It should have been closed long ago -- after Hillary was found guilty. There is no excuse for her to still be dodging while she waits to pardon herself.
From CNN: “The emails being examined are part of an investigation into Anthony Weiner, according to law enforcement sources. Weiner, the disgraced former congressman, recently separated from top Clinton aide Huma Abedin after a sexting incident.”
If this is the final straw that brings down the House of Hillary, Weiner deserves some sort of award. It would be totally ironic if Hillary loses due to a sex scandal that does not involve her husband.
Absolutely. I thought Nixon was power hungry and cared only about his career. But Hillary takes this to new heights, and adds millions of dollars to her booty with the clinton foundation.
I think Comey realized he was screwed all over. He gave into Hillary in the first place, but then realized that she was unable to hide enough of her dirt to not threaten HIS position. Then he turns on her, hoping to save the reputation of the FBI and himself.
I did say “if”. There is no way I know of to predict this election with any real confidence. But Carl Bernstein (of Watergate fame) did say that “We don't know what this means yet except that it's a real bombshell.”
Anyone being appointed by the Presidential Pervert Enabler has inspired this me dino thought~ I imagine Wiener would dress up like a woman so he could have transsexual access to what he'd call "the little girl's room." Now I just imagined him in front of a mirror putting on lipstick under that wiener nose of his. Dang my dino brain is dangerous! Make it stop, dino brain! Make it stop!
My image is Al Sharpton spray painting racial slurs, The n-word and other trash. While he peddles crack to the single mother with 5 kids from different men.
So if he was married to hillary's right hand person, what does THAT say. He is a creep through and through, so probably his muslim wife is also a creep, and by association Hillary is a creep...
Fox reported that the meta data for the emails showed there were new emails related to Hillary and almost certainly contain classified data. if true this could spell real trouble .....more classified data on a non-secure computer
The Clinton cartel is now going after Comey full blast in an effort to hide whatever it is. They want to convict him of violating some Hatch act thing. I want Trump in there to stop the clintons forever.
Comey already did. He realized he screwed up by pandering to her and stopping the investigation. Too much additional stuff was coming out. He saved himself by re-opening the investigation, and you see the clinton and establishment reaction. He was saving himself. Now he has ruined his career IF hillary wins, and maybe saved it if Trump wins
Comey was definitely saving his ass by reopening the investigation. He could leave Comey where he is, and put Guiliani as Atty General and dump Lynch in the toilet, or jail
Pardon her for what? I can see the possibility of a blanket pardon for issues that have come to light, but I don't think he has the authority to pardon her for things that may come to light after he leaves office.
That still leaves a bunch of issues such as improprieties within the Clinton Foundation, leaving sensitive emails on her server for months or years after she left office, "wiping" that server, and several others.
Yes, Hillary is just one crooked politician to the CORE. Obama's "legacy" might be more important to him than saving Hillary's hind end, and he will just let her twist in the wind.
Hello robgambrill, The other shoe drops? Very interesting. It shouldn't be too late, but the world has become so corrupt and bereft of virtue... Who is John Galt? If she is elected before indictment anyway, would that mean we might end up with Kaine? He is no prize either. Respectfully, O.A.
Yes. It is my opinion that the nation is divided like it hasn't been in fifty years.The governance is untrustworthy to the point that a smooth next presidency is a flight of fancy. Our elections have a history of mudslinging, but this one seems to be slinging road apples.
I think Karma is going to end Hillary. One thing or another will stick and bring her down. Although I didnt think that the charge and eventual jail sentence against Martha Stewart was was right, I do think that privately she was a real nasty person and her karma caught up with her in a way she never anticipated
“The Democratic Coalition Against Trump alleges Mr Comey is in breach of the Hatch Act, which bars federal employees from political activity.
‘It is absolutely absurd that FBI Director Comey would support Donald Trump like this with only 11 days to go before the election,’ said Scott Dworkin, Senior Advisor to the Democratic Coalition Against Trump.
‘It is an obvious attack from a lifelong Republican who used to serve in the Bush White House, just to undermine her campaign. Comey needs to focus on stopping terrorists and protecting America, not investigating our soon to be President-Elect Hillary Clinton.’”
Maybe Trump finally realized that bribery is a requirement for success in the Dark Center, or someone outside Hitlery's campaign got the goods on Comey. What do you think, rob? Carrot or stick?
Nope! Me dino methinks it's about boiling point pressure from within the FBI. Tonight O'Reilly said he's talked with a number of FBI agents active and retired and many feel betrayed and dishonored due to Comey failing to turn Shillary's case over to a grand jury. . Comey is dealing with quote "a rebellion" unquote similar to how this country is split. Hannity was saying near the same thing on my car radio this afternoon. Hannity even read a very detailed letter an agent sent to Comey that did everything but scream "Shame! Shame!" I peeked in on Megyn Kelly while watching the classic "Dracula" and heard some commentator say that Comey is trying to "cover his ass" in those exact words.
I think it was Comey's self interest that led him to do what he is now doing. He thought allegiance to Hillary could protect him and his career, but is realizing that Hillary wouldnt protect him at all. Look at the hatred in her face when his name comes up.
Me dino don't think that scared little man had much going for self-respect in the first place. His self-interest shown by kissing up to the regime cost him the respect of not only his FBI agents but much of the American public as well. It would have been a lot easier to do the right thing by turning such obvious criminality over to a grand jury Now me dino guesses he's doing this weasel a wiener dance in a hope to dodge a dereliction of duty accusation farther down the road.
Mr. Comey loves his own power too much to be selfless. He's motivated by something else. I suspect the other shoe will drop soon enough.
Let's see, to re-cap, two jets with powerful people coincidentally pull up side by side ...for a discussion only about grandkids? I think it went more like this: Prosecute my wife and she takes the President with her. Now that's a reason for Comey to leave matters alone. So, what motivates Comey now? FEAR
Thought that moniker looked new so me dino clicked on it. Welcome to the Gulch. FEAR. If there was An Allosaur's Amended Dictionary, Comey's face would be beside that word.
I always felt that the current regime had something on Comey... His reputation was very solid, but his decision to not pursue Shirllary eroded all of his capital, and the FBI's capital, in my book.
What did she even do wrong? Nothing was sensitive. Take her word for it. I guess we have to. Most of it was deliberately deleted. Even sweet older ladies get caught telling me Hillary is "full of shit", but I am the kind of person who gives the benefit of the doubt. She could have had the best interests of... something in mind when she used a private email server to discuss state secrets. And since something is unknown, we must respect her decision. Everyone except the opposition deserves a second chance. We don't have all the facts, so how can we judge? Just because she has all the facts doesn't mean we are capable of understanding what must have been a difficult decision. Excuse me. 40,000+ difficult decisions.
If Obama pardons Cruella, I mean the head of the Clinton Crime Syndicate, aka HRC, she can no longer plead the fifth. This could be very interesting indeed. I agree. Karma is going to bite all of these criminals in the @rse. Let the dominoes fall where they may!
None of this political stuff is as it appears, in my judgment. 1) Comey capitulated to Hillary pressure in the initial investigation and just shut it down to please her, and probably cement his job in her administration. 2) Comey then got HEAT for obviously sweeping things under the rug, and the reputation of the FBI took a BIG nosedive and people blamed it on him 3) More and more evidence was coming up and Comey decided he couldnt continue to capitulate to Hillary and still retain his career in the face of it. 4) Like rats escaping the sinking ship, he was between a rock and a hard place. Pleasing Hillary wasnt going to save his butt if she got elected, and certainly not going to save his butt if she loses. 5) So he "reopens" the investigation and probably will find stuff to keep Hillary from winning. 6) Maybe he will save the reputation of the FBI and his own reputation even if Trump gets elected.
7) Of course Hillary is trying to rush an investigation which should take awhile in hopes that he will flub the investigation AGAIN and his career will indeed be ruined.
Look at the hatred in her heart when she talks about Comey. The look on her face said it all- "We thought he was bought off and look what he is doing to save himself......damn him !"
They'll get it shut down again, and give them their pink slips at the same time for being so insolent as to challenge the authority of she who shall not be named...
Never too late to open a can of worms. This may only change the polls by a point or two, but that might be all that's needed.On the other hand, if nothing else, it is a futher illustration of the unending corruption of the Clintons being uncovered.
If the polls are accurate and this race is close then this should give Trump the bump he needs when he needed it most. That being said, there are still 10 days left. The real surprise is that Hillary was surprised. Makes me think some folks in Washington have had enough or they think Trump is going to win and they are trying to suck up to him now.
It's not too late. It's just in time to make a few leftist court holders throw up at the dinnertable.
I don't look for anything to come of this investigation. I can't imagine what game the Director thinks he can play, but I'm sure he has a game afoot. The value of this news is making people think, who can still think.
I don't believe it is too late. I believe that this reopening of the investigation will tend to accomplish two objectives: (1) suppression of Democrat and Independent voters who really aren't Shrillary fans; and (2) energize the Trump supporters as well as nudging those who aren't Trump fans to vote for him.
Could Obama (technically Lynch) fire Comey? Hmmm...
Lunch can and she'll do what O tells her to do. My guess is that O has the pardon papers all filled out and ready for signature; he's just waiting for Hitlery to ante up. After all, he has a legacy to protect.
Where is Obama? He hasn't commented on the reopened FBI investigation, as far as I can tell. It's a no-win situation for him. If he doesn't comment, he will appear to support a decision by his appointee Comey that could cost his party the Presidency. If he does comment (or fire Comey) it will be seen as political interference in an ongoing investigation and an attack on the "independence" of the Justice Department. Either way it won't look good for Obama or his legacy.
If he loudly complains about the FBI investigation, it will remind people that he, um, "misspoke" when said that he learned of Shrillary's home grown server "in the news along with everyone else" when in reality he had been communicating with her from early-on. Any communication coming from the President is by definition classified, so our Dear Leader broke the laws relating to the handling of classified information.
No they did not reopen it. A different investigation unearth something on some computational device that may possibly be relevant so it was added to the collection pertaining to the case.
Comey saw fit to apprise Congress of this despite the fact there has been no time to analyze the information and despite it not be obviously relevant or pointing to any wrong doing by Clinton. That he chose to do this at this late date without any real evaluated evidence to raise more FUD around the election is in very questionable taste and he is being criticized for what seems rather poor judgment.
I suspect that Comey knows enough about the evidence to know that there is an incendiary device in it that precluded his simply ignoring it until after the election. Mox nix; I've already voted and it was #NEVERHILLARY.
Ahh, the irrationality of comrades in the Socialist Left Coast who ignore, fear, dissemble, and twist the truth. Truth is singular. All the Hillerites versions are mistruths.
I agree that in some respects, this is Comey covering his backside. I really don't know if this coming out 11 days before the election helps much. The truth will come out with the results of the investigation which will probably not be before the 8th. What a mess!
With or without more details, this will impact the election by reviving a major issue that the Clinton campaign thought was behind them. Especially since it's coming from Obama's Justice Department, rather than Trump or Wikileaks. And it's reminding voters of the Weiner scandal, and tying Hillary's campaign to it. This can't be good for her 11 days before the election.
It could be the FBI is hedging their bet, the charade that is going on with Clinton about this email mess is dangerous to them because the truth will ultimately prevale.
Paul Krugman, leftist columnist for the "New York Times" and full-time advisor the Clinton campaign (just kidding--sort of), is calling the FBI director disgraceful, politically motivated, grotesque... and, at the same time, saying "none of us know what this is about, as yet."
The FBI director has informed Congress, officially, that there is potential new evidence, seemingly pertinent, to the investigation of Hillary Clinton's misuse of classified emails while secretary of state, a position of high trust in these matters, no?
Chapter 18 of the U.S. Code very clearly says at any misuse of classified infomation, by anyone privy it--and such misuse includes any sharing of it, or risk of sharing it, with any person not privy to such information. It is a criminal offense, plain and simple.
If the FBI has information--in this case from the computer of a husband of a top Clinton advisor--that might be incriminating should it WAIT till after the election, so as not to influence its result? And that ISN'T influencing its result? Should the FBI director not make known that he is reopening the Clinton investigation because of new information--a celebrated case followed step by step by the public? No make it known to protect Clinton?
Krug almost immediately had a nervous breakdown because he has staked his entire reputation on in effect campaigning non-stop, in the pages of the "Times," for Clinton and against Trump. If his gal turns out to come under criminal indictment, and Trump wins, he has thoroughly politicized himself for nothing.
If this is the final straw that brings down the House of Hillary, Weiner deserves some sort of award. It would be totally ironic if Hillary loses due to a sex scandal that does not involve her husband.
I imagine Wiener would dress up like a woman so he could have transsexual access to what he'd call "the little girl's room."
Now I just imagined him in front of a mirror putting on lipstick under that wiener nose of his.
Dang my dino brain is dangerous! Make it stop, dino brain! Make it stop!
The n-word and other trash. While he peddles crack to the single mother with 5 kids from different men.
if true this could spell real trouble .....more classified data on a non-secure computer
busy work to make it look like the government has any interest in justice.
The other shoe drops? Very interesting.
It shouldn't be too late, but the world has become so corrupt and bereft of virtue... Who is John Galt?
If she is elected before indictment anyway, would that mean we might end up with Kaine? He is no prize either.
So many people have already voted. Very hard news for the United States, undermines confidence in our system, even if blows over.
Our elections have a history of mudslinging, but this one seems to be slinging road apples.
The division is evident. It is one of the oldest tactics in the book divide and conquer.
“The Democratic Coalition Against Trump alleges Mr Comey is in breach of the Hatch Act, which bars federal employees from political activity.
‘It is absolutely absurd that FBI Director Comey would support Donald Trump like this with only 11 days to go before the election,’ said Scott Dworkin, Senior Advisor to the Democratic Coalition Against Trump.
‘It is an obvious attack from a lifelong Republican who used to serve in the Bush White House, just to undermine her campaign. Comey needs to focus on stopping terrorists and protecting America, not investigating our soon to be President-Elect Hillary Clinton.’”
What do you think, rob? Carrot or stick?
Tonight O'Reilly said he's talked with a number of FBI agents active and retired and many feel betrayed and dishonored due to Comey failing to turn Shillary's case over to a grand jury. .
Comey is dealing with quote "a rebellion" unquote similar to how this country is split.
Hannity was saying near the same thing on my car radio this afternoon.
Hannity even read a very detailed letter an agent sent to Comey that did everything but scream "Shame! Shame!"
I peeked in on Megyn Kelly while watching the classic "Dracula" and heard some commentator say that Comey is trying to "cover his ass" in those exact words.
His self-interest shown by kissing up to the regime cost him the respect of not only his FBI agents but much of the American public as well.
It would have been a lot easier to do the right thing by turning such obvious criminality over to a grand jury
Now me dino guesses he's doing this weasel a wiener dance in a hope to dodge a dereliction of duty accusation farther down the road.
Let's see, to re-cap, two jets with powerful people coincidentally pull up side by side ...for a discussion only about grandkids? I think it went more like this: Prosecute my wife and she takes the President with her. Now that's a reason for Comey to leave matters alone. So, what motivates Comey now? FEAR
Welcome to the Gulch.
FEAR. If there was An Allosaur's Amended Dictionary, Comey's face would be beside that word.
Can't believe they are going for it this late in election cycle. Why now? WOW....
Indeed. Wonder if we''ll live long enough to know the truth.
1) Comey capitulated to Hillary pressure in the initial investigation and just shut it down to please her, and probably cement his job in her administration.
2) Comey then got HEAT for obviously sweeping things under the rug, and the reputation of the FBI took a BIG nosedive and people blamed it on him
3) More and more evidence was coming up and Comey decided he couldnt continue to capitulate to Hillary and still retain his career in the face of it.
4) Like rats escaping the sinking ship, he was between a rock and a hard place. Pleasing Hillary wasnt going to save his butt if she got elected, and certainly not going to save his butt if she loses.
5) So he "reopens" the investigation and probably will find stuff to keep Hillary from winning.
6) Maybe he will save the reputation of the FBI and his own reputation even if Trump gets elected.
7) Of course Hillary is trying to rush an investigation which should take awhile in hopes that he will flub the investigation AGAIN and his career will indeed be ruined.
Look at the hatred in her heart when she talks about Comey. The look on her face said it all- "We thought he was bought off and look what he is doing to save himself......damn him !"
This may only change the polls by a point or two, but that might be all that's needed.On the other hand, if nothing else, it is a futher illustration of the unending corruption of the Clintons being uncovered.
I don't look for anything to come of this investigation. I can't imagine what game the Director thinks he can play, but I'm sure he has a game afoot. The value of this news is making people think, who can still think.
Could Obama (technically Lynch) fire Comey? Hmmm...
Comey saw fit to apprise Congress of this despite the fact there has been no time to analyze the information and despite it not be obviously relevant or pointing to any wrong doing by Clinton. That he chose to do this at this late date without any real evaluated evidence to raise more FUD around the election is in very questionable taste and he is being criticized for what seems rather poor judgment.
Truth is singular. All the Hillerites versions are mistruths.
The FBI director has informed Congress, officially, that there is potential new evidence, seemingly pertinent, to the investigation of Hillary Clinton's misuse of classified emails while secretary of state, a position of high trust in these matters, no?
Chapter 18 of the U.S. Code very clearly says at any misuse of classified infomation, by anyone privy it--and such misuse includes any sharing of it, or risk of sharing it, with any person not privy to such information. It is a criminal offense, plain and simple.
If the FBI has information--in this case from the computer of a husband of a top Clinton advisor--that might be incriminating should it WAIT till after the election, so as not to influence its result? And that ISN'T influencing its result? Should the FBI director not make known that he is reopening the Clinton investigation because of new information--a celebrated case followed step by step by the public? No make it known to protect Clinton?
Krug almost immediately had a nervous breakdown because he has staked his entire reputation on in effect campaigning non-stop, in the pages of the "Times," for Clinton and against Trump. If his gal turns out to come under criminal indictment, and Trump wins, he has thoroughly politicized himself for nothing.