As a white person being called a racist these days means i have the balls to stand up to a black person...president or otherwise. All those who voted for obama because he 's black can never disagree with him...they are all cowards!!!!
Thank you. I too am an artist..tho rather new at it. Art is the only thing that takes my mind off all this corruption. I began listening to music while painting instead of the news. But if i go a day without checking in on these clowns inevitably something big happens. And so I paint and continue to turn my home into a fortress, buy canned goods and ammo and work at making tax free money. (And to the feds who may be reading this...come on...I 'm ready.
Rangel is a racist. He hates all whites. He treats all blacks like his personal house long as his constitutes keep receiving their welfare checks, theyy'll keep reelecting him in Harlem. Same goes for Pelosi and Reid.
The news is that it continues to happen and no one in the administration or congress calls him, or Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton, out on their racist comments. The dems would never do it as they don't want to loose their black votor base. the repubs won't because the black caucus and all the other black activists would jump all over them and call them racist.....that would be huge news with widespread media coverage. There is no dialogue. Charlie Rangle is a racist who is doing his job of keeping blacks and everyone who is non-black divided.
The distressing part is this guy will continue to be reelected then people can't figure out why the country is failing.