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or 1973. It's been a long time since then.
Hillary is too stupid to exercise patience, and she may well stumble into a major conflict with either China or Russia (Russia is now the prime globalist target). How many Americans are going to be willing to die in a senseless conflict for a leader that hates the military?
In any case, I think Ayn Rand would be quite vitriolic today if she were at the height of her powers.She might even get into politics a bit. Can you imagine her advising Johnson and getting his head straight? He probably could use some objectivist advisors right now.
They are a bunch of timid weasels.
I think there's a chance the regular Republicans would join the regular Democrats. The Bernie Sanders Democrats would join a kinder, gentler version of Trump.
The Judicial, burgeoning bureaucracy, and 4th Estate are permanently statist
I think we Can get it back, back from the throws of death...but it ain't gona happen overnight.
It might take us as long to recover as it has for us to find ourselves in this situation.
I am one of the basket of deplorables, as Hillary blurted out, and we arent just going to sit idly by while Hillary exercises her power.
And there is no Brutus among us.
So have the Progressives . . . .
Me dino has not sent a donation to any of these Obama gonna be dictator claimants.
My reasoning? How the heck is this group or guy gonna stop O from doing anything?