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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 10 years, 6 months ago
    I'm reading about this type of crap daily here in Phoenix. Sheriff Joe is scalding O publicly. I and many others are DEMANDING that Gov. Brewer deploy the Az National Guard, with order to repel invaders with force where necessary. Mexican parents who have allowed their children to be ported out of the supervision, into a foreign land, and kept like animals in cages should be publicly horsewhipped. Those here are evidence of TREASON by the Oministration and O should be held criminally liable. All of these people and those 15-25 million who have squatted here need to be sent packing.
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  • Posted by NealS 10 years, 6 months ago
    Why are we putting up with any and all of this? What does it take for us to get off our duffs and actually do something about it? I'm too old and tired to start something now, what's your excuse? How did the first shot of the civil war get fired? Who fired it? Were there public demonstrations before that first shot? How long did the demonstrations go on before someone moved? When is Mexico going to release our Marine that made a wrong turn? How are we going to support Bill O'Reilly's latest boycott of Mexican Tourism? What does it take to get noticed? I've found out it does no good to write your representatives, they just send out canned letters from their file cabinets and you can't actually talk with them. And if they don't agree with your point of view they don't even bother to reply. God Help Us, Please...

    It's beyond voting anymore. We've got to repair the minds of those that do vote. We've got to repair the mind set of everyone. We've got to understand that we can't let our politicians get away with feeding us crap, no matter what side we're on, someday the sides will switch. Today some condone whatever as long as they get what they want, period. How do we make them understand?

    Freedom is not a lie, only in places like North Korea or Iran. Actually in Iran they know what freedom is, but tolerate what they got or die. North Koreans might just be totally brainwashed and really have no idea what freedom is about. I'd like to see some resolution to todays issues before I croak.

    How about a great new law? Make Atlas Shrugged required reading before you can vote?

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  • Posted by Kariekberg 10 years, 6 months ago
    I have worked with very young girls who were sold or taken for the sex trade industry in two different countries. Starving is better. Most die young from horrible diseases, are beaten daily, starved, drugged up and work 7 days a week. They are forced to have sex 15-25 times a day. Their teeth occasional get knocked out so they can not bite the customers parts. many try to kill themselves to stop the pain.
    I have been told that the drug gangs in Mexico are using the rush of kids to side step and get more drugs into the USA
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  • Posted by wiggys 10 years, 6 months ago
    first they put out solicitations for diapers etc now an escort service. will this new service be in air conditioned vans versus the 1950 chevy vans.
    I can only assume that usa watchers all over the world are laughing over what is taking place here. I think its called a laughing stock.
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  • Posted by Kariekberg 10 years, 6 months ago
    You are so right. What parent would ship their child to another country through the black market. I am surprise most have not ended up in the sex trade traffic. Of course many have ended up there and we are just not aware of it. They damage, trash out (MILES of dirty diapers, etc..) and kill the live stock of the ranchers along the Texas border. The ranchers and their families are scared. If they protect their property they will get sued. I say shot them and throw them back into the river. If enough get killed or shot at, they will stop sneaking in in such large numbers.
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    • Posted by $ jlc 10 years, 6 months ago
      Any parent with regard for his child's future, I suppose. People scorn the child labor in factories during the 17th-19th centuries but fail to realize that the alternatives to a child working 14 hours a day was the thing called 'starvation' back on the farm. If you child has NO future in your own country but MAY have a bright future in another country and you see the chance to get him there, you throttle your parental emotions and do whatever you need to to get him to that other country, where he/she will have a chance. Where being abused in the sex trade may still be better than what awaits them at home (eg being abused in the sex trade at home whilst starving to death or being shot in addition). This represents a rational choice on the part of their parents.

      Let me be clear that I think that what is happening is deplorable on our parts - we should not let/have let these children in, we should not subsequently let their families in to take care of them (ie absorb US resources) here. I think that a border should be a semi-permeable membrane: anyone not in prison (and perhaps some who are) should be allowed to depart at whim; only those people whom we want to have immigrate into the US should be allowed through the border into our country.

      Right now, probably the best solution is to shut the barn door before any more waifs get in...and figure out what to do with the ones who are already present. It is not the fault of the children. It is the fault of the US for having provided the ecological niche for this opportunity to present itself to desperate parents in poverty.

      Jan, not fond of children but recognizing the strength of parental love
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      • Posted by johnpe1 10 years, 6 months ago
        Jan, I view the U.S. like I view my property, our little
        home here -- we welcome others very selectively.
        our "borders" are secured with walls and locks.
        we are ready to enforce the "borders". we currently
        have about 12 people who are welcome here, at any
        time. one of those is living here, rent-free, while
        he prepares his future.

        for some reason, our nation is incapable of making
        sense of this. we are willing to admit people
        willy-nilly. democrats expect that they will become
        reliable dem voters. buying their votes through
        amnesty is their con. this is a dangerous

        it is sad that people who use common sense
        are not running for office.

        let's buy an island and admit only those whom
        we want. -- j

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        • Posted by $ jlc 10 years, 6 months ago
          John PE -

          I totally agree with you, John. I think that our border should be a semipermeable membrane coming in to the US (ie we let in whom we like) but completely permeable going out of the country (ie anyone who can get to the border can cross it). There may be some corner cases (hot pursuit of a vehicle that crosses the border) but philosophically I think we are in agreement.

          The point I was trying to make was that we should not blame the children. Not fond of the snuffy-nosed halflings myself, but I do realize that it is the prerogative of the adult to protect the young of the species. So we should not invest emotions in 'taking it out on them'.

          What we should do is to secretly tell Mexico that we are going to close the borders in a week (hence, from that time on all the children will be Mexico's problem, not ours; Mexico will not want that to happen) so that they have a week to tighten up their southern border security. Then - after the week has passed - we cut off all illegal entry to the US from Mexico. Why wait that week? Because I think that Mexico would be more convincing than the US in saying, "Game over!" to the Central American community. What we want is these kids to be kept at home and not have them make a one-way trek to the Mexican-US border and then be stuck there with no way home.

          Perhaps this is not the most politically astute way of handling the situation (no doubt others can come up with better) but it tries to solve the problem without putting the responsibility on the children. After the borders are closed, we should take the children that have already crossed over into the US back to wherever they came from: irrespective of how much it costs, it will cost less than supporting them in the US for the rest of their lives.

          You are again correct in that this is a novel way to seed the populace with a known source of entitlement voting. Really the only way to solve that is...the Gulch.

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          • Posted by johnpe1 10 years, 6 months ago
            fine analysis, Jan, and though I am afraid that we
            would have to employ the military (not just the Guard)
            to really close the border, we should. and, of course,
            it is no fault of the children. if we kept them and
            denied admission to their families -- sending them
            back if family members wanted to come in -- well,
            if we kept them and fostered them to adulthood,
            they could well turn out to be better than average

            my conviction is that this is a conscious Cloward-
            and-Piven tactic to kowtow the republicans into
            accepting amnesty, and force the associated dem
            tactic of buying votes to completion. a permanent

            *we* got here honestly. *we* thought of the nation
            as it was founded, with Norman Rockwell and Rand
            as our standardbearers. the progressives, however,
            did the opposite -- thinking forward to the society
            which they could create, not accepting the one
            in which they found themselves. starting with the
            Teddy R and Woodrow W regimes, guided by Marx
            and Alinsky and Cloward and Piven, never letting
            up -- like an anaconda -- they have pushed and
            twisted and tightened and regulated their way to
            the present. *we* have been way too lenient.

            May You and This Gulch live forever, perhaps
            here in this great land. we do hope and pray,
            somewhere!!! -- j

            p.s. isn't it odd that it took a russian to show us
            how to do capitalism? either odd or sobering --
            we might have grown someone that good --
            but the perspective of an "outsider" was a
            very strong driver!!!

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