Prehistoric Greenland Glacial Melt Caused 10-20 foot Sea Level Rise--New Research Result
New research result out of Nature. Incidentally, Nature published the discovery of the structure of DNA fifty years ago.
As glacial melted, glacial sediment deposits show sea level rise. . Earth warming period about 400,000 years ago. Fair warning about current warming period
Harry M
As glacial melted, glacial sediment deposits show sea level rise. . Earth warming period about 400,000 years ago. Fair warning about current warming period
Harry M
Greenland is a large island with high ground and mountains all round the coast. If all ice and snow in and on Greenland were to melt, it would become a large island with an inland sea.
An authority on arctic temperatures and ice extent is-
There is no 'problem' except for the looters getting billions of government money to spread nonsense which favors the new religion of greenism that wants to set us back hundreds or thousands of years. From about the mid 19th century the earth has come out of a cold period, the little ice age, the earth is now about to enter another cold period. Carbon dioxide, a gas essential to life, plays no part, it increases in the atmosphere in response to increasing global temperatures with a lag of about 800 years. Attempts to reduce carbon dioxide by subsidies encouraging diversion of food to fuel and halting energy developments especially in poor nations are already causing starvation, let alone preventing the climb out of poverty.
The alarmists and their do-goodist dupes have blood on their hands.
Yes, I mark down foolish fascist crud.
Dear Lucky:
You need to learn how to read. And those who voted down my initial post.
The first word in my title is PREHISTORIC Greenland glacier melt.
Additionally, you need to go back to school to understand how basic Science works, and results are reported. Nature has been a preeminent example of that process for over a hundred years.
Harry Mazurek
Fraud- selection and falsifying data, hiding data, claiming to have lost data
Consensus- the behavior of nature is not subject to the majority vote of human elites
Peer review- a means of rewarding mates and suppressing criticism. Works of Einstein, Newton, Galileo were not and would not have survived peer review
Victimization of dissenters- forcing critics out of jobs and stopping publication of their work
Respect for and the worship of authority- even when backed by avalanches of government money
All these and other affronts to science and human integrity are the trademarks of the environmental movement.
The Nature article - the introduction here said, 'Fair warning about current warming period'. A warning is valid only if there is a danger and something can be done to alleviate it.
What does not exist is human caused climate change.
Even so, from history we know that warming is a blessing, cooling is the danger. .
There is a problem if as is likely the earth is cooling, this will have a severe impact on the supply and availability of food. The correct response would be on the lines of increased energy production (there is much coal, unfortunately CO2 has if anything a net cooling effect), further use of GMOs, and serious development of nuclear energy.
Our civilization, well mine anyway, is under threat from communism and hangers on (astonishing given the record), radical Islam, and the new green religion - the worst. These have serious logical disagreements with each other yet their hatred of us puts them into an alliance.