Real life Direcive 10-289. Executive Order 13603 by President Obama. Very Informative Article on Forbes Magazine.

Posted by Munce 12 years, 4 months ago to Government
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This has all of the hallmarks of Directive 10-289, but seems to have been signed pretty late in the term and now has no time to be implemented before the election. It's scary to think that this type of Executive Order may be signed by Romney and every other president afterwards.

This article goes over the history of Executive Orders and paints an ugly picture of what could happen.

Comment and tell my what you guys think.

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  • Posted by khalling 12 years, 4 months ago
    I thought at the time I first heard about this, prior presidents signed the same executive order. pretty much routine since the WWs. Not that I like it, however. What is the specific change in this order from prior presidents?
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    • Posted by 12 years, 4 months ago
      After a little more research I see that this is pretty standard. I don’t know why he signed this one so late in his term. Also, he may have made one earlier in the term and I would have to do a lot more research to see the differences. You can see what I believe is a sample of Executive Orders on Then enter Executive Order 13603, in the subject line. There you can read the entire text of the order.

      Maybe Jim Powell, the author of the Executive Orders article and a contributor to Forbes may have more information.

      It seems every administration has at the outset the orders ready to take over anything it wants and then the “Legal”, excuse of an Executive Order.

      Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty!
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  • Posted by khalling 12 years, 4 months ago
    I thought at the time I first heard about this, prior presidents signed the same executive order. pretty much routine since the WWs. Not that I like it, however. What is the specific change in this order from prior presidents?
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  • Posted by 12 years, 4 months ago
    O.K., I just read something from another post that “dovetails” nicely with my post here. It’s from the “Southern Political Report” and is linked here in the Gulch in Politics as: A short piece on the morality of capitalism and the 2012 election (

    Concerning “Directive 10-289”, the author has it a little backwards here but the gist is that if President Obama wins, he can invoke his Executive Order 13603 as the economy worsens and have an excuse to “Collectivize” the country. Then we will have a “Collectivist Dark Ages…”

    Here are the two salient paragraphs I mentioned in the order that they appear in the article:

    “If Barack Obama wins re-election, any questions about capitalism will, of course, become moot. Given that he would not have to be concerned about winning another election, his second term would bring about a rapid end to what is left of the American Empire. He would simply ignore both Congress and the Constitution even more than in the past and seamlessly implement a de facto dictatorship.

    That, in turn, would plunge us into a collectivist dark ages that would extinguish initiative, entrepreneurial activity, and wealth creation. The only "solution" would be to have the Fed increase its efforts to ramp up the money supply in order to cover the rapidly increasing deficits, with the resulting runaway inflation being the perfect excuse to declare a state of emergency and suspend future elections.”

    Go read both articles. It really brings the prophetic vision of Ayn Rand home!
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