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  • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 4 months ago
    If me dino is not mistaken, isn't a FBI Director sworn into office?
    Whether he's sworn in or not, I think the article I just read should be better entitled "James Comey's Dereliction Of Duty."
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  • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 4 months ago
    It's official. We can confirm that this is not only NOT "the most transparent administration in history" it is absolutely the most corrupt. If Hillary gets elected President, I can only hope that everything falls apart and this nation is cleansed of its own stupidity.
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    • Posted by lrshultis 8 years, 4 months ago
      You might not want that. When everything falls apart, then the real stupidity sets in and people start really ending up dead. Rand illustrated that very well in Atlas Shrugged. There, the strikers were to return to rebuild what was left, which would have been quite primitive though they may have have thousands of years of knowledge to apply, but that would depend upon whether the strikers were more than narrow minded in their intellectual pursuits. That lack of learning any more than necessary for ones work is part of the cause of today's rush by both left and right toward a new dark ages.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 4 months ago
        Unless people are forced with a very personal crisis to re-examine their life philosophy, they are going to keep being the slaves of the political elite. It took a Revolution last time, then a Civil War after that. While I certainly don't want either of those to happen, I don't see the public actually getting moved by much any more. Since emotion seems to be the only thing to motivate people (because mental pursuits are simply beyond either their capacity or their personal integrity), its going to take a highly emotional person or event as a catalyst of change. And it's going to have to be something where people can't just stand on the sidelines either - they will have to act and choose a side.

        Would something like that lead to a new Dark Ages? It's certainly going to be a major step back to a simpler era when the power grid goes down - no question about that. And most people aren't going to be able to deal with those circumstances because they have no concept of manual labor. But do I think we're going to be able to avoid a catastrophe like that? I used to, but I don't anymore. Neither Hillary nor Donald are going to do anything to pull us back from the brink, let alone educate the ignorant masses on what needs to happen to patch the ship and bail out the water. Nor do I believe that there is a will from the Republican side of Congress to do anything about it while the Democrats keep hacking away with axes to scuttle the ship! I like to think of myself as an optimist, but I really don't see how we get out of this at this point.
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        • Posted by lrshultis 8 years, 4 months ago
          Since the investments in government through bonds and certain taxes resulting in government debt is not essentially different than other investments, loss is a possibility. Choose wrong and take the consequences. What will happen is a giant bankruptcy of some governments with those who had invested losing wealth that they do not personally possess while it is invested and survive without it in hand. Would take a lot of rethinking future income but not require a civil war or other violence. Would require an acceptance of the result as with of any other kind of bad investment where a promise was given. Sometimes there is no more bailout wealth. The Lesson would be, do not trust government for more than protection of individual rights from criminals and foreign invasion.
          Today do not hope for a return of the so called balance of payments money because that money has already been restored by the printing press and that held by other countries would just increase the money in circulation with the result in price rises.
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          • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 4 months ago
            "What will happen is a giant bankruptcy of some governments..."

            Yes, but messy things happen when governments default. If one thinks that such a process would not result in a breakdown in order of massive proportions, I would suggest that history and current events show otherwise. We have seen what happened in Argentina and Brazil decades ago, what happened in Greece recently over the austerity measures there, and what is now going on in Venezuela.

            "The Lesson would be, do not trust government for more than protection of individual rights from criminals and foreign invasion."

            YES!!! But no one right now wants to hear that message - hard and truthful as it is! Everyone right now is convinced of the looter mentality: that they deserve certain things in life! THAT is the central message that people must internally come to grips with... and reject. The entire government for the last 100 years has been building up the notion that government exists to further the lifestyle of its citizens even when that comes at the expense of its citizens, and people have been buying into that mentality for several generations culminating in the 1960's. Now a majority of the people support these policies that make a few responsible for paying for everyone else - and their children and grandchildren have grown up with those expectations! They have the facts before them that such a system has never been and will never be tenable, yet they reject it just like every other progressive generation. It comes down to humility - the characteristic of being willing to recognize and admit that you aren't as special as you think you are. In a US culture that continually pushes arrogance, that humble pie just gets more and more unappetizing.
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            • Posted by lrshultis 8 years, 4 months ago
              When in high school back in the 1950s, I learned about exponential growth and noticed the inevitable run away even starting with low rates. I never thought that I would live to see it happening in the USA. I have seen it happen in other countries and have never understood why those in government do not understand that it has to be stopped at a fairly early date. World population, debt, inflation, etc are all to get out of control, there is no control but to change exponential growth to some static condition or at least a linear increase at a low slope which would just postpone the day of reckoning. Otherwise a negative growth rate, not in private matters, would be needed with that old austerity thing taking over.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 4 months ago
    The FBI is in the bag for the Clintons. How and why they got to Comey is a mystery, but there is no doubt at all that the FBI admitted that she did many indictable offenses and then contradicted itself by saying they weren't serious enough to do anything about. It was so repellently blatant as to make it almost comedic. Only it is a tragedy for America.
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  • Posted by ProfChuck 8 years, 4 months ago
    "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men." John Acton really knew what he was talking about.
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  • Posted by bsmith51 8 years, 4 months ago
    My guess: Comey learned that Obama (using a pseudonym), Hillary and numerous high members of this regime had regularly communicated with each other on the sly using Hillary's server (one can't forge a revolution in the bright of day, right?). This would have implicated ALL of them in felonious activity (and treason?). Faced with the greatest criminal government scandal of all time, Comey felt he had no choice but to shut it down.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years, 4 months ago
    What absolutely astounded me was Comey declaring that he couldn't indict without "proof of intent." What intent he was talking about, he left somewhat muddy. In my years in highly classified systems, mishandling of classified information, whether deliberate or not, was subject to disciplinary action, from simply reprimand for leaving classified out in a protected area, to loss of clearance for abandoning classified in an unprotected area, to fines and imprisonment for resulting disclosure to uncleared persons. Intent was determined after the act of careless handling was confirmed and punished. If any evidence of obstruction of investigation (as in erasing any communications) was discovered, that was unquestionably a criminal act subject to indictment.
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  • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 4 months ago
    This is more damning evidence that the corruption has reached the point of the new norm in DC. Law? What law? They will quote the law when prosecuting any "non special" person, but when it comes to the "elite", murder, treason, theft, embezzlement, they are not crimes, they are job qualifications. Damn the whole government.
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