Make rules to break rules, make rules to break competitors. What happened to the man who was glad to lose to a competitor more talented than he? What happened to the winner who after crushing is competitor offered him a job?
That's the way it works for parasitical humanoids, "Professional CEO's" and the left in general...why?...because they have no mind to compete, they don't know how, having Never created value in their entire life.
I recently completed some studies in strategic governance. In that course, they clearly laid out the option to strategise in the political space which, looking back, seems very strange coming from a reputable university.
What is amazing is that the competition (the ones banning the more productive) instead of finding ways to use the new methods, reduce their costs and rent out more rooms seek to use violence to remove the more efficient instead of mimicking and improving on their methods. The resort to violence to protect their interest enslaves all, including themselves, they cannot now compete without violating the new rules they have created.
There are myriad benefits to competition, but there is one that I didn't think of until I talked to a fellow camera store owner way back in the 70's. He said that if he had the money, he would open 3 stores, one on each block next to his store. He'd allow each store to be run autonomously. The idea is to create a camera store center with each store competing. It would bring more buyers, who could shop and compare without running all over town and everyone would benefit.
The internet and China has let the fed print lots of money but get away without the price inflation that would normally result. We should have enjoyed price reductions during that time actually
Agree - the internet has taken us a few steps closer to a perfectly competitive low friction market, especially with the trading sites like Amazon, eBay, AliBaba
maybe Cuomo will join his father sooner than later
If you are going to be in business, competition should be accepted as a way of life and not be fought against.
People do this on the internet now, particularly in china where you can get the SAME thing from many vendors right there on