Who would Ayn Rand Vote For?
Posted by robgambrill 8 years, 4 months ago to Humor
"I really believe that if Ayn Rand were alive today, she would vote for Trump. But since she is dead, she will most likely be voting for Hillary."
User @Fountainhead on Gab.ai earlier today...
User @Fountainhead on Gab.ai earlier today...
In real life, Ayn Rand wrote against voting for Ronald Reagan. I do not think that she voted Democrat that time, though. She did admire Adlai Stevenson, but, as I recall reading, she voted for Dwight Eisenhower. Her attraction for the liberals was that they had an intellectual approach to problems and offered solutions. She disagreed with those specifics, but she praised the process. On the other hand, the conservatives and Republicans were just "me, too" traditionalists with no program and no perception of the actual problems.
She would not have voted for Donald Trump. He is unintellectual, range-of-the-moment. He is a demagogue, appealing to fear. His campaign slogan "to make America great again" assumes that America is no longer great. It admits a defeat that never happened.
While it can be impossible to do productive, creative work without the government being overly involved, Trump actively courted favors for his real estate deals. He did work his way through college, granted. But he did that with HUD houses. Again, there is a reality to that which an honest person could come to grips with, but Donald Trump seems never to have asked any basic questions about eminent domain.
I think that Ayn Rand would not vote for anyone for President in this election.
enough for me!!
It has nothing to do with, and is actually the complete opposite of modern "Liberals". In advertising terms, it was a highly successful (although evil) "re-branding"
of essentially Marxist theories. Black is white.
The unfortunate but necessary result being that modern free market Economists are careful to use the term "classical liberals" to refer to the early free-traders. (Another example of successful and devastating rebranding is the term "progressive", which now applies to people and ideas who are the exact opposite.)
I have a hard time believing Ayn thought that...her mind must have been slipping back then cause just look around at the problems all that "liberal" compartmentalized thinklessing has done for us...
vote," and in 1980 she said, "There is a limit to the
notion of voting for the lesser of two evils." She was very much anti-Reagan, because he was a
"religion-based conservative," and he was anti-
abortion. Yet in 1976 she went for Ford, even
though he gave some lip service (she said he
had caved in "shamefully" to the anti-abortion
She said at one point that there was (this is
a memory quote,pardon me if there is a mistake)
"There is only one group of people who could
make it necessary to vote for Reagan--the Dem-
ocrats (by voting for some version of Kennedy)
If Trump has gone anti-abortion, I do not
think he is fervently so, or that he will do much
about it.
But I consider Hillary Clinton an intolerable
socialist. As I have said, over and over, it is
like a choice between being shot through the
head with a gun one knows to be fully loaded,
and playing Russian roulette.
Big bruiser confident bouncers are less likely get into fights in bars because the bad guys are intimidated. Scrawny insecure security people are more likely to have to fight.
Hillary and Obama are likely to project weakness and will invite challenges from Russia. At some point they will be forced to fight Russia. Trump wont have that problem. He will meet with Putin and they will understand each other and neither will actually want to fight
I have to be honest. I'm scared of this woman.
Beyond that, I don't think she'd even recognize what elections have become.
America remains (IS!) great, though its light has become dimmed, those that wish to turn off its power seem steadily on the ascendancy.
The proper context, as you remind, is that despite what seems to occupy our focus, we are living in the best of times in the best of places - with comfort, security, and opportunities that would challenge the imagination of those who came before us.
Yes, we are watching it all put at risk, but as Rand aptly stated, the power of evil comes from the sanction of the victim. Thanks to the fact that Gutenberg's printing press has been reinvented using touch screens of all descriptions, more and more victims are understanding the sanction!
It's all about CONTEXT.
I don't know really know what Rand would think of Trump or how she would have voted in this election.
Again sorry if it put you off. Internet Humor is sometimes coarse. #speakfreely
And it is kinda late . . .
Making a general mess of things. Thatr's what dinos do.
Silly dino . . .
Uh, that was kinda bare bones laid out there, though.