Tuberculosis in America and the Rise of the Human-Scientist

Posted by TheLightHouse 8 years, 2 months ago to Science
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Tuberculosis is also re-emerging globally as a drug resistant disease, and our current repertoire of drugs no longer works for every patient

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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years, 2 months ago
    We're seeing a reintroduction of a number of diseases into the U.S., courtesy of the horde of uninvited guests. TB is just one of many reappearing (or in some cases appearing for the first time), including leprosy (Hansen's disease), chagas, yellow fever (that's a truly nasty one), scarlet fever, diphtheria, bubonic plague (and its more contagious cousin, pneumonic plague). I expect that malaria will soon follow. Aren't open borders exciting?
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 8 years, 2 months ago
    The establishment wants this. Only with a scary epidemic can you surely convince the majority that force is required in government-backed health programs. Notice how Zika dropped off the radar so quickly? How can that be? We were all going to end up with tiny heads. Because it was all B.S., that's why. But, this intrusion of people with a real, established deadly disease that's hard to stop...this could get traction in the illusion machinery.
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  • Posted by Mamaemma 8 years, 2 months ago
    It is very concerning that there are a number of refugees coming in to the US who are positive for TB. TB was defeated over 100 years ago in this country by putting people in sanitariums and isolating them from the general population as long as they were contagious. The problem is that treatment for TB requires multiple drugs taken meticulously over a long period of time, and unless that treatment is confirmed, the patient is out there infecting numerous other people. Though I am willing to accept refugees into our country, I think I have the right to have the expectation that they are not carrying contagious diseases.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 2 months ago
    Oh Great! Another new "benefit" from those swarming in from the Middle East. Drug resistant disease. Be the first in your neighborhood to own this Democratic symbol of American togetherness. AAARGHH!!
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    • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 2 months ago
      Reminds me of a short poem from my childhood:
      T.B. or not T.B.
      That is congestion.
      Remember it's not the cough that carries you off,
      But the coffin they carry you off in.
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  • Posted by 8 years, 2 months ago
    Yes, exactly! Especially this disease since we know the history of contracting and how it spreads.I just put up a video with Dinesh Dsouza speaking about how dangerous a situation America is in. TB is now drug resistant.....
    Please I tell as many people that will listen, take Vitamin C powder (Ascorbic Acid) daily to build the immune system up......and it will protect it from getting TB.
    Also Vitamin C will kill the bacteria if someone already has the disease.
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    • Posted by $ jlc 8 years, 1 month ago
      Uh. Can you provide me with a scientific article or clinical trial that shows that? I can find where Vit C kills Mycobacterium spp in Vitro and where it provides benefits (lower chemotherapy time; greater resistance against initial infection) in live beings (humans or pigs) but I do not see any way to consider it a 'cure'. If it is, then this is 2M people per year whose lives are saved for very little money - Vit C is cheap.

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  • Posted by Rocky012 8 years, 2 months ago
    I have found that a bio-active Silver (Silver colloid) or a zapper can kill drug resistant bacteria. I believe big pharmaceutical companies are willing to let us die before backing these cheep and effective treatments.
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    • Posted by $ jlc 8 years, 1 month ago
      Rocky -

      I looked into oral colloidal silver a few weeks ago and did not find anything scientific that substantiated all the claims made for it. Topical silver salve is, on the other hand, a known and tested remedy.

      If you use the oral form of colloidal silver, you might want to do it in addition to conventional medical treatment.

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