Posted by overmanwarrior 10 years, 8 months ago to Philosophy
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Most people use religion as a bridge to step over bad behavior into what they think is everlasting life. It allows them to make mistakes in their daily living by attending a church on Sunday and being forgiven by some deity. I would encourage you dear reader that if you are too weak-minded to live your life well, to not drink too much, have sex with too many partners, molest the youth, or treat others poorly without the fear of God to keep you in check, than this article is not for you. Keep attending your religion—keep reading its text, and preparing for the life ever after. Because I would rather you waste your life with such a sacrifice if it keeps you from being just another tyrant over the lives of others. But for those with a little discipline and self driven curiosity it is time to scrap the old for the new in regards to religion and come up with some new mythologies which are more meaningful.

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  • Posted by Lucky 10 years, 8 months ago
    overmanwarrior- I like your thinking. However I suggest it remains as valid as it ever was - that is, never.

    Criticism 1- this episode is too long, too many messages for a web-site post for my two-page attention span.

    Comment- "All religions are based on faith " Faith is not required in Buddhism.
    Bu maybe Buddhism is not a religion.

    Spoken for truth- 'Islamic Terrorist cell funded by Centrelink'
    That refers to Abdul Nacer Benbriker, who was in 2008 found guilty of being the leader and a member of a terrorist organisation, they planned the maximum number of casualties such as at railway stations and football stadiums. (Centrelink=dept of welfare)
    Just this month we hear about Khaled Sharrouf who (as usual) was on a disability pension. Some doc certified he was too disabled to work. Being able to travel, shout with fist raised and use an AK47 does not disqualify. Australian government welfare payments assist more than 500 who have joined groups such as ISIS (Impaired and Subsidised Islamic Soldiers).

    Highly amusing reference-
    Hillary Rodham Clinton's thesis was on Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals.
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  • Posted by Jaysun 10 years, 8 months ago
    I think every child should-at least- get instructed in a Major religion. outside of the dogmatic views and even though the Bible has been stepped upon more than an 8-ball sold in Harlem, there are great lessons to be learned from it.. I've been exposed to most major religions, I've read the Quran, Bible, Mahabharata, my grand parents were Jehovah's Witlessness even Dated a Jewish girl and was introduced to Judaism -until her parents found out I was 'Brown' and ended that QUICK-HAHA!! . In the end its all about respecting yourself, fellowman and the Earth.
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  • Posted by richrobinson 10 years, 8 months ago
    Excellent Overman. My wife goes to Church every Sunday and I don't. I told her I have chosen to live the best life I can every day and that should be good enough. She says I am not going to Heaven and if that's the case I'm okay with it. Funny how Obama thinks the Constitution is outdated but defends the Quran every chance he gets.
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