"Progressives" are becoming wary of Hillary

Posted by $ CBJ 8 years, 1 month ago to Politics
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And if enough of them stay home or vote for Jill Stein, Hillary will lose.
SOURCE URL: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/10/wikileaks-hilary-clinton-progressives-230009

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  • -1
    Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 1 month ago
    I agree with much of what she and her staff say in the hacked e-mais, yet I think it further underscores the need for small-gov't reforms. She's right that Wall Street is important to the economy. She's right that we need to do something about climate change but phasing out all fossil fuels quickly is not practical.

    The problem I have with the content of the messages is that they just assume they'll be responsible for figuring it out. They're figuring out how people will turn to natural gas as a "bridge fuel" while people develop better alternatives as if they're the management team of a business with full authority over executing a roadmap like this. If there were a tax or some kind of law suit that made people pay for the costs of burning fuel, this problem would resolve itself. People would find away to fix it, and it wouldn't unfold according to anyone's preset roadmap.

    It's exactly the same with Wall Street. If they do a bad job, some weird thing like P2P Bitcoin lending or something we haven't even thought of will take their place. There's no need for her to go take these large contributions from them and then reassure them that they will be protected.

    Her joke about trying futures speculation once, making a spectacular trade, and then stopping trading to focus on her daughter was really brazen.
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    • Posted by edweaver 8 years, 1 month ago
      -1000 for the climate change BS. I'm sick and tired of your ignorance of this subject. Apply some logic . The climate has been changing since the beginning of time. People have so little control over it. If every person in the world died tomorrow, the impact on the climate would not even be felt. Stop letting the political elite direct your mind.
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