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  • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years, 2 months ago
    Interesting that in these days of the largest 'Bread and Circus' extravaganza on Earth, on a site dedicated to the work and philosophy of AR--no comments were made to this Post of an AR opinion that directly relates to current events in this "entertainment/misdirection" election. Its as if the current batch of Posters and Commenters can't be bothered to deal with anymore reality--that prefer the fantasies of 'The Greatest Show on Earth.

    The number of
    self proclaimed Objectivists on this site that delude themselves while being emotionally trapped* by each days revelations from one source or the other, obsessing over the path behind them and refusing to lift their eyes to the events of now and the realities of the path ahead, on this site is astounding and in many ways disheartening.
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    • Posted by $ CBJ 8 years, 2 months ago
      Most posters to this site (including me, and I didn't vote for Trump) agree that Trump should have said what he said, and that he should contest the election if there is evidence of fraud. And most of us are "lifting our eyes to the events of now and the realities of the path ahead." The Ayn Rand quote regarding Nixon may not have drawn comments because it's not particularly controversial.
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      • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years, 2 months ago
        I happen to also agree with Trump's comment and sincerely believe that he should follow through. If my memory isn't failing me, not only was there considerable evidence of election manipulation in 1960, but also 2000 and 2008. I'm willing to put forth that any honest investigation of candidate selection and elections over the last century would reveal multitudes of the generous politically correct term of election irregularities. The corruption of democracies is historically certain as is that of bureaucracy and standing Armies.

        Until the citizen begins to comport himself with the integrity necessary for freedom and Individual Rights, and demand the same from those allegedly representing his interest, there will be no resolution available from the justice system or election integrity drives. Continued participation in the system as it has functioned for at least the last century, maybe longer, only permits stolen legitimacy from those that make careers from the foolishness of the citizen.

        The sad truth is that The Battle of Athens repeated over and over in each and every voting district throughout the country is the only actual solution to the evils of democracy and politics. Participate, vote, and believe it's possible to straighten out the corruptions if you wish, but unless a resounding NO is heard in the halls of gov't, there will be no change.
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    • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 2 months ago
      "Its as if the current batch of Posters and Commenters can't be bothered to deal with anymore reality"
      I wish this site had a Thanks button. As CBJ says most people might agree with the post and not comment. The first two paragraphs of the OP are the same as my opinion on this issue.

      Trump saying the election system is broken without suggesting a fix is something I really don't like but is not tantamount to saying he might take power by force. Reporters didn't ask him what meant and just assumed it was he would encourage violent protest. They really should have asked him, "what steps could we take between now and the election to ensure a fair election?" That would lead to solutions, and they want drama not solutions.
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      • Posted by ewv 8 years, 2 months ago
        They didn't just assume he would encourage violence, they wanted him to say it despite the fact that there is no evidence that he thinks that at all. But there is much more to this than challenging election fraud.

        Previously from last week at

        "The moderator, who isn't too bright, apparently intended to refer to Trump's charges that the election is "rigged", but he followed the rest of the media and set it up to attack Trump, and all of us, in a much more fundamental way.

        "In the narrower sense, how is anyone supposed to say in advance whether he will legally challenge vote fraud or miscounts until he sees what happens? And what else could Trump do about it?

        "But they have deliberately misrepresented his answer, insinuating that Trump opposes peaceful transition, as if he threatens to stage a coup -- or refuse to leave the White House? What exactly are we supposed to think he will do? The smear doesn't say what they accuse him of plotting.

        "It has an ideologically manipulative purpose directed at all of us. They are demanding a moral acceptance and sanction of a process filled, not just with vote fraud, but filled with financial, political and intellectual corruption, including by the media itself. Most of all they are demanding acceptance of the notion that our system of limited government and protection of the sanctity of the rights of the individual is up for grabs by collectivism-statism in the name of 'voting'. Elections are not supposed to be referendums on the Constitution, manipulated by the intellectuals and politicians to impose statism. Of course we don't "accept" it. It is imposed on us and we can't do anything about it, but we do not respect or sanction what they are doing in any way. That is what they are so frantic to suppress.

        "Trump seems to sense this, though he doesn't know enough to articulate it, mixing a narrow idea of vote fraud and corruption with the more general principles that all of it is about. He never threatened a coup. He knows that he can't prevent the unsavory politics (unless there is proven vote fraud in a close election), but he isn't about to jump on their bandwagon announcing in advance a call for "unity" and for everyone to gather around to help Hillary "succeed", sanctioning the whole corrupt process and the results. (Whether he caves later is another matter.)

        "This is exactly what the intellectuals oppressively demanded from us on behalf of Obama (remember Rush Limbaugh as a lone public voice insisting that he hoped Obama did not succeed and the way he was attacked for it?). The trend isn't new. Reread Ayn Rand's "The New Fascism: Rule by Consensus" and "The Wreckage of the Consensus" in Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal. The principles explained there are just as important today."
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        • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 2 months ago
          "how is anyone supposed to say in advance whether he will legally challenge vote fraud or miscounts until he sees what happens?"
          I agree with most of this re-posting from last week, but there is something he could do. He could say he will comply with the law and traditions of presidential elections, which is exactly what he said. It would have been smoother to have that answer on the stage, but I don't see him saying he won't accept the result or whatever vague insinuations they're making.
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          • Posted by ewv 8 years, 2 months ago
            There is a lot more he could and should have said instead of trying to partially fill in later in a way that makes him look like he's backtracking -- except when he contradicts himself and doesn't. He doesn't understand the significance of what his enemies are demanding him to sanction, and yet he seems to sense it implicitly in his defiance.
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