Atlas Shrugged "The Movies" Work
Posted by overmanwarrior 11 years, 7 months ago to Movies
Twice today people who have never heard of Atlas Shrugged before approached me wanting to know if I had ever heard of the movies or "some book by the same name." These people had just seen the movies on video and loved them. As a result they can't wait for Part 3 and suddenly want to know a lot more about Ayn Rand.
The only three? So in your opinion, the producers should instruct the exhibitors to turn away other potential ticket buyers because they don't matter. "Sorry, folks, we won't take your money. The only three people who matter just bought their tickets and they're already inside the theatre, gracing us with their rational presence. Go away and spend your money on something else. We don't want you here."
Got it.
>>>We may all go together and watch it over and over again.
The movie will probably close before the three of you have a chance to see it a third time. So at most, you'll be contributing about $50.00 or $60.00 to the box office gross, depending on the price of a ticket.
The producers.
Of course, I don't expect you to understand that those who made the Atlas Shrugged trilogy were not doing it out of altruistic motives for the sole benefit of you and your two pals. They would like to make a profit on their efforts.
>>>The movie has more value if the knuckle draggers stay home.
A fine example of social metaphysics: a work of art gains or loses aesthetic value depending on who's viewing it. Very good.
Stick to cattle and bull-whips. Film and aesthetics aren't your strong points.
Don't extend yourself out beyond what you understand as one of those fanboy, wish-he-was directors who think you know everything there is about the business because you read the Hollywood Reporter, or Entertainment Weekly.
I don't herd cattle, but sometimes I do people. Its a very effective tool. By the tone of your comment are you one of those guys who hang out at Starbucks with your laptop open so everyone thinks you're important? Because that's how you come across.
. . . they would not have GONE on with the third film.
You don't understand the difference between "they went" and "they have gone"?
Stick to bull-whips. English isn't your strong point.