Our government is supposed to serve us, not confine our activities and choices. This team is a supposed free enterprise, making its own choices and living with them, but our Dear Leader, The One, Barack Hussein Obama (mmm, mmm, mmm) must inflict his will upon said team because HE doesn't agree with their choice of the team's name. After all, doesn't HE know best?
This is also, in a way, supporting my campaign of swearing by BAD things. "audit you" should be a deadly insult [rather than the usually-used human amatory activity usually wished on one's enemies]. cryptic achieves the same ends.
Thanks, winterwind. Perhaps a really cold winter wind can blow through DC, like a localized ice age to counter all the hot air / global warming coming from the politicans.
That depends on your definition of better. I have relieved sufficient stress that I am not going to have a heart attack due to the anger, but I am no happier with the situation despite the cryptic expletive. Perhaps I would feel better if I could surreptiously sneak it onto BHO's cell phone.
Nah. Then you'd merely have a different stress of wondering when the SS would be breathing down your neck. Hmmm, I just realized that that acronym has a dual meaning - eerie.
"audit you" should be a deadly insult [rather than the usually-used human amatory activity usually wished on one's enemies].
cryptic achieves the same ends.