Trump is the GOP's Frankenstein

Posted by khalling 8 years, 4 months ago to Politics
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"I realize some of you have a more sanguine view of Trump compared to mine. And some of you have a far more sinister view of Trump.

But, whatever you think of the man, the constituency Trump represents is not deplorable. And, win or lose in 2016, they are convinced that there exists this nationalistic, protectionist, anti-immigration platform which will solve their problems."

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  • Posted by mminnick 8 years, 4 months ago
    I take exception to the title. Trump is not Frankenstein. The GOP is Frankenstein and Trump is their creation. By there actions and inaction they made this the year of the insurgent. The top vote getters in the primary were two party outcasts. Both created by the party.
    If the Republicans had done what they promised , neither Trump nor Cruz would have lasted past the first three primaries.. As it was the Party made sure, by it's actions, that one of them would be the nominee.
    The passage of two short weeks will tell us if the creature is a monster or a "Man".
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  • Posted by EdGoldstein 8 years, 4 months ago
    This article is written in ideological terms whose meanings have been distorted by the left and its media. Trump is neither a demagogue nor a Frankenstein of the GOP. That is the narrative of the establishment. Since 2010 a revolt against the state narrative has been growing. It was called the Tea Party and has been fought by both the Democrats and Republicans. The Republican establishment had intended to end the revolt in 2016 by spiting the conservative base between multiple candidates, giving Jeb the nomination. When Trump entered he voiced the principals and goals the Tea Party he re energized the Tea Party.

    What became obvious in 2016 is that the idea that there are two opposing parties is a fictional narrative. There is a single establishment running the country that pretends to represent two opposing ideologies as a means of controlling the population, There is never an effective opposition because there is never any real opposition. The oligarchs agree among themselves and then do it to the population. This might not be bad if the oligarchs were as smart as they think they are. Unfortunately it is clear from their decisions that they have created a kakistocracy of the rule by the most inept and corrupt.
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    • Posted by $ TomB666 8 years, 4 months ago
      During Clinton's time in office my brother was talked into running for congress in CA by some of his Dem friends. As he got into it he came to a point where he thought that with just a little support from the local D's party boss he could actually win. Then reality - the local boss told him he was not supposed to win - that the seat he was running for was for the R's to win and they did not want him to actually win it. It would upset the balance they had agreed to. I tell this in support of your argument - there is only one party with two teams who divide the spoils.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 4 months ago
    Trump's main constituency is a group who has been waiting to hear the words he is saying for the past 20 years. They are patriotic Americans who feel they are losing their country and they want to fight back even if it means a little Constitution bypass.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 4 months ago
      Great, more who feel the ends justify the means, like the liberals. Trash the constitution, its just a GD piece of paper. You don't need those guns. The CIA, FBI, DHS, and F-troop will take care of you.
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      • Posted by MinorLiberator 8 years, 4 months ago
        I agree about ends and means, too. I just believe that Trump's unethical means will be a lot less unethical and dangerous than Hillary's, in particular in terms of trashing the Constitution. Trump's bypasses, if any, will pale in comparison to the number and extent of what Hillary will try to do.
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      • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 4 months ago
        Aphorisms only work if they illustrate a truth. I am steadfast in my position that while Trump is not nearly our best choice, he is better than Hillary who is a known quantity. I suppose Trump is a gamble, but like the man said, "If you don't play you can't win."
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  • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 4 months ago
    If Trump were the only Halloween monster in the Republican Party, I'd be pretty happy. Most of them have been drinking the "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" brew with as fast as they have changed their stripes from what they promised two years ago. There are a few vampires in there like John McCain, and you have the werewolf of Paul Ryan whose moon is Obamacare. The Democratic Party is full of witches like Nancy Pelosi and zombies galore (their voters).

    I'd say Halloween is a particularly appropriate holiday for this election.
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  • Posted by $ TomB666 8 years, 4 months ago
    I don't think Trump can "solve our problems" I just hope he can slow down the tempo of the coming destruction of our civil liberties. (That is about all Reagan managed.) I'm 73 and would like to die still a relatively free man. I think the younger people who elected Obummer and might elect Killary will pay the price for their lack of reasoned thought.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years, 4 months ago
    Both Trump and Bernie Sanders are a result of a bottom-up populist movement, no credit to their respective parties. For at least two decades the people have been trying to tell their Federal representatives they don't like the way the country is being run, that they don't feel they're being heard, and that they aren't pleased with the elite they see taking over the country.

    The Tea Party was the first significant sign of this fomenting uprising, and even the establishment media had to acknowledge the root cause of its rise to unavoidable notice. You don't hear much about this group any more, because they put their faith in bumbling, flawed super-conservatives who made it easy for the establishment media propaganda machine to destroy them.

    Trump and Sanders independently recognized that there was a strong desire to return the citizenry to a degree of power. To do that, the elite in the political parties, and the wealthy in cahoots with them needed to be challenged, and taken down if possible.

    The tremendous effort has been made by both major political establishments and their toady media propaganda arm against both populist candidates, and they succeeded in stopping Sanders. Trump amazingly seems to be continuing to ride the populist wave, in spite of the efforts to stop him. If he's to be considered a monster, his creators are the pitchfork and torch waving masses, eager for a cleansing of the government cesspool.
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  • Posted by Temlakos 8 years, 4 months ago
    Oh, yeah?

    I am a member of the Trump constituency.

    Say what you will about him, but he produces. Hillary Clinton has produced nothing, and destroyed much. In fact she cannot even guarantee a result for those who bribe her; witness the Keystone XL Pipeline affair.

    I'll take the man who gets results, over the man (or woman) who doesn't.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 4 months ago
      Hitler got results. Stalin got results. Mao got results. Pol Pot got results. Obama got results.
      Yes, Hillary is a disgusting ugly unethical lying looter. If she were standing in the road and I accidentally hit her with my car, I might accidentally back up over her. Trump might be better, or might be a re-run of King George III.
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  • Posted by jetgraphics 8 years, 4 months ago
    Democracy is the problem. . .

    You were born to be sovereign, endowed with rights by God almighty, and no servant government was delegated power to trespass those rights - save by consent of the governed or in pursuit of justice on behalf of an injured party. Absent consent, all government is authorized to do is adjudicate disputes, prosecute criminals, and defend against enemies, foreign or domestic.
    Anything more is based on your consent and voluntary participation in their democracy, contracts with usurers, and by your voluntary participation in national socialism (socialist insecurity).

    No matter who is elected, nothing will change the path to destruction, caused by the criminals in power.
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  • Posted by USinc 8 years, 4 months ago
    It's time for a business man to run the government instead of the government running the business men! Maybe the mooching will stop. And don't forget the Supreme Court!
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    • Posted by 8 years, 4 months ago
      well, like the govt takes from producers, Trump has a history of not paying the producers he hires, banking on his name (brand) alone. but I hear you about Supreme Court.
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  • Posted by wmiranda 8 years, 4 months ago
    I'm your case in point. Whatever happens at the elections, I will no longer be a conservative, libertarian, democrat, republican, probably not independent. Whatever Trump is, that's what I'll be (including the nasty names some of you have in your minds right now). If a Term Limits party forms, that's what I'll be too. My only infidelity in my marriage is with America. I'm sick and tired of politics as usual.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 4 months ago
    Me dino is at one with the jolt that awakened Dr. Frankenstein's monster.
    Metaphorically speaking, the creature is composed with mistaken as dead body parts that the elites hoped to stay stifled.
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  • Posted by wiggys 8 years, 4 months ago
    I find it difficult to see trump giving a state of the union address or otherwise communicating with congressman who he probably finds deplorable. So when he is elected he will shortly there after resign so pence can assume or be elevated to the presidency since he can communicate with the congressman and he may very well make a good president.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 4 months ago
    The serious response...
    If they do find a kinder, gentler populist in 2020, that candidate will have to appeal to some Bernie Sanders supporters.

    Here is a glimpse of it from Bernie Sanders' article in the NYT:
    "That increasingly globalized economy, established and maintained by the world’s economic elite, is failing people everywhere.
    Wall Street and billionaires, through their “super PACs,” are able to buy elections.
    I also visited the American citizens of Puerto Rico, where some 58 percent of the children live in poverty and only a little more than 40 percent of the adult population has a job or is seeking one.

    Let’s be clear. The global economy is not working for the majority of people in our country and the world. This is an economic model developed by the economic elite to benefit the economic elite. We need real change.

    But we do not need change based on the demagogy, bigotry and anti-immigrant sentiment that punctuated so much of the Leave campaign’s rhetoric — and is central to Donald J. Trump’s message.

    To win on a populist message like this, a party needs both kinds of populists- Trump and Sanders. They could learn to get along. As they bring together these populists who agree that other people are to blame for their problems and that gov't is part of the solution, they lose people who want stability and gov't out of their lives. I don't know if those people go to the Democrats or if Democrats disappear or change into some kind of new libertarian party.

    I am not predicting thing this will happen. The pendulum could easily swing back, with populist media driving rednecks toward moderate establishment GOP candidates who at least give some lip service to reducing gov't and who are smart enough to keep this "Cultural Marxism" crap and anyone who cites neo-Nazi murderers hidden in the background.

    Thankfully, I don't see a scenario where the bad idea of thinly veiled racism gets accepted because it's packaged with the good idea of less gov't spending/intrusion.
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    • Posted by term2 8 years, 4 months ago
      Immigrants are only a good thing if they want to melt INTO the culture they arrive in. That means speak English, adopt American values, and actually work to add to the economy. Otherwise, keep the door shut.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 4 months ago
    My silly response first...
    "And the Aftermath Is Predicable"
    "The GOP could come back on the same populist platform in 2020, led by a genuine working class man (or woman) with no skeletons in the cupboard, and win."
    What is the predicable aftermath? It sounds like this is saying faced with the threat of the destruction of their party, the GOP will resurrect more of the same dead ideas to create a female version (or at least a more palatable version) of Trump. They'll destroy it in horror of creating a new breed of Trumps. In their last gasp of life the Trumps of the world will commit violent crimes in frustration at the successful people of the world regarding them as deplorable.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 4 months ago
      I see what you did there with "deplorable." Only 30% of Republicans who voted in primaries and caucuses wanted Trump. I know many well-meaning and successful people who are voting for Trump, who consider themselves centrist Republicans. What "dead ideas" are you referring to? cutting spending, balancing a budget, no universal healthcare disasters, repealing regulatory burdens, cutting taxes for citizens and corporations?-those "dead ideas"?
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 4 months ago
        "What "dead ideas" are you referring to?"
        I was thinking of Dr. Frankenstein exhuming bodies to make a mate for the first creature. He destroys the mate in horror before he finishes it. The monster takes revenge on his creator. The real horror is the monster started out benevolent and only turned into a "monster" after polite society rejected him.
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