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  • Posted by Technocracy 10 years, 5 months ago
    One of two options here...

    either this is what passes for liberal humor

    Or they accidentally replaced liberal with conservative before they published

    The things they posited as typical conservative issues are the things that give liberals night sweats.

    Fear and Aggression - victim of auto-correct...they meant Fear OF Aggression

    Dogmatism - Liberals are nothing if not dogmatic...Democratic Talking Points...they all drink the cool aid (tm)

    Uncertainty Avoidance - Yep, no wonder they can never judge or decide anything..never ever go to a starbucks if you are in a hurry....It should not take that long to decide people...ITS COFFEE

    Need for Cognitive Closure - funny the libs are the only ones ever prattling on and on about closure

    Terror Management - Liberal program again...why do you think we bring them to GITMO? Its a far cleaner solution to squeeze them for info then execute them as the scum they are. Don't Manage it END it
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  • Posted by Zenphamy 10 years, 5 months ago
    Well, I made it through the second paragraph. What nonsense.
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    • -5
      Posted by 10 years, 5 months ago
      Refusing to read information that goes against your preconceived bias. How very Conservative of you... ;)
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      • Posted by Zenphamy 10 years, 5 months ago
        I don't count nonsense as information I need whether against or for my rationality and I don't waste my time on such juvenile attempts to 1984 double-talk me anymore than I waste my time studying Zombies, witches, religious books, or why I should consider reparations to the descendants of ex-slaves.
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        • -6
          Posted by 10 years, 5 months ago
          Automatically dismissing well researched information as supposedly being "nonsense" simply because you don't like the conclusions? Doesn't seem like a particularly rational or objective position to take, if you ask me.
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          • Posted by Zenphamy 10 years, 5 months ago
            I didn't agree that the premises were rationally proposed, so any supposed research that supports nonsense premises is therefor nonsense. Bullsh$t in, Bullsh$t out.
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      • Posted by khalling 10 years, 5 months ago
        If it isn 't rational, why give it the time of day? Why give you the time of day for promoting the irrational?
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        • -4
          Posted by 10 years, 5 months ago
          How is it irrational?
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          • 10
            Posted by khalling 10 years, 5 months ago
            From the very first paragraphs the bias in the design of the study shows up. They compare Reagan with Moussilini and Hitler. One component asserts conservatives are promoting inequality. What nonsense. Conservatives understand that people will perform differently, some successfully, some not. They inherently understand there is no way to have perfect equality without penalizing some for others. That is a morally unacceptable condition, not to mention false choice. Over and over incorrect analysis is given to perceived "attitudes." It is not scientific but trying to drive home bias that is not true. The conclusions make inferences that are not in the data. Laughable if it weren 't taken seriously. But those like yourself find it somehow relevant. That 's some scary posturing...
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  • Posted by richrobinson 10 years, 5 months ago
    Maph. Do you believe any of this?
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    • -3
      Posted by $ 10 years, 5 months ago
      Fear and aggression - Conservatives do generally tend to be more aggressive than Liberals, in my experience, though there are definitely some exceptions.

      Dogmatism - Conservatives do absolutely tend to be much more dogmatic than Liberals. This is why most religious people are Conservatives. It's also why Ayn Rand's books are popular among Conservatives but not Liberals. Objectivism is a philosophy which essentially said it's immoral to not subscribe to dogma.

      Intolerance of Ambiguity, Uncertainty Avoidance, Need for Cognitive Closure - These three all kind of go hand-in-hand. And yes, they are character traits which are far more prominent among Conservatives. A big example I've personally noticed is in regards to trans* issues. Liberals are generally willing to accept that gender can be vague and ambiguous, and subject to mutation and deviation (just like all aspects of biology), while Conservatives typically are not, even when presented with scientific evidence. To Conservatives, dogma trumps science.

      Terror management - Conservatives do tend to be far more concerned about controlling borders and suppressing alternative religions than Liberals. Conservatives like to paint issues with a broad brush, and often lump all members of a particular group together, whereas Liberals will take an approach which is more nuanced, and therefore more accurate.
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      • Posted by richrobinson 10 years, 5 months ago
        Our experiences have been quite different. I talk to a lot of people thru the coarse of a day. The ones that are liberal have been quite rigid and arrogant in their beliefs. I have had interesting conversations with the conservatives. I have been preached to by the liberals often times without being able to get my point of view in. I am not so sure that liberals are more tolerant of different lifestyles. I see it mostly as pandering in order to gain more power. Acceptance of someone is done more on an individual basis and I think separate from political belief. I disagree that conservatives paint with a broad brush. How often do you hear liberals talk about the "gay community" or "women's issues" or "African American issues". They speak as if all gays all women and all blacks think exactly alike. Political conservatives fight for freedom and liberty for all.
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        • -5
          Posted by $ 10 years, 5 months ago
          "They speak as if all gays all women and all blacks think exactly alike. Political conservatives fight for freedom and liberty for all."
          Conservatives do no such thing. From what I've seen, Conservatives want freedom exclusively for white, heterosexual Christians, and no one else. They even go so far as to define "freedom" as the freedom to engage in discrimination and persecution, and they view Civil Rights as an attack on freedom.
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          • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 10 years, 5 months ago
            This is the final time I will post related to anything you write. Why now? Because sometimes a person needs to be smacked with both barrels and now its your turn.

            You, with your myopic perspective, are the image of the current and future slave masters of the world. The current/future slave being any person of any color, of any sex, of any nationality and of any orientation. In short anyone who doesn't subscribe to your spoon-fed, kool aid saturated view of the world and how it should be.

            The monumental heights of your gibberish transcend any value you offer to any conversation. If you are sincere in your words and your assessments then you willfully and voluntarily reject all rationality and reason.

            Rant on.
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            • -1
              Posted by $ 10 years, 5 months ago
              And here I thought Objectivism was supposed to be an ideology of free thinking and individualism. Guess I was mistaken. Apparently Ayn Rand's practice of demanding conformity and expelling anyone who didn't bow down to the ideology of the Objectivst collective carries over to her followers as well...
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      • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 5 months ago
        And on the left you have Stalin, Mao, Castro, Minh, and let's not forget Hitler.

        On the right you have.... ?

        You have it backwards; most Christians tend to be more conservative because Christianity, like conservatism, promotes a belief in personal responsibility, whereas liberals are attracted to statism and atheism because they remove personal responsibility.

        "error management - Conservatives do tend to be far more concerned about controlling borders and suppressing alternative religions than Liberals."
        No, conservatives are far more concerned with suppressing evil and protecting good than are liberals. Liberals live in a gray world where nobody's really bad, so that nobody can be really good...

        Conservatives are concerned with allowing individuals to practice their religious beliefs, whereas liberals are only concerned with allowing everyone to practice the liberal's belief du jour.

        What you call "nuance" conservatives call "evasion".

        By definition, if one is a member of a group, one must be lumped with other members of that group... or one is not a member of a group. You can't define a group without... defining a group.

        Oh, gotta have fun with this tidbit:
        " Conservatives do absolutely tend to be much more dogmatic than Liberals."
        "Conservatives do tend to be far more concerned about controlling borders and suppressing alternative religions than Liberals."

        Hmm... didn't someone just say:
        " Conservatives like to paint issues with a broad brush, and often lump all members of a particular group together"?

        Methinks you project too much, Maph.

        You're becoming more fun to play language with than dbhalling...

        Edit to add:
        Liberals aren't "nuanced". Their philosophies are based upon emotion, not reason, therefore their arguments tend to be vague and unfocused, not "nuanced".
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        • Posted by khalling 10 years, 5 months ago
          Aetheism does not remove personal responsibility. Born again does however
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          • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 10 years, 5 months ago
            Not sure how you figure that. If anything it makes you more accountable for your actions, even if you can gain forgiveness by asking for it. Its not a license to do anything you wish.
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          • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 5 months ago
            Being born again is not a license to sin.
            Parallel example: a Catholic sins, goes to confession... therefore a Catholic can sin all he wants... except A) his confession has to be sincere or it doesn't count and B) he must go forth and sin no more.

            We're back to the Objectivist pedophile argument, khalling.
            What's the old saying? Figures don't lie, but liars can figure? Some Catholic priests were homosexual pedophiles; does that mean that all Catholics are homosexual pedophiles, or does it mean that some homosexual pedophiles hide in the Church?

            Likewise, atheism appeals to the left because there's no daddy or mommy to answer to. You can do whatever you want without restraint, there are no consequences.
            And because you're a leftist, you have no guiding character telling you "this is right" and "this is wrong"; everything is morally relative, and therefore ambiguous, so what is "good" is whatever you enjoy and can get away with.

            Exactly what is "personal responsibility"? To whom does an atheist answer if one acts irresponsibly? We have the left's answer: force Hobby Lobby to pay for your birth control. Force the responsible to provide a safety net for the consequences of your irresponsible behavior. And there's no moral framework for them to prevent this... for want of a better term... perversion of atheism.

            I hope you understand my point, now.
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            • Posted by khalling 10 years, 5 months ago
              But that was not your point. You used Objectivism to justify immoral behavior. Although, I agree Catholicism does not condone not teach pedophilia, the ritualistic culture/history of alter boys, eunuchs coupled with the mandate priests be celibate, creates an environment more conducive to such behavior. You cannot ignore the statistical data, that we are aware of. The whole "Born again" concept seems at the most basic insincere. Not that people do not make mistakes, fall off the wagon, but more the concept of in the state of being "born again" you will be saved while a perfectly reasonable atheist cannot be.There's alot of hypocrisy in that and the religious should face that head on. Rituals of convenience I call them.
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              • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 5 months ago
                " coupled with the mandate priests be celibate,"

                Please elaborate? How does celibacy turn one into a homosexual child predator?

                Of course a personally reasonable atheist cannot be; he rejects the supremacy of God altogether; there's no "saving" to be done for an atheist.
                Edit to add: In some religious philosophies, as I understand it, atheists are neither condemned nor saved, but enter "limbo", an indeterminate state. (and a "born-again atheist" would be contradictory).

                I did *not* just Objectivism to justify immoral behavior, if you're referring to the statement that got me sent to Coventry. I tried demonstrating that Objectivist philosophy *can be used* to justify immoral behavior. (and NAMBLA is of the collective opinion that pedophilia isn't immoral, which goes to my point that without a foundation of morality, leftists can justify *any* behavior that makes them as individuals happy, without any framework to regulate their behavior).
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        • -3
          Posted by $ 10 years, 5 months ago
          Hitler was right-wing. The claim that he was a Liberal is modern historical revisionism. Stalin could also be considered right-wing within the context of his society.

          Atheism does not remove personal responsibility. Religion does.

          And Liberals are no more attracted to statism than are Conservatives. A significant portion of Liberals are actually anarchists, which is the exact opposite of statism. Also, I've noticed that Conservatives tend to only complain about "statists" when a Liberal is in office. When a Conservative is in office, Conservatives are all for the state.

          You claim that nuance is evasion, but you fail to realize that some questions simply do not have an easy, straightforward answer. As Oscar Wilde says, "The truth is rarely pure and never simple." The Conservative demand for pure and simple truths inevitably means they will have little truth.

          And Conservatives use emotion in their philosophies far more often than Liberals do. Liberals construct arguments using mathematics. Conservatives construct arguments using religion and dogma. I don't think I need to point out which of those involves logic and which one involves emotion.
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          • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 5 months ago
            Which side of the political spectrum put people in mental hospitals because disagreement with their ideology was considered proof-positive of insanity?

            Answer: the left.
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            • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 10 years, 5 months ago
              Incidentally, today they (Leftist D's and RINO's) are seeking to validate people's mental state as a prerequisite to own a gun (so much for 2nd Amendment). I wonder who renders that determination and WHEN it which creative ways it will be used against an individual who disagrees with an ruling party's ideology.
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          • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 5 months ago

            There's no revisionism necessary; his philosophy was no different from the communists whom he fought.

            See my reply to khalling regarding atheism.

            Yes, a goodly number of *liberals* are anarchists, if you use the classical definition of liberal... in the Humpty-Dumpty way you like to switch the usage of words around to suit whatever your argument of the moment is. But, I was talking about *leftists*, who believe the individual is subsumed to the collective, be that collective called "the state" or "the people".

            Rudyard Kipling
            Macdonough's Song

            "As easy as A B C"--A Diversity of Creatures"

            Whether the State can loose and bind
            In Heaven as well as on Earth:
            If it be wiser to kill mankind
            Before or after the birth--
            These are matters of high concern
            Where State-kept schoolmen are;
            But Holy State (we have lived to learn)
            Endeth in Holy War.

            Whether The People be led by The Lord,
            Or lured by the loudest throat:
            If it be quicker to die by the sword
            Or cheaper to die by vote--
            These are things we have dealt with once,
            (And they will not rise from their grave)
            For Holy People, however it runs,
            Endeth in wholly Slave.

            Whatsoever, for any cause,
            Seeketh to take or give
            Power above or beyond the Laws,
            Suffer it not to live!
            Holy State or Holy King--
            Or Holy People's Will--
            Have no truck with the senseless thing.
            Order the guns and kill!
            Saying --after--me:--

            Once there was The People--Terror gave it birth;
            Once there was The People and it made a Hell of Earth
            Earth arose and crushed it. Listen, 0 ye slain!
            Once there was The People--it shall never be again!

            Leftists do NOT construct arguments using mathematics. They use mathematics to give their arguments the illusion of reasoned thought, even though the math is bogus and the actual argument is all about feeeeeeeeeelings. Whether it is feeeeelings for the welfare parasite, the illegal alien invader, or the poor Earth being destroyed by the eeeeeevil capitalists, it's still all emotion-driven, not reason driven.

            "How do you write leftists so well?"
            "I think of a conservative, and take away reason and accountability" - What Melvin Udall *really* said in "As Good As It Gets"....

            If conservatives construct arguments using religion and dogma... then I guess it's conservatives who are behind the carbon exchange and the global warming hysteria...
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            • -2
              Posted by $ 10 years, 5 months ago
              Hitler's philosophy was exactly opposite that of the Communists. It was well known back at the time that Fascism was the capitalist response against Communism, but today people have forgotten that little tidbit of history.

              To categorize Liberals as believing that the individual should submit to the collective is a false definition of Liberals, because every group requires its members to submit and follow. And yes, that includes Conservative groups, and even Objectivist groups. Ayn Rand had a low tolerance for dissent, and she frequently expelled anyone from her circle if they didn't completely agree with her.
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              • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 5 months ago
                Just like people have forgotten the little tidbit of history that the Bolshevik's crushed the Menshavik's, ultimately resulting in Stalin's supremacy.

                Hitler's philosophy the opposite of Stalin's? Not at all. They BOTH felt the individual must be subjugated to the collective. Same philosophy. Note the wording; "must be subjugated".

                Again, you keep trying to conflate the classic definition of "liberal" with the modern usage of "liberal". In current usage, "liberal" is synonymous with "leftist".

                And, no, leftists require individuals submit and follow the collective; conservatives require individuals to obey The Law, which is a foundational document designed to protect the rights of the individual. Not the same thing.


                Objectivists don't require members to submit and follow, merely requires the individual to respect the rights of others *or they are not Objectivist*. Note the lack of coercion.
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                • Posted by $ 10 years, 5 months ago
                  All groups feel that the individual must be subjected to the collective. That has nothing to do with either Liberalism or Conservatism, as they BOTH use the law as a means of accomplishing that end. Collectivism is simply the inherent nature of all groups. It's called group think. And yes, Objectivists are included in that.
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 10 years, 5 months ago
    What a load of crap this news item is.

    "The researchers said that conservative ideologies, like virtually all belief systems, develop in part because they satisfy some psychological needs, but that "does not mean that conservatism is pathological or that conservative beliefs are necessarily false, irrational, or unprincipled."

    They also stressed that their findings are not judgmental."

    Do they not see their inherent bias in this?
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  • Posted by $ winterwind 10 years, 5 months ago
    "Need for cognitive closure" translates to "do something about the problem"
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    • -2
      Posted by 10 years, 5 months ago
      It could mean that. It could also cause a person to reach a conclusion prematurely by insisting that the problem is simpler than it actually is. It could also cause a person to refuse to listen to outside sources if those sources are difficult to understand, or if they raise more questions than answers.
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