What difference does it make?

Posted by coaldigger 8 years, 5 months ago to Government
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Agree with the thought but don't like the quote, as per Hillary. It is vexing that societies cannot organize according to principles of liberty and individual rights but many have fought and died trying throughout history. Even the founding fathers were fearful of not having the final answer and even if they did, it might not last. I don’t think that it is the nature of man to have some power and not want more, to have more power and not abuse it.
I think it is futile to spend the short time we have in existence trying to change nature and realize that our best option is to try to control it, divert its impact and avoid its influence on our personal lives as much as possible. My goal is to do whatever I want without drawing attention to myself. Avoid bureaucrats as much as possible and police altogether. I pretend that I am too dumb to understand forms and applications and if I am discovered doing something I need permission for, I apologize, pay whatever fine they impose and proceed. I was once fined $7,500 dollars for building a building that I had a building permit for but I didn’t have an operating permit for an assembly section which would occupy 10% of the space that was 90% warehouse. I needed the warehouse space and knew I would probably be granted an operating permit eventually and would save the time it took them to get around to it. I complained that my infraction was a “thought crime” because I was only thinking of a future assembly facility.
The political class is convinced that they need to control everything and because everything that happens is because of their actions (even though their only action is allowing others to do something) that they are due any credit or reward that they lay claim to. In your best interest they can seize your property, take away your freedom and even kill you if you are a threat (and in some cases just in the same vicinity of a perceived threat being taken out by a drone.
In various degrees we are like Kira and Leo and we need to live our lives as best we can in spite of our position in the cycle of liberty and tyranny. The thing that makes this so painful is summed up in another quote, one that is attributable to someone that we could use today.
“We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 5 months ago
    The American idea was to Self Rule according to the natural laws of existence, according to the learned historic moral and ethical successes of our civilized evolution up to that point in history; and indeed, they do stand the test of time. At no time in history after our awakening 2500 years ago were men to rule other men or mankind...we really missed the boat here. That conversation never really evolved as we evolved...that's how we got off track.

    So now, as you say, we are ruled by man made rules when it's clear that "man made rules, only serve to, punish the many, because of a few, in favor of a few, or as we observe, to aggrandize the men that make the rules."
    CTJ - The Fight for Conscious Human Life.
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