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The latest Wikileaks email dump from Podesta reveals an admission that the goal of the Democrat party has been to create an uninformed and compliant voter population. How sadly true this statement is becomes graphically apparent when Hillary is caught garbling her speech to say " . . . and we're going to raise taxes on the middle class!" the crowd behind her went wild with approval, apparently oblivious to anything she was saying. I think she could have said "free cheeseburger and flies" and gotten the same response.
The blindly compliant crowds see nothing wrong with censorship of any speech that does not obey the diktat of the party. When they can't get a corrupt, activist judiciary to enforce the censorship, they create a new category of offense using the limitlessly malleable cover of political correctness, as in "microaggression," "cultural appropriation," and the cry of "racist," which now means whatever the accuser wants it to mean. Public shaming, social media death threats, and physical violence are the final battery of tools to suppress oppositional speech.
How come I do not see any slander or defamation of character lawsuits being filed?
Call a public figure like Jane Fonda a traitor and that traitor just has to take that. (Tee-hee).
Call that traitor O the Great and Powerful a traitor and you may receive an IRS audit unless you do that with a moniker. .
Who me? What's an allosaur?
Lying was a conceptual invention, unknown to primitives, perhaps a direct consequence of the invention of writing, which allowed people to engage themselves, and discover their own minds.
Moreover, deception is in point of fact in and of nature. We all know that animals and even plants disguise themselves and give false signals for self-preservation.
Immanuel Kant's deontological ethics demanded that if a man were being pursued by a killer, and the man hid in your shrubbery, and you knew it, and the killer asked you where the man is, you would be morally bound to reveal him. That, as I recall, was Kant's own example.
Finally, as you seem to be aware of Ms. Clinton's lies, they apparently are ineffective. Is it because she is a poor liar, or because you are especially perceptive?
"How and Why We Lie at Work" from the Harvard Business Review:
People want to believe that others are telling them the truth. It's how the human race is wired. It is the open deception (usually with the intent to profit in some way at the expense of the other) and the resulting betrayal which causes all the pain - and the resulting bad feelings, etc.
The corollary is the right to say NO.
One of the worst phrases to come out of the 20th century is to "go along in order to get along."
Think about it. Evaluate it. Come to a decision regardless of what anyone else may think. However, this does not mean that you cannot hear an opposing view. Never get so concretized that your mind can never be changed when presented with new facts or things you haven't considered.
That said, I do enjoy a productive argument.
It ties in with a similar theme from "Bowling Alone."
Some of my best friends are communists.