a Clinton Administration is certain to increase foreign military interventions and risk nuclear war, while curbing free speech, freedom of association, and free enterprise at home.
Lest we forget, the word “liberal” no longer has anything to do with LIBERTY, while the word “conservative” increasingly refers to conserving individual rights and insisting that the Constitution is meant to restrict Federal powers.
As for myself, I will probably cast my vote for Gary Johnson once again -- but this time it will be largely because I am disenfranchised via the corrupt winner-takes-all system that prevents citizens in my Congressional District from choosing our own Presidential Elector (who would most likely have been a Trump elector, had the politicians in Albany not stolen our vote!).
N.B. Voting for Gary johnson will also help the LP to receive Federal funds -- which is hardly a "libertarian" reason!
I am confused by your choice to cast your vote for Johnson if Trump satisfies all of what the "libertarian" voters want. By your own statement, Johnson only proposes many of the libertarians wish list. Casting a vote for Johnson in this election strikes me as a short-sighted protest vote which can only help HRC reach the oval office. Once HRC makes it to the WH, this nation is finished as founded.
Yes, Trump promises to repeal Obamacare, with its Federally-dictated choices, and replace it with choices made by patient & doctor, tax-deductible Medical Savings Accounts, interstate competition, etc.
Hillary will replace it with a "single-payer" system and even more Federal control.
I never said Trump's proposed replacement is perfect, but it's a Hell of a lot better than either Obamacare or Hillary's single-payer monopoly.
In fact, there is good chance that "Trumpcare" would be even better than the mess that we had in prior years, when corrupt state legislatures could outlaw all interstate competition and employers could dictated what insurance plans their employees are allowed to buy.
Of course Trumpcare would be better than Obamacare, or Hillarycare. I was simply pointing out that Trump's proposals are socialist proposals. Unlike Obama, he does not seek to destroy the country and, unlike Hillary, he does not seek personal financial gain, but he is a socialist to the core. His administration will slow down America's dive into the Third World, but it will not reverse it. The others, of course, are just acts of national suicide.
How is Trump "a socialist to the core"? I see no evidence to that statement in anything Trump has said in his proposals regarding his goals as POTUS. Enlighten me.
He proposes socialized medicine, welfare for elderly and public education. Those are major socialist policies. I understand that in today's America anything that rejects the above is a non-starter, but if he believes in those policies and will implement them, then he's a socialist.
In addition, his entire experience of making billions and building companies is based on socialist structures - he took advantage of monopolies created by the corrupt state (that is why he was such friends with Hillary before). After decades of socialist corruption that helped make him billions, do you really think that he had an unexpected meeting with Ayn Rand?
Trump proposes TAX CREDITS for child care, medical savings accounts, etc.
That is a far cry from socialist subsidies!
Trump was not to blame for creating the STATIST systems nor the RULES that were imposed upon us all; the fact that he played by the rules and succeeded does not make him responsible for them.
In fact, his success makes Trump even more credible when he speaks of changing the rules that victimize us all, ending the "fixes", and draining the swamp of corruption that permeates the political ESTABLISHMENT (and the "insider" beneficiaries like Clinton, Bush, Pelosi, Reid, McConnell, Boehner, et al.)
I've said this, before. Trump reminds me of the bullies who used to beat me up in school (so, I joined the Marines). In "good conscience" I shouldn't vote for him, but for my right to "keep and bear", for the possibility of the SCOTUS making sane rulings about "sex" issues and to keep a pathological liar out of the White House, I am willing to be flexible.
All I know, for sure, is that, with Trump, I may still retain the opportunity to improve things, four years from now. With Clinton...
I'm confused why you and others promote the rumor that Trump is a "bully".
Sure, he is a brash New Yorker, and a tough customer to negotiate deals with, but what evidence is there that he is anything like the bullies who beat up kids in school?
Donald Trump is more like the guy i want to protect me against bullies and cheats, the guy I want to along bring with me to a confrontation, the guy I want to represent me in an argument, the guy I want to hire to fight for my company, ... and maybe the best guy around to defend my country against external threats (both diplomatic and military).
He's a brash New Yorker a tough customer to deal with (if you're on the other side of the table), but I've seen no evidence whatsoever that he is the type of guy who starts fights or picks on pipsqueaks who leave him alone. there is ZERO evidence that Donald Trump is the type who initiates force as a method of winning what he wants.
Good argument, though trying to justify New York brashness is lost on me.
Bullying often takes on more forms than many people realize and you don't always have to be physically abused to be a victim. To me...comments like "Lying Ted" and "Little Marco" are entirely inconsistent with gentlemanly conduct, leaning more toward bullying than debating, and have done little to win me over as one of Trump's supporters.
I still have to wonder, however, where we would be, now, if Ted Cruz had won the nomination...
I love Ted Cruz. However, given the mud thrown on Trump, I kind of doubt Ted would have survived as well as Trump has. Trump just won't have any of it and that's a very good thing, given the amount of lying and outright slander done by the other side and their media lapdogs.
Will Ted Cruz have the steel inside needed to make it to the top in later years? I sure hope so. However, I think he needs more toughening up before then.
The Supreme Court, for a major example, Hillary regards Ruth Bader Ginsburg as her model Supreme Court justice, and I think Ginsburg is one of the worst judges ever appointed. Trump's potential nominees — he named 20 and 11 are approved by the Cato Institute, a think tank to which I give high respect. The poorest nominee by Trump would be better than any nominee by the Queen of Corruption.
This same thing will happen down the line of regulatory agencies such as the EPA, Labor Board, etc., all of which have been strangling business even more than taxes have.
As for the defense of the United States, Peace through Strength, the Eisenhower policy, will be the Trump policy. I expect Trump will negotiate with potential enemies and adversaries from a position of strength. But negotiate. Hopefully Trump will make Russia an ally to go after ISIS and America's endless wars will come to an end.
Where Clinton will continue and expand all of the policies that produced the unacceptable present, Trump will get rid of as much of the Establishment (Dems and GOP) as possible and change Washington as it has not been changed since Ronald Reagan rode in from the West. I love his expression of “Drain the Swamp.” This is a tremendous threat to those in power and they will lie, cheat, and steal to keep their power.
For these, and other, reasons I think we need to rally around Trump.
As of now, I don't think it can be turned around, only slowed down. But then, who could have predicted this insane election 4 years ago?
If you want Hillary to win you must any of the following:
Vote for Hillary
Vote for anybody but Trump
Don't vote at all.
Any of those actions are either a direct vote for Hillary, or passively voting for Hillary while trying to hide your passive acquiescence of her rise to power in some warm cloak of excuses.
Otherwise Vote Trump!
If you look at it rationally, you have 2 binary choices...
Either you actively or passively help Hillary win.
Or you actively help Trump win.
You can lie to yourself all you want but those are the choices. Accept Hillary's rule or Vote Trump.
Only is close "swing" states does this analysis come even close to applying.
Not voting , may allow you to not sanction the winner , but it won't help our country stop the leftist statist collectivists that currently have a strangle hold on our rights.
Conflagration of corrupt bureaucraps "your fired"
A vote for The Donald is to protect the Constitution from the fascist hag's Supreme Court appointees, from a make Merkel blush flood of unvetted Muslim refugees, to protect my coal miner stepson (also his wife and 3 kids) and to keep his employer from laying off more workers and all of the USA and its battered economy from the best corrupt president money can bribe via the Clinton Crime Cartel Foundation.
Before I was concealed carry, such was where I was during the 90s when this dude approached talking crazy stuff.
Then he spotted my officially deemed illegal since the 80s big oak prison baton in the trunk still kept there for emergencies..
He visibly started to shake and walked away.
Maybe he thought I was a loan shark for the Sopranos.
Scumbags can kindly stay out of my face, my home and my pockets.
Fascist control freaks can mind their own business--because me dino ain't their business.
The only choice vote the best and ---- the rest.
Are we a nation ready to listen to, and act on, John Galt's speech?
The reason not to vote for Trump vanishes under scrutiny. Though I dislike certain behaviors exhibited by Trump, I cannot thereby justify a refusal to act. The reason is that by not voting I give license to an altruist, moocher, or looter to vote more taxes, regulation, and chaos into the body politic. Knowing this is the outcome, not voting makes me an altruist. Enlightened self-interest dictates I vote for Trump. This is not about a conservative bandwagon, or an anti-liberal bandwagon, or even an anti-Hillary bandwagon. This is a vote to slow the tide of cultural self-destruction. This is a vote to apply the tourniquet, however painful, and stop the hemorrhaging of the past eight years.
Ayn Rand has a vivid example of the mystical mental construct where an individual confronted with a river of molten lava chants prayers to the supernatural to assuage the flow. To refuse to vote for Trump in this instance would amount to the same. Thank you all for your feedback. My vote is now cast.
If you dont vote or vote third party this time, you will essentially let Hillary take over, since Trump is in the #2 spot in the election. Its your decision.
I've been watching Trump for decades now but only in this campaign season grown to support him as Commander in Chief. I've told many skeptics since early in the primary that while I don't imagine him as a particularly savvy or bright leader, perhaps more "street smart" than anything else, I do think he is courageous enough to hire the best and brightest to advise him. IMHO, he does not have what it would take to build the commercial "empire" he leads. Perhaps there was some luck in addition to financial support from his family, already successful but far from empire status.
What I like about Trump is that he will (IMO) go out and find the "best and brightest" ultimately building a team that will provide the best council and advice. I can't deny that I do hold some concern regarding his use of that advice.
I do not believe, in fact past performance indicates clearly to me, that the HRC leadership team would be made up of the same advisors. In fact, preference would more likely not be "courageous" in nature; more likely, to use an honorable word in a dishonorable context, preference would be for "loyalists" more trusted to protect the emperor and foundation.
I find myself confident that Trump will have the courage to bring into his administration folks smarter than himself and that he will listen to their advice. I can't ask for more than that.
Plus, I keep hearing the song from a movie about Eva Peron each time I see a picture of HRC. Her evil self-interest shines through each time I see her.
1) If not in a swing state, your vote will not effect. the electorial process. Then voting for Johnson or McMullen will reduce the visible support for the two parties that need a strong 2x4 to the head. This helps communicate to their party leadership and the public at large that we consider them unfit for our needs.
2) If in a swing state, vote for Trump for at least the Supreme Court consequences. And then there's dealing with federal power abuse in every realm: healthcare, energy, drugs, education, wages, marriage, what bathroom to use, who has to make a cake for whom.
I am voting based on preference of policies, neither candidate really has me all that excited.
Particularly for uninformed voters...
The only way to fight this rule is to eliminate the party system and their hand in your pocket called the income tax. The only fair tax is one of consumption with receipts going to the States, not the Federal government. Until such time, the Trump corporation is strong enough to compete with the Corrupt party corporations and perhaps start the ball rolling towards our original system That would indeed make America great again.
If you want to know what we need to do read the material here at http://www.TheSocietyProject.org
- massive tax reduction (and simplification)
- cancel all unconstitutional executive actions
- impose term limits on Congress (via Amendment)
- a hiring freeze on federal employees (to reduce it by attrition)
- ban bureaucrats and congressional staffers from lobbying (for 5 years)
-reduce the number of federal regulations by at least half.
- lift restrictions on energy production and infrastructure (e.g. pipelines)
- cancel payments to U. N. “climate change” funds, and use the money ofr clean water and environmental cleanup
- renegotiate NAFTA and TPP to insure free trade (both ways)
- end Federal involvement in education
- protect Second Amendment rights of the individual
-bring American troops home from places like Belgium, Japan, and Baghdad.
- repeal the “Affordable Care Act” (Obamacare)
- allow citizens to purchase insurance across state lines
-allow tax-deductible Health Savings accounts
- cut red tape at FDA (especially for approval of life-saving drugs)
-allow veterans to receive private treatment when VA fails to provide it
Most libertarians favor all or most of the above.
Gary Johnson proposes many of the above.
Hillary Clinton opposes ALL of the above.
Donald Trump has proposed and promised ALL of the above.
(Yes, this list was compiled from Trump’s “contract” in Gettysburg, but a lot of it sounds like Johnson.)
Unfortunately, there are some whose thought processes are so prejudiced by their visceral dislike for the man, that they refuse to even consider what a Trump Presidency would actually be like! Comparisons with Hitler and Brownshirts are utterly ludicrous — except that Hillary Clinton's White House would be far more fascist (and far more dangerous) than Donald Trump's could ever be. Furthermore, a Clinton Administration is certain to increase foreign military interventions and risk nuclear war, while curbing free speech, freedom of association, and free enterprise at home.
Lest we forget, the word “liberal” no longer has anything to do with LIBERTY, while the word “conservative” increasingly refers to conserving individual rights and insisting that the Constitution is meant to restrict Federal powers.
As for myself, I will probably cast my vote for Gary Johnson once again -- but this time it will be largely because I am disenfranchised via the corrupt winner-takes-all system that prevents citizens in my Congressional District from choosing our own Presidential Elector (who would most likely have been a Trump elector, had the politicians in Albany not stolen our vote!).
N.B. Voting for Gary johnson will also help the LP to receive Federal funds -- which is hardly a "libertarian" reason!
Casting a vote for Johnson in this election strikes me as a short-sighted protest vote which can only help HRC reach the oval office. Once HRC makes it to the WH, this nation is finished as founded.
Hillary will replace it with a "single-payer" system and even more Federal control.
I never said Trump's proposed replacement is perfect, but it's a Hell of a lot better than either Obamacare or Hillary's single-payer monopoly.
In fact, there is good chance that "Trumpcare" would be even better than the mess that we had in prior years, when corrupt state legislatures could outlaw all interstate competition and employers could dictated what insurance plans their employees are allowed to buy.
In addition, his entire experience of making billions and building companies is based on socialist structures - he took advantage of monopolies created by the corrupt state (that is why he was such friends with Hillary before). After decades of socialist corruption that helped make him billions, do you really think that he had an unexpected meeting with Ayn Rand?
That is a far cry from socialist subsidies!
Trump was not to blame for creating the STATIST systems nor the RULES that were imposed upon us all; the fact that he played by the rules and succeeded does not make him responsible for them.
In fact, his success makes Trump even more credible when he speaks of changing the rules that victimize us all, ending the "fixes", and draining the swamp of corruption that permeates the political ESTABLISHMENT (and the "insider" beneficiaries like Clinton, Bush, Pelosi, Reid, McConnell, Boehner, et al.)
All I know, for sure, is that, with Trump, I may still retain the opportunity to improve things, four years from now. With Clinton...
Sure, he is a brash New Yorker, and a tough customer to negotiate deals with, but what evidence is there that he is anything like the bullies who beat up kids in school?
Donald Trump is more like the guy i want to protect me against bullies and cheats, the guy I want to along bring with me to a confrontation, the guy I want to represent me in an argument, the guy I want to hire to fight for my company, ... and maybe the best guy around to defend my country against external threats (both diplomatic and military).
He's a brash New Yorker a tough customer to deal with (if you're on the other side of the table), but I've seen no evidence whatsoever that he is the type of guy who starts fights or picks on pipsqueaks who leave him alone. there is ZERO evidence that Donald Trump is the type who initiates force as a method of winning what he wants.
Bullying often takes on more forms than many people realize and you don't always have to be physically abused to be a victim. To me...comments like "Lying Ted" and "Little Marco" are entirely inconsistent with gentlemanly conduct, leaning more toward bullying than debating, and have done little to win me over as one of Trump's supporters.
I still have to wonder, however, where we would be, now, if Ted Cruz had won the nomination...
Will Ted Cruz have the steel inside needed to make it to the top in later years? I sure hope so. However, I think he needs more toughening up before then.
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