Tribes, by Robert Gore

Posted by straightlinelogic 8 years, 3 months ago to Government
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The US legal regime enacted since the 1960s with either a primary or secondary goal of helping blacks belongs in the dustbin of failed collectivist schemes. By 1970, most, if not all, de jure discrimination based on race had been stricken from the books. That, of course, could not eliminate prejudice in the hearts and minds of some whites towards blacks, or some blacks towards whites. That will always be beyond the reach of the law, although the law can attempt to stifle their expression. In a legal system based on individual rights, equality before the law is as far as the system can go.

Unfortunately, the individual rights basis of US law has been eroding since the ink dried on the Constitution, replaced by the only alternative: collectivism. By the 1960s, the legal right of the unproductive to exact goods and services from the productive was well enshrined. However, the war on poverty has actually been a war on the impoverished, including a substantial portion of the black population. Handing people the coerced fruits of other people’s labor makes the recipients parties to theft, and it’s all downhill from there. Incentives for self-improvement are destroyed, dependency takes hold, self-respect vanishes, and social pathologies effloresce.

This is an excerpt. For the full article, please click the above link.

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  • Posted by $ puzzlelady 8 years, 3 months ago
    Great analysis of human dynamics evolved from our animal beginnings. So here's the continuum, from "all for me only" to "all of me for the group", from utter self-directedness to utter self-abdication. From total predator to total schmoo. Hives operate on the same formula without philosophizing about it: all for the queen, all others are disposable.

    Natural selection has programmed lifeforms towards both endpoints of the continuum, shifting between them as survival demands. Our ancient wisdom has identified the "golden mean", the straight road, the happy medium, the golden rule, Galt's Oath, that all are created equal. For individual rights to be the prime directive of social structure, a fusion of the two ends of the continuum can be achieved for entirely selfish reasons through mutual respect and voluntary avoidance of aggression and fraud. Such self-control requires a leap of evolution in the cognitive and emotive realms.

    While Rand has provided the blueprint, it is viscerally rejected by the dominant ideas in the culture. Many people just haven't reached that stage of enlightenment; they are easily led through being fed envy to accept policies claiming to establish "social justice" through redistribution of wealth and energy. They come to endorse altruism as a twisted form of benevolence, not realizing it is just another form of enslavement of some for the sake of others.

    Write on, dear Robert. Your voice of reason is an antidote. Someday we will reach a critical mass to build a rational civilization. And neither shall they make war anymore.
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  • Posted by edweaver 8 years, 3 months ago
    Powerful article! One of your best.

    [Collectivist systems don’t work because they are incompatible with human nature and the requirements of survival. Tribes do not think, reason, or make choices, individuals do. A tribe’s leader or leaders may decide what they believe the tribe should do, but the tribe’s individuals decide whether to comply, often “influenced” by the leaders’ abilities to threaten and coerce. Indeed, the capacity to wage violence is the implicit foundation for tribes’ and their leaderships’ power] There is not a more true statement.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 3 months ago
    Couldn't agree more. What blows my mind is how we could have swallowed even the slightest idea that we are someone's "collection". The Fact the we gained "Choice" as a result of gaining "self inspection" a conscience and a mind...(most of us in the western world anyway) negates the whole tribal collective brain set. 'Theoelectrically' anyway...
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 3 months ago
    There is no doubt that the collectivist ideal of altruism is a proposition that inevitably produces the opposite effect of its intent. But is its intent truly altruistic, or is there an overriding motive? Most Gulchers know that altruism is used as a form of enslavement by making the recipients so dependent on government largesse that they are virtual slaves to the state. Their only way to progress is to become a part of the state apparatus or stay in the crime-ridden underclass of poverty. The result is as Mr. Straight Line points out.
    As an aside, has anyone ever noticed how rap and hip-hop "music" resembles primitive tribal chants?
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  • Posted by term2 8 years, 3 months ago
    Ever notice that all this attention on the poor really is meant to entice them to enjoy living for free in the basement of the economy- but having no chance to ever make a better life.

    I think its just a ruse to get people dependent on the government and live quietly like sheep.
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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 8 years, 3 months ago
    Hello straightlinelogic,
    "One of today’s more inane intellectual exercises involves claiming credit for actions of forebears who share membership in the same tribe but who lived long before one was born, or apportioning blame to people in other tribes based on the reprehensible actions of that tribe’s long-dead forebears.... Just this week the UN called on the US to pay reparations to descendants of slaves. The historical record is replete with injustice, so potential tribal claims and counterclaims are virtually infinite."

    Yes, the illogic is astounding. The logical conclusion of any such tribal nonsense is preposterous. Should the descendants of slaves pay some of the reparations back to the descendants of the dead white men that fought and died in the civil war? Even if one bought into this collectivist claptrap the proposed solution is unworkable and impossible to implement with any sense of equity. The pitfalls are endless, but it should never go any further than it has since at its foundation is the rot of tribalism and a ridiculous notion that somehow one is responsible for the actions of others, or that one is owed something for a perceived wrong and that someone else ought to pay, even if that someone is not culpable.

    "Tribalism (which is the best name to give to all the group manifestations of the anti-conceptual mentality) is a dominant element in Europe, as a reciprocally reinforcing cause and result of Europe’s long history of caste systems, of national and local (provincial) chauvinism, of rule by brute force and endless, bloody wars. As an example, observe the Balkan nations, which are perennially bent upon exterminating one another over minuscule differences of tradition or language. Tribalism had no place in the United States—until recent decades. It could not take root here, its imported seedlings were withering away and turning to slag in the melting pot whose fire was fed by two inexhaustible sources of energy: individual rights and objective law; these two were the only protection man needed." Rand, PWNI, pg.42

    We are adrift in a sea of short sighted shallow thinkers.
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  • Posted by chad 8 years, 3 months ago
    An aside on the matter of blacks supporting the Democratic party; It was the democratic party that brought slavery to America, established 'Jim Crow' laws and laws of segregation. Continues in its legacy to create slaves of the state by its actions and it is the party of choice of black people. I am against state enforced discrimination, if individuals want to discriminate by color or any form of group they should be allowed to do so. If any business had a sign indicating that any group was not allowed I would not enter, but I would know that liberty existed for people could make any choice they wanted, even stupid ones thinking that ostracizing any group based on superficial differences is a constructive choice. I would also know that I could choose to discriminate based on morality, objectivist thinking, and make choices that others could not influence or stop. If we are not allowed to make bad choices it is a strong indication we will not be allowed to make good choices either.
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  • Posted by chad 8 years, 3 months ago
    An observation I have made in my lifetime is that most people (about 70%) will not steal from another when the opportunity for theft is available when they are involved in interpersonal relationships. However, given the 'power' of the tribe almost 98% will steal from others. When 'laws' are enacted that allow for the masses to benefit from theft almost all will participate to the degree they are able. Whether it is the promise for free school, medical care, food etc. the list is endless. Surviving is difficult work, demands constant attention but the reward for finding better ways to accomplish goals, better devices or medical care is remarkably rewarding to the society in general. What amazes me is the general populations ability to wage violence on their own or others when they think there is a payoff in the end for their efforts of brutality but fail to see the reward for creative thought and free enterprise is so much greater.
    The battle (in this country) for freedom has been lost. There are so many corrupt bureaucrats, agencies and willing participants with a corrupt court system to demand compliance any hope of convincing the masses that liberty is a better choice is non-existent. I still search for Galt's Gulch, someplace where an individual can live unobserved by the moochers.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 8 years, 3 months ago
    Very objectivist essay. Collectivism has also affected our Congress. We have these tribes that try to sway other members to their cause. That why Congress becomes paralyzed. Some of these tribes are groups of Democrats that hold a sit-in on the floor of Congress or the Tea Party inside of the Republican Party. Sometimes I wonder if a multi-party Parliamentarian System would be better. Nope, to many tribes, hey maybe they would have war with one another and kill each other off. Hooray!! Then we could start over like the new television show "Designated Survivor".
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 3 months ago
    Tribes, by the Seth Godin definition, are great.

    The identity-group tribes you're talking about belonged in the dustbin of history long ago. I'm always amazed at how much progress humankind has made, so it really stands out when we cling to racial identity groups.
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